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In a first in India, 40,000 troops launch mammoth anti-Naxal operation

That's not true, mate. It is comforting to blame everything on lack of political will - sometimes you have to admit the fact that there are real, operational difficulties as well. Like it or not, these maoists are highly trained, highly armed and highly motivated. And besides, they do not fight conventionally and don't have any frontlines or static positions. It is difficult to even know who is a naxal and who isn't. They live among the people in plain clothes, and for an attack, they group together and do a hit and run. They pick the time and place of the fight.

So eliminating them is not as easy as you think. I'm not saying it can't be done - it can. But it requires some fine counter insurgency from our police forces. Let's not just blame politicians.
48 hr. you got be kidding me. Don't underestimate those terrorists. If you think they are that easy ..... Concrete bunkers with MG nests isn't something go down in hours if you have manpower and terrain advantage on your side. Attackers need more ratio

yeah.... i know i exaggerated a bit...about tat 48 hrs thing.....but a bit of aggressive moves can bring them down...followed by swift control and administration of tat area...like...if anything happens today in any part of westerns states.....news reaches us within minutes...but we have no idea wat is going on in these maoist controlled areas...tat is something we need to take care of....even terrorists hiding in the forrests of JK are taken down easily nowadays.....but these maos and naxals are hard to kill....the way we took care of ULFA...same thing can be done with these maoists....today assam is the most prosperous state in NE...
I wish your words comes true and we get them back among us, equal to us and happy.

The difference is- I somewhat and to some extent endorse the cause of naxal and subscribe to that part of their theory which talks about inequality and suppression handed to them by state.
But, I dont endorse or believe in any religion based outrageous hatred which suggest jannat in killing infidels. These heavenly theories are above my humanly mind.

I think you should not expect any sympathies from me to a group which I dont subscribe to neither do I believe even an iota of their propagandas.

Yes, I have sympathies toward many of the naxals who are humiliated in search of their bread and butter not for 72 virgins.
I have just this thing to say to you JNU Jholawallas and followers of Arundhati "Gandhians with Guns" Roy. "If you decide to live by the gun be prepared to die by the gun"
I have just this thing to say to you JNU Jholawallas and followers of Arundhati "Gandhians with Guns" Roy. "If you decide to live by the gun be prepared to die by the gun"

I dont expect anything else from you and your kind. Too little brain to understand. :lol:

And please if you dont have anything to contribute - shut the fcuk up and please get lost.

When they said 'kill them all', I'm pretty sure they meant kill all the combatants, not kill all tribals or people living in those places.

As for Kasab not being one of us - we have had lots of homegrown terrorists as well. From kashmir to punjab to kerala. The Indian mujahideen fellows and Yasin Bhatkals are all one of ''us''. Do they deserve our sympathy? BTW, they do not all fight for 72 virgins either. Many of them fight because of propoganda they are fed, about Indian army killing or raping innocent muslims, revenge for the gujarat riots and so on. They too are vicctims of propoganda. But once they take arms against the state, they are enemies of the state, whether they come from among us, or from pakistan.

It is the same everywhere. People who pick up arms against the state will be put down with arms of the state. That is one of the founding reasons for the existence of a state, the legitimate right to use of force. In the US army for example, every cadet takes an oath of allegiance that explicitly states ''I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;''

Nobody makes a distinction about whether an army if a foreign one or homegrown one, when that army tries to destroy the state and overthrow the constitution and grab power. Nowhere. It is easy to say ''forgive the poor sods'' - but how does that work with AK wielding combatants who are fully motivated to kill? We could try that on surrendered cadres, and we have. But to the ones we meet in battle, there is only one treatment we can give - 'kill them all'. The phrase you took offense to, but is inevitable.

Bro, sometimes the cure of cancer is getting rid of your infected part, but do you feel glee while doing so? Dont you want to do everything in this world just not to lose something of you? Dont you feel remorseful when you know your mistake get that part infected and you could have escaped it?

Just understand this and you will get what I am trying to say. I am just not trigger happy in killing these poor naxals.
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Bro, sometimes the cure of cancer is getting rid of your infected part, but do you feel glee while doing so? Dont you want to do everything in this world just not to lose something of you? Dont you feel remorseful when you know your mistake get that part infected and you could have escaped it?

Just understand this and you will get what I am trying to say. I am just not trigger happy in killing these poor naxals.

The fact remains that we do mercilessly kill the cancer cells using chemicals or radiation or a knife, and don't think of leaving a few of them there because they grew within our body, and need to have sympathy for them because they grew within us. We endeavor to remove every trace of them, so that they don't recur or metastasize in any other organ. 'Kill every cell' is what a good oncologist will do. It doesn't matter if it is foreign germs or body-grown cancer cells that threaten our whole body - in either case, we will try our best to eliminate the threat.

So when making an analogy between naxalism and cancer, if you think of naxals not as a limb of our body, but as cancer cells that grew in our body, but now threaten the existence of the whole body, then you will get what the rest of us are trying to say.
hope they also target padhe-likhe naxalis (CPI, AAP etc)
hope they also target padhe-likhe naxalis (CPI, AAP etc)

CPI-M has been the biggest target of naxals, and their sworn enemy. It is Mamata's trinamul congress that has often courted them.
Very bad move... 60% of naxal cadres are women and children.. Wide spread human rights violation may happen.. In my opinion this type of big operation is not suit against fellow indians (poor tribes) because it's not easy to control it.. The strategy already in progress (suppressing the movement by killing its leaders only) was gud.. Not understand what is the sudden motive for such a large strike.. May be the killings of congress leaders..

I hope those 60 percent are napalmed first. No sympathy for terrorists and future terrorists. Kill the motherfukers
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The fact remains that we do mercilessly kill the cancer cells using chemicals or radiation or a knife, and don't think of leaving a few of them there because they grew within our body, and need to have sympathy for them because they grew within us. We endeavor to remove every trace of them, so that they don't recur or metastasize in any other organ. 'Kill every cell' is what a good oncologist will do. It doesn't matter if it is foreign germs or body-grown cancer cells that threaten our whole body - in either case, we will try our best to eliminate the threat.

So when making an analogy between naxalism and cancer, if you think of naxals not as a limb of our body, but as cancer cells that grew in our body, but now threaten the existence of the whole body, then you will get what the rest of us are trying to say.

How smartly you skipped the part where I asked for best possible way to evade losing your part rather than going straight to cut it off.

I am yet to see even closer to best possible way our esteemed government has chose. Alas, I can see more people calling for revolt the way these goons are looting this country.

And yer, doctors are meant to be emotionless, unfortunately I am not, neither do we expect the same with our government when they deal with our own people. Do you?

hope they also target padhe-likhe naxalis (CPI, AAP etc)

So AAP is naxallite!! :lol:
Best of luck to the forces, hopefully they wipe a large chunk of the maoists if not all.
How smartly you skipped the part where I asked for best possible way to evade losing your part rather than going straight to cut it off.

I am yet to see even closer to best possible way our esteemed government has chose. Alas, I can see more people calling for revolt the way these goons are looting this country.

And yer, doctors are meant to be emotionless, unfortunately I am not, neither do we expect the same with our government when they deal with our own people. Do you?

So AAP is naxallite!! :lol:
look mate the moment some one picks up a gun and decides to fight against his/her own motherland he/she becomes an enemy of our Motherland and we shouldn't show any mercy to those persons who have sworn to fight against their own country.now this poverty and unequality craps are nothing but mere propaganda done by the Maoists to gain political sympathy.
everyone of us has some grievances against the GoI but that doesn't mean that we should pick up guns and start killing innocent people and police personnel just because they are serving the country.once you pick up arms against your own nation,you are simply waging a war against India and i have no sympathy whatsoever for any person who is an enemy of my Motherland.Period!!
I was merely taken aback by comments like "Kill them all". I know naxals are responsible for many cold blood barbaric acts, but then we are dealing with our own people and that too in large numbers.

If something can be done, it should be done before going for an iron fist.

The bold part is an impulse, simple as that comes and goes in a split second. Good planning taking into the consideration of all factors addressing all the issues and blow backs is the solution to, implement a policy.
How smartly you skipped the part where I asked for best possible way to evade losing your part rather than going straight to cut it off.

I am yet to see even closer to best possible way our esteemed government has chose. Alas, I can see more people calling for revolt the way these goons are looting this country.

And yer, doctors are meant to be emotionless, unfortunately I am not, neither do we expect the same with our government when they deal with our own people. Do you?

So AAP is naxallite!! :lol:

If you had understood my post properly, you would not have thought that I skipped anything. My point was that your analogy itself is wrong, or that that is not how I see it. You compared naxalites to the body part that needs to be cut off, and said that we wouldn't be happy while doing it. My response was that I see them not as a body part, but as a cancerous growth in my body, or cancerous cells. We are all happy to have cancerous cells or tumors removed.

I hate talking in analogies and metaphors, but since you started it, let me go the same way. Hope you read poperly this time.

The proper analogy is that the nation is a collection of 1.2 billion people, and a human body is a collection of trillions of living cells. Some of those humans pick up arms against the state, and some of our cells become cancerous. The analogy then is that if the body is the nation, then cells are citizens, and limbs or organs are various organs of the state, like police judiciary, ministries, parliament etc.

If some of our cells become cancerous and threaten the existence of the bdy, we mercilessly and gladly kill the cells, using radiation or chemo or a knife. Nobody mourns the death of cancer cells. Similarly if naxals threaten the existence of the nation, you can understand why people are happy to kill them. If foreign bodies like viruses and bacteria threaten our body, we kill them with antibiotics. It doesn't matter whether we are threatened by foreign cells or our own - we will kill them happily.

To stretch the analogy, an amputation of a body part is a sad affair, and that can be compared to ceding a state or territory to the insurgents. We hope that it will never come to that. We hope that we can kill all insurgents before we lose a state to them, just like we hope we cn kill all canceer cells before we lose a limb to them.

So your analogy of limbs or organs to naxals was wrong. The proper analogy is cancerous cells are naxals, limbs are states or organs of govt. If you had understood this point, you would not have thought that I ''smartly skipped'' anything.
After seeing all your comments, just wanna ask, How many of you have watched da movie 'Hazaron Khwaishen Aisi'?
They are our own people , they are forced to fight because of the fault of the govt. and its lack of development , education ,just killing them will not solve the problem ... Some people fight because they don't have a choice , when you have an apathetic govt. who does not care for its people , Politicians who does not care for the wellbeing of his people then you force them to fight the state . Either because they want to send a message or they are just so poor they are being recruited for the money...

We have to kill its leaders, provide the naxals with facilitates, give them a chance to surrender, provide them with jobs..

Its easy to eat 4 times a day , drink, sleep in a comfy bed and pass judgments on people who are suffering... What ever it is, theyare our own people , they arn't dying for 72 women , they are fighting and dying hoping they can make a difference to a stupid govt. who does not care for em..

Am completely against the spread of Naxalite and Maoist ideology FYI...
Something for us to understand Naxalism to the core.

Disclaimer : I know we love hating Arundhati Roy. Lets not shoot the messenger but focus on the ground facts.

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