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Imran questions Shehbaz Sharif’s presence at OIC summit

Can you explain how IK even comes close to equaling NS in serving or leading Pakistan? What has IK done since 2011? All he has done is slandered NS and then made public U-Turns on his blundering statements. In spite of the turmoil of Pakistani politics, NS can show everything from infrastructure development to govt reforms. IK doesn't even have the courage to stand up to the TTP, while NS stood up to America when he pressed the Nuclear button and he stood firm in the face of guns pointed at him by General Mahmood in 1999. NS was the PM when he gave the Ishaq Dar the go ahead to abolish the octroi taxes in Pakistan. That happened in 1997, while India has only abolished that in 2017! PTI came with the mandate of eradicating corruption, but all it has eradicated was the KPK anti-corruption bureau in the one province it manages.

It is not about personalities man. I don't care about NS or IK. I will support the one who I judge to be the most capable, not the one who is the most glamorous. NS has shown he can act. IK has shown he can only slander.

What have you been smoking? Let me educate you about your leader.

In the 1980s NS was a supporter of Gen Zia and was brought in by Gen Jillani and made Finance Minister of Punjab. In 1985 he became the CM of Punjab by help of Gen Jillani. His stint as CM of Punjab lasted 10 years until 1990 when he became PM of Pakistan with the help of ISI who paid him to run elections (Gen Aslam Baig case). He started the privatization of Pakistani Banks and sold MCB to Mian Mansha (3rd highest Bidder). He was ousted in 1993.

NS came back as PM in 1997. He passed the 14th Amendment which gave me complete control of his MNAs and MPAs, so if they voted against his wishes he could get rid of them. He also amended the constitution (13th Amendment) and took away the powers of the President to dismiss govts, this again was for his self benefits. This is also the time when NS wanted to curtail the powers of the Judiciary and everyone remembers how his party attacked the Supreme Court, the only time in history of Pakistan.

About the Kargil War incident, read this


A quote from the article above

" Abandoning its Cold War ally, the United States identified Pakistan as the belligerent and threatened to cut off a much-needed IMF loan package in an effort to force Islamabad to withdraw to the Line of Control. Wedged between the Pakistani military and the White House, Sharif flew in desperation to Washington for a tense July 4 meeting. Fearing for his life, he brought along his wife and children."

He was finally ousted in 1999 in a Military coup after he had ordered the plane that was carrying the COAS of Pakistan abandoned in the skies of an enemy country "India". This plane was also carrying another 230 Pakistani civilians. The stories circling at that time suggest that he was actually found hiding in the toilet. So much for your statement of NS courage.

He was given 2 options, die or go into exile and not take part in politics for the next 21yrs. We all know which option he took.


Sharif again was in power for almost 5 yrs. And for all those years in power, what has he got to show as his achievements for Pakistan. one motorway & metro bus and constitutional amendments that are to strengthen his grip on power. He didn't even manage to build a single hospital where he or family can get themselves treated.

So this is the reality of your leader.

@Realistic Change @Zibago @PakSword @war&peace @notorious_eagle @Zarvan

Is there anything else that you guys wana add that i might have missed.
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What have you been smoking? Let me educate you about your leader.

In the 1980s NS was a supporter of Gen Zia and was brought in by Gen Jillani and made Finance Minister of Punjab. In 1985 he became the CM of Punjab by help of Gen Jillani. His stint as CM of Punjab lasted 10 years until 1990 when he became PM of Pakistan with the help of ISI who paid him to run elections (Gen Aslam Baig case). He started the privatization of Pakistani Banks and sold MCB to Mian Mansha (3rd highest Bidder). He was ousted in 1993.

NS came back as PM in 1997. He passed the 14th Amendment which gave me complete control of his MNAs and MPAs, so if they voted against his wishes he could get rid of them. He also amended the constitution (13th Amendment) and took away the powers of the President to dismiss govts, this again was for his self benefits. This is also the time when NS wanted to curtail the powers of the Judiciary and everyone remembers how his party attacked the Supreme Court, the only time in history of Pakistan.

About the Kargil War incident, read this


A quote from the article above

" Abandoning its Cold War ally, the United States identified Pakistan as the belligerent and threatened to cut off a much-needed IMF loan package in an effort to force Islamabad to withdraw to the Line of Control. Wedged between the Pakistani military and the White House, Sharif flew in desperation to Washington for a tense July 4 meeting. Fearing for his life, he brought along his wife and children."

He was finally ousted in 1999 in a Military coup after he had ordered the plane that was carrying the COAS of Pakistan abandoned in the skies of an enemy country "India". This plane was also carrying another 230 Pakistani civilians. The stories circling at that time suggest that he was actually found hiding in the toilet. So much for your statement of NS courage.

He was given 2 options, die to go to exile and not take part in politics for the next 21yrs. We all know which option he took.


Sharif again was in power for almost 5 yrs. And for all those years in power, what has he got to show as his achievements for Pakistan. one motorway & metro bus and constitutional amendments that are to strengthen his grip on power. He didn't even manage to build a single hospital where he or family can get themselves treated.

So this is the reality of your leader.

@Realistic Change @Zibago @PakSword @war&peace @notorious_eagle @Zarvan

Is there anything else that you guys wana add that i might have missed.
Actually mate it is useless to educate these baboon leakers. He is a paid troll otherwise all Pakistanis who were born legitimately have shunned Baboon-League. PPP + PMLn have become totally irrelevant.
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What have you been smoking? Let me educate you about your leader.

In the 1980s NS was a supporter of Gen Zia and was brought in by Gen Jillani and made Finance Minister of Punjab. In 1985 he became the CM of Punjab by help of Gen Jillani. His stint as CM of Punjab lasted 10 years until 1990 when he became PM of Pakistan with the help of ISI who paid him to run elections (Gen Aslam Baig case). He started the privatization of Pakistani Banks and sold MCB to Mian Mansha (3rd highest Bidder). He was ousted in 1993.

NS came back as PM in 1997. He passed the 14th Amendment which gave me complete control of his MNAs and MPAs, so if they voted against his wishes he could get rid of them. He also amended the constitution (13th Amendment) and took away the powers of the President to dismiss govts, this again was for his self benefits. This is also the time when NS wanted to curtail the powers of the Judiciary and everyone remembers how his party attacked the Supreme Court, the only time in history of Pakistan.

About the Kargil War incident, read this


A quote from the article above

" Abandoning its Cold War ally, the United States identified Pakistan as the belligerent and threatened to cut off a much-needed IMF loan package in an effort to force Islamabad to withdraw to the Line of Control. Wedged between the Pakistani military and the White House, Sharif flew in desperation to Washington for a tense July 4 meeting. Fearing for his life, he brought along his wife and children."

He was finally ousted in 1999 in a Military coup after he had ordered the plane that was carrying the COAS of Pakistan abandoned in the skies of an enemy country "India". This plane was also carrying another 230 Pakistani civilians. The stories circling at that time suggest that he was actually found hiding in the toilet. So much for your statement of NS courage.

He was given 2 options, die or go into exile and not take part in politics for the next 21yrs. We all know which option he took.


Sharif again was in power for almost 5 yrs. And for all those years in power, what has he got to show as his achievements for Pakistan. one motorway & metro bus and constitutional amendments that are to strengthen his grip on power. He didn't even manage to build a single hospital where he or family can get themselves treated.

So this is the reality of your leader.

@Realistic Change @Zibago @PakSword @war&peace @notorious_eagle @Zarvan

Is there anything else that you guys wana add that i might have missed.
Sachin Jindal,Sipa e sahaba,modi,achakzai,threatning 71 like scenario,65 billion debt and some other stuff i rather not mention multiple times
What have you been smoking?

Haha. Apparently what I've been smoking doesn't even compare to the stuff you've been smoking.

Let me educate you about your leader.

Why don't you wake up and look at the antics of your own leader first?

In the 1980s NS was a supporter of Gen Zia and was brought in by Gen Jillani and made Finance Minister of Punjab. In 1985 he became the CM of Punjab by help of Gen Jillani. His stint as CM of Punjab lasted 10 years until 1990 when he became PM of Pakistan with the help of ISI who paid him to run elections (Gen Aslam Baig case). He started the privatization of Pakistani Banks and sold MCB to Mian Mansha (3rd highest Bidder). He was ousted in 1993.

Same old ghisa pita tape of PTI. Yes it is true that NS started his politics during the Zia era. But why do you hide from the fact that Imran Khan stood with Musharaf? Here, please educate yourself about your own leader;


Here is the video which confirms that Imran Khan begged for seats from Musharaf;

He started the privatization of Pakistani Banks and sold MCB to Mian Mansha (3rd highest Bidder). He was ousted in 1993.

Just like Imran Khan, this is also an unsubstantiated allegation by PTI. If you can prove that Mian Mansha was the 3rd highest bidder and the two higher bidders were technically acceptable, only then this allegation will hold any weight. Otherwise it is slander, which is the hallmark of PTI. What is in front of is that the MCB is being run very successfully and has contributed to the prosperity of Pakistan.

NS came back as PM in 1997. He passed the 14th Amendment which gave me complete control of his MNAs and MPAs, so if they voted against his wishes he could get rid of them. He also amended the constitution (13th Amendment) and took away the powers of the President to dismiss govts, this again was for his self benefits. This is also the time when NS wanted to curtail the powers of the Judiciary and everyone remembers how his party attacked the Supreme Court, the only time in history of Pakistan.

The amendment you mentioned discourages horse trading, where MNAs could be bribed to vote. How is that wrong? Why was it wrong to take away the power of the president to dismiss govts, which had been devised by a military dictator? Why is reforms of the judiciary a problem? Imran Khan couldn't accept the recommendation of his own party's election chief and you are crying about NS? The attack on Supreme Court was an issue for you, but when Imran Khan attacked the parliament and the PTV station, that was just fine for PTI?

About the Kargil War incident, read this


A quote from the article above

" Abandoning its Cold War ally, the United States identified Pakistan as the belligerent and threatened to cut off a much-needed IMF loan package in an effort to force Islamabad to withdraw to the Line of Control. Wedged between the Pakistani military and the White House, Sharif flew in desperation to Washington for a tense July 4 meeting. Fearing for his life, he brought along his wife and children."

He was finally ousted in 1999 in a Military coup after he had ordered the plane that was carrying the COAS of Pakistan abandoned in the skies of an enemy country "India". This plane was also carrying another 230 Pakistani civilians. The stories circling at that time suggest that he was actually found hiding in the toilet. So much for your statement of NS courage.

Haha. If NS was so scared of the army, how come NS made the decision to remove Musharraf in the face of everything?

You can pick and choose your sources, but the fact remains that NS was the one who stood in front of the world when Pakistan declared its nuclear power, and it was NS who denied Musharaf legitimacy by refusing to sign his resignation. Where has IK shown character? IK can only dream of becoming the man NS is. Here is the source who was present;

Sharif again was in power for almost 5 yrs. And for all those years in power, what has he got to show as his achievements for Pakistan. one motorway & metro bus and constitutional amendments that are to strengthen his grip on power. He didn't even manage to build a single hospital where he or family can get themselves treated.

Haha. Firstly, NS didn't just build one motorway and one metro bus. He has built a network of motorways and 3 metros. What has IK done? Just like a jealous kid, he is now copying NS by building a metro in Peshawar.

In any case, let me educate you. The development economics of nation building dictate that the infrastructure of a country must be developed first. Americans started the Marshall plan for Europe to restart its economy after WW2. The Americans built the interstate highway to build its economy. The Germans built the autobahn. The British built the motorways.

BTW, what has IK achieved? Has the KPK health system become better than the NHS? No, IK is building a Metro, in the footsteps of your favorite leader. :)
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It is sad to see people defending NS while criticizing IK even when everyone know that NS and his family has destroyed this country. They sold it to Indian and if it were not for the judiciary he would have been damaging Pakistan till now.

- NS took all his money from Pakistan , money that was made illegally.
- NS both sons are declared criminals on run by Pakistan and they are sitting in London instead of clarifying where they got so much money from.
- NS was not at all in favour of Nuclear tests and he had to gave up to the pressure.
- Pakistanis gave everything to NS in Karza utharo scheme and he made fortune out of it, instead of helping country.
- Let come to diplomacy, he has rendered foreign office toothless by keeping foreign ministry to himself , and anyone can guess why he did that.
- The moment NS is gone , we have had few diplomatic successes against Indian on International forum.
- Even with all this majority , he failed to do anything about the failing water reserves in country.
- Even with all this majority , he failed to provide basic education and health of common pakistanis.
- Even with this large cabinet, he failed to achieve anything substantial in economy, rather he successfully destroyed it.
- Instead of tapping the potential for alternative energy sources, which Pakistan is very rich in he allowed oil and coal based power plant putting more strain on economy.

and the list of mischief by NS and his family members are never ending.

On the authority of Abu Sa’eed al-Khudree (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, “Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” [Muslim]

May Allah save this country from Shayateen like NS & co , Zaradari & Co , Altaf Hussian & co and everyone who wants to hurt this country and its people in any way. Ameen
Imran Khan shouldn't play punjab card in every other tweet to get back at N league. For one he isn't getting single seat in Sindh and Balochistan. He is only popular in KP and Punjab. And to win election he needs to win big in punjab unlike PPP who could afford to loss punjab but still win more seats in 2008. After that parties from Sindh and Balochistan will play same card and then he will cry.

They already play punjab card and he isn't PM yet lol
Imran Khan shouldn't play punjab card in every other tweet to get back at N league. For one he isn't getting single seat in Sindh and Balochistan. He is only popular in KP and Punjab. And to win election he needs to win big in punjab unlike PPP who could afford to loss punjab but still win more seats in 2008. After that parties from Sindh and Balochistan will play same card and then he will cry.

They already play punjab card and he isn't PM yet lol
Yeah "Jaag Punjabi Jaag" ke naray laganay walay tou pooray Pakistan ke liyay soch rahay thay na?
Why do you use abusive language? That's how all nooni baboons are raised. So I had no option but to report.
I think the syed1 guy started by telling darx teray baap ka raaj hai kya something.

Honestly ihate nawaz group to core but even imran is not clean the guy is power hungry ,keeps inducting corrupt or undeserving people into his party for fattening up his vote bank.

Recently he inducted ayesha warsi an affluent designer. On whta merit did he take her in?
I think the syed1 guy started by telling darx teray baap ka raaj hai kya something.

Honestly ihate nawaz group to core but even imran is not clean the guy is power hungry ,keeps inducting corrupt or undeserving people into his party for fattening up his vote bank.

Recently he inducted ayesha warsi an affluent designer. On whta merit did he take her in?
Well, people are joining PTI and some of them are not the best of the people but we need to see have they been given any positions? Is there any corruption charges against them? IK is not power hungary, if he was, he could easily become PM of Pervaiz Musharraf. Furthermore, he could have easily become CM of KPK instead of Pervaiz Khattak. So your allegations are baseless and fail to convince anyone except babooni idiots who are corrupted in the every meaning of the word.
Well, people are joining PTI and some of them are not the best of the people but we need to see have they been given any positions? Is there any corruption charges against them? IK is not power hungary, if he was, he could easily become PM of Pervaiz Musharraf. Furthermore, he could have easily become CM of KPK instead of Pervaiz Khattak. So your allegations are baseless and fail to convince anyone except babooni idiots who are corrupted in the every meaning of the word.
U sure have to have a very frustration filled life to respond with so much aggression to a normal post where i only shared my opinion.
Anyways i had quoted to u cause u were lecturing darx over abusive language , it was to point out it was syed1 who brought in his dad.

Also ik may not be corrupt and bla bla but this is contitutional democracy he has inducted at lights pace corrupt people like tareen, as well as affluent ones like ayesha warsi without any merit basis, if any a pti candidate wins a constituency , its not ik who is going to run the affairs of that area, it will be that party candidate who will have come on tht seat.

I know of a certain corrupt pti candidate who keeps getting elected in my aunts constituency , but the guy is only known for his corruption

Some people do support corrupt parties likepmln but there were also large number of those who moved towards pti due to imrans big promises and boasting , now many are drifting away as we speak.

Rest u can carry on arguing like a maniac supporter of pti or any other party i cud care less. But for the first time after getting into such political discussion and sharing my opinion on ik with a pti supporter and getting this kind of brain dead response,ihave learnt that pti supporters are also nothing different from staunch pmln supporters or jiyalas of ppp. You guys are like poetic justice to each other
U sure have to have a very frustration filled life to respond with so much aggression to a normal post where i only shared my opinion.
Anyways i had quoted to u cause u were lecturing darx over abusive language , it was to point out it was syed1 who brought in his dad.

Also ik may not be corrupt and bla bla but this is contitutional democracy he has inducted at lights pace corrupt people like tareen, as well as affluent ones like ayesha warsi without any merit basis, if any a pti candidate wins a constituency , its not ik who is going to run the affairs of that area, it will be that party candidate who will have come on tht seat.

I know of a certain corrupt pti candidate who keeps getting elected in my aunts constituency , but the guy is only known for his corruption

Some people do support corrupt parties likepmln but there were also large number of those who moved towards pti due to imrans big promises and boasting , now many are drifting away as we speak.

Rest u can carry on arguing like a maniac supporter of pti or any other party i cud care less. But for the first time after getting into such political discussion and sharing my opinion on ik with a pti supporter and getting this kind of brain dead response,ihave learnt that pti supporters are also nothing different from staunch pmln supporters or jiyalas of ppp. You guys are like poetic justice to each other

Congratulations to all Pakistanis that SC of Pakistan has not disqualified IK so it is a happy day for us and a frustration filled day for IK/PTI-haters. You can vent your frustration and vitiate the whole atmosphere but your baseless allegations do not stand in the court. NS did corruption so he got disqualified while IK has been cleared despite untiring efforts of the sitting govt to get him disqualified.
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Congratulations to all Pakistanis that SC of Pakistan has not disqualified IK and Jahangir Tareen so it is a happy day for us and a frustration filled day for IK/PTI-haters. You can vent your frustration and vitiate the whole atmosphere but your baseless allegations do not stand in the court. NS did corruption so he got disqualified while JK and IK both have been cleared despite untiring efforts of the sitting govt to get them disqualified.

Isnt jahangeer disqualified?

N i am happy for imran , it would have been terrible to see him go.

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