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From Reyaad Khan to Abu Dujana al Hindi the Jihadi

Mr thousands convert and thousands are born and by 2050 in many many European countries half of the population will be of Muslims and don't worry as for you we will conquer you and rule so keep laughing those who have gone insane laugh like you
Europeans, will they ever stick to Islam? they change faiths like changing dress. In 2050, you may as well see millions of Murtadeen. Also, Internet is the #1 enemy of Islam as you may be knowing. Ali Sina is still alive.
"They fight in Allah's Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed.
Narrated 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa: Allah's Apostle said, "Know that Paradise is under the shades of Swords" (sic)

@Zarvan - this is your signature. Appropriate for this occasion? Just curious.
Why did he change his name when he became a militant?

It is customary to prove that they are more loyal to Arab cause through their religion and therefore have to change names apparently. This some seriously weird nonsense. His parents should have taught him better. Now who will bear the loss when he will be lying somewhere in Iraq, dead among other bodies? What will his siblings feel? What will his mother and father feel?

Terrible, Terrible waste of human life.
Mr thousands convert and thousands are born and by 2050 in many many European countries half of the population will be of Muslims and don't worry as for you we will conquer you and rule so keep laughing those who have gone insane laugh like you

You don't seriously believe this, do you?
Pakistanis in Britannia bring such good name to the community and sub Continent folks:

Syria: 'British fighter' killed in suicide attack - Telegraph
"The man, known only by his nom de guerre, Abu Suleiman al-Britani, was said to have blown himself up during a raid on a prison in Aleppo.If confirmed, Britani - believed to be British-born and of Pakistani origin - would be the eighth Briton to die fighting since Syria's bloody civil war began three years ago"

"He says intelligence sources have told him most British jihadists are in their 20s, university-educated and Muslims of British Pakistani origin.
Ex-Guantanamo detainee of Pak origin charged over Syria in UK - Free Press Journal
Or it may be that they work for MI-6 and their objective is just to infiltrate as much as possible to get better know how of the jihadi hustle and bustle ....I myself would never trust these foreigners ....!
MI6 wont employ teenage kids with unbalanced mind... there are grownups to do that job.
ah... old thread.
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