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Imran: Young people don't need to go to hospital, only elder persons (corona virus)

Corona virus:

  • Yes, agreed with imran kgan

    Votes: 9 32.1%
  • No, life threatening for both ( young and elder)

    Votes: 19 67.9%

  • Total voters


May 4, 2019
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I m shock after watching this video. Imran khan is saying that if younger people get infected by corona then they have to isolate their self and don't need to go to hospital.. They will recover by their self ( might be after taking common tablets)

I believed that younger people are also dying in south aisa but a PM should not give such a statement because it gives wrong message to younger generation. A young guy will think that they are safe and can go outside from the home because only elder people are getting infected and dying.

What's your opinion?

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I m shock after watching this video. Imran khan is saying that if younger people get infected by corona then they have to isolate their self and don't need to go to hospital.. They will recover by their self ( might be after taking common tablets)

I believed that younger people are also dying in south aisa but a PM should not give such a statement because it gives wrong message to younger gen. people that they are safe and go outside from the home because only elder persons are getting dying because of corona virus.

What's your opinion?

aye...that's a scientific fact...unless you are old or have prevailing serious health conditions, then you are almost 100% likely to automatically recover from covid19 since your body's immune system is robust enough to develop antibodies for the virus without you even knowing...same thing is happening here in the u.s. they are turning young people from even getting tested and they send 'em away saying that even if you have it and no symptoms showed up, your body most probably has fought it off and you've developed antibodies for it.
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aye stupid injun...that's a scientific fact...unless you are old or have prevailing serious health conditions, then you are almost 100% likely to automatically recover from covid19 since your body's immune system is robust enough to develop antibodies for the virus without you even knowing...same thing is happening here in the u.s. they are turning young people from even getting tested and they send 'em away saying that even if you have it and no symptoms showed up, your body most probably has fought it off and you've developed antibodies for it.

Request to provide scientific research details which only shared with imran and you.

So that we demand to all countries that only elder persons are need to take care and isolated, others are free and don't need any Lockdown... If they infected also then no worries.. They will recover automatically..
Request to provide scientific research details with only shared to imran and you.

So that we demand to all countries that only elder persons are need to take care and isolated, others are free and don't need any Lockdown... If they infected also then no worries.. They will recover automatically..


40%+ - younger people are infected with corona across the world.

As my understanding if you are infected then need to hospitalized for medical treatment across all the world.

Only, suspected people are getting isolated in the house. All governments (the world) doing the same.

But, Imran is saying totally different... He is telling that if you are infected then isolate yourself and you will recover automatically..
you are thinking in "hindilish" again injun. learn "ENGLISH" and then read again...if you don't the virus, it does NOT mean you are going to develop symptoms...ONLY go to the doctor if you are getting prolonged symptoms like high fever, trouble breathing, etc. don't go running to a hospital cuz you sneezed by snorting too much dried gobar! you understand now injun?

Why should I read what you are saying. I m telling what imran said...
In New York City, health officials said Friday that of 1,160 people hospitalized with COVID-19 symptoms, one in four were between ages 18 and 49. That squares with what appears to be happening nationwide: Across the United States, about 38% of coronavirus patients sick enough to be hospitalized were ages 20 to 54, the CDC reported last week.

Young people outside the US have also been severely affected. In Spain, about 18% of hospitalized patients are under 50, according to the latest data. And in South Korea, more than half of confirmed cases are under 50, with the ages 20–29 being the largest age group. (The government doesn’t break down how many of those cases required hospitalization.) Anecdotal data out of the UK, where demographic data on patient ages has yet to be released by the government, also suggests that young people have needed intensive care in hospitals.


It is a very irresponsible statement by Mr. Khan. Maybe he didn't intend for it to come out that way, but thinking COVID19 will not affect younger people is a myth.
In New York City, health officials said Friday that of 1,160 people hospitalized with COVID-19 symptoms, one in four were between ages 18 and 49. That squares with what appears to be happening nationwide: Across the United States, about 38% of coronavirus patients sick enough to be hospitalized were ages 20 to 54, the CDC reported last week.

Young people outside the US have also been severely affected. In Spain, about 18% of hospitalized patients are under 50, according to the latest data. And in South Korea, more than half of confirmed cases are under 50, with the ages 20–29 being the largest age group. (The government doesn’t break down how many of those cases required hospitalization.) Anecdotal data out of the UK, where demographic data on patient ages has yet to be released by the government, also suggests that young people have needed intensive care in hospitals.


It is a very irresponsible statement by Mr. Khan. Maybe he didn't intend for it to come out that way, but thinking COVID19 will not affect younger people is a myth.

Because of him only the young people do not take seriously (lockdown).

Simply telling if you have infected then isolate yourself and you will recover automatically..
In New York City, health officials said Friday that of 1,160 people hospitalized with COVID-19 symptoms, one in four were between ages 18 and 49. That squares with what appears to be happening nationwide: Across the United States, about 38% of coronavirus patients sick enough to be hospitalized were ages 20 to 54, the CDC reported last week.

Young people outside the US have also been severely affected. In Spain, about 18% of hospitalized patients are under 50, according to the latest data. And in South Korea, more than half of confirmed cases are under 50, with the ages 20–29 being the largest age group. (The government doesn’t break down how many of those cases required hospitalization.) Anecdotal data out of the UK, where demographic data on patient ages has yet to be released by the government, also suggests that young people have needed intensive care in hospitals.


It is a very irresponsible statement by Mr. Khan. Maybe he didn't intend for it to come out that way, but thinking COVID19 will not affect younger people is a myth.

you understand the difference between being infect and being sick? you can be infected right now, as you and I are talking...I could be infected. But neither one of us are sick...no major symptoms. Imran is saying that if you THINK you are one of those, stay home. And that is what hospitals here are saying as well. hospitals here won't waste a covid19 test kit on a perfectly healthy 25 year old when he has no serious symptoms and he is just "worried" that he may have it cuz he had 4 coughs and a sneeze in a course of 24 hours...y' understand now injun?
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This is the advise of Moonis Ilahi, who is son of former CM.
Imran Khan and minister's brain can't be credited with clever ideas.
aye injun, you understand the difference between being infect and being sick? you can be infected right now, as you and I are talking...I could be infected. But neither one of us are sick...no major symptoms. Imran is saying that if you THINK you are one of those, stay home. And that is what hospitals here are saying as well. hospitals here won't waste a covid19 test kit on a perfectly healthy 25 year old when he has no serious symptoms and he is just "worried" that he may have it cuz he had 4 coughs and a sneeze in a course of 24 hours...y' understand now injun?

I think you are now embarrassing yourself with lies. The US will be starting 5-minute tests through a kit developed by Abbot and a shorter one by another company called AYTU. US and President Trump have openly stated about more testing. You are a liar, misleading your own countrymen that tests are not needed and younger people will recover on their own.
Given the symptoms, and how common they are to bronchitis and the common flu, and how varied the onset of extreme symptoms have been, you are making broad assumptions to defend your first post on this thread.
Your country, Your measures. I should have known better.
I think you are now embarrassing yourself with lies. The US will be starting 5-minute tests through a kit developed by Abbot and a shorter one by another company called AYTU. US and President Trump have openly stated about more testing. You are a liar, misleading your own countrymen that tests are not needed and younger people will recover on their own.
Given the symptoms, and how common they are to bronchitis and the common flu, and how varied the onset of extreme symptoms have been, you are making broad assumptions to defend your first post on this thread.
Your country, Your measures. I should have known better.
READ YOUR OWN WORDS! "startING" a 5 min test kit. most hospitals don't have these 5 min test kits just yet. I know, the hospital my own wife works in doesn't have it. so don't embarrass yourself by trying to argue with me...I know what the reality is on the ground over here...
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Imran khan is saying that if younger people get infected by corona then they have to isolate their self and don't need to go to hospital.. They will recover by their self ( might be after taking common tablets)
Can you point out where in the video he said those exact words? If not, you are putting words into his mouth and need to stop misquoting. What I heard him saying he is "this is only dangerous for old and sick people". I don't think he said what young people should or should not do. Sick people can be young people too. Don't make your own assumptions and put words into people's mouth.

As far as my opinion, I do think IK could have worded the statement a slightly better because there are young people who have died (though not as much as old folks).

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