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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

You know there is still 30% Pakistanis that support PDM, Establishment.

That in itself is quite disturbing.

If IK comes in and chooses to go with Electronic Voting Machine, this one move move of his will give a huge dent to PDM and Establishment. One of the many reasons they don't want him at the helm.
That's what I say. Musharraf only had one house in Pakistan and one flat in Dubai. That after ruling Pakistan unilaterally for 8 years.
Zardari made 45 billion USD IN just 5 years of his presidency, while he shared government with a PM , and a cabinet full of ministers .
So please stop this barrage of lies against a great leader who saved Pakistan in the aftermath of 9/11 abd after 2005 great earthquake.
45bn? Does that sound right? Not saying you’re wrong, but that’s a lot of dough. The fact that he’s still alive and his son is a non existent foreign minister running around speaks volume about Pakistan. There’s money here but no one wants to life the heavy finger to take it from these career corrupt criminals
Ok, it's clear that Pak is done for.
Let's start dividing it up.

afghans can have loy Afghanistan by taking KPK
Balochis can become a separate State
Punjabistan can incorporate Punjab and Sindh, as Karachi is too important for Punjab to want to give up

GB and AJK can be taken by India
Thank goodness IK did not get arrrested. I was away for a few days, just catching up now. Good to see PTI stood firmly in the face of butchers.
IK should appeal globally for support, sort of like Aang San Su, I think he might become the poster child against decades of opression against the Pakistani army. A mulim leader rising to liberate Ilsamic republic from Anti-Muslim Dollarkhor Whiskey-drinking whoring gambling army.IK must be protected at all costs.

Ok, it's clear that Pak is done for.
Let's start dividing it up.

afghans can have loy Afghanistan by taking KPK
Balochis can become a separate State
Punjabistan can incorporate Punjab and Sindh, as Karachi is too important for Punjab to want to give up

GB and AJK can be taken by India
Thank you
Ok, it's clear that Pak is done for.
Let's start dividing it up.

afghans can have loy Afghanistan by taking KPK
Balochis can become a separate State
Punjabistan can incorporate Punjab and Sindh, as Karachi is too important for Punjab to want to give up

GB and AJK can be taken by India

Then Afghanistan conquers Baluchistan and launches invasion of Punjab and Sindh to conquer kala daal khors then ghazwa e hind on India.
Ok, it's clear that Pak is done for.
Let's start dividing it up.

afghans can have loy Afghanistan by taking KPK
Balochis can become a separate State
Punjabistan can incorporate Punjab and Sindh, as Karachi is too important for Punjab to want to give up

GB and AJK can be taken by India
With this thinking, yes we are done. And this is exaactly what PDM and napak faauj wants, you want to give them the satisfaction? At least lets taake everything from them before that.

How are you going throw a plastic bomb it's not going to work and instead I will see you in ER with third degree burns

Seriously dude buy an Xbox and play a few video games 🤣
Talat demo is quite childish .... he did this demo after having Khota biryani...
Talat demo is quite childish .... he did this demo after having Khota biryani...
These petrol bomb works only when the bottle breaks on impact and creates an instant mini inferno.

Plastic bottle won’t break and defeats the purpose. Unless the protesters are hoping the police and rangers are complete duffers and tricked into thinking they are being offered whiskey or vodka, and hoping they’d drink it.

Ok, it's clear that Pak is done for.
Let's start dividing it up.

afghans can have loy Afghanistan by taking KPK
Balochis can become a separate State
Punjabistan can incorporate Punjab and Sindh, as Karachi is too important for Punjab to want to give up

GB and AJK can be taken by India
not so, balochistan will be a seperate state; they want nothing to do with the proxies sardar from Pak intelligencia. Daily abductions and murders from state sponsored actors. You are now seeing the same deep state actors doing this to any supporter of IK.

It is East Pakistan/Balochistan repeat.

Until the people of Pak stand up and beat the shit out of the generals and elites nothing will change.

In Egypt = bankrupt... people cannot even afford chicken or basic staples... only chicken feet if lucky. The yoke of military industries stiffled every aspect of industry...

The only way out is for the junior officers to take over and line up the elites in front of a firing squad. Then level set everyone. Remove the muiitary from daily chores and let them focus on their work while others should do theirs.
The awakening consciousness in the nation can no longer be imprisoned under any circumstances.
" Imran Khan"..

The seeds of consciousness that Imran Khan has sown on this land in his political struggle have now become trees and these youths are the strength of Khan.

I don't get why when we are finally waking up to the reality, instead of uniting, we are dividing ourselves along ethnic lines (which now became clear was never the problem). The only division should be between Pakistanis and Napak fauj. If we survive this together, we can make a proper strong Pakistan. Let's stick together and face this menace as one!
Talat demo is quite childish .... he did this demo after having Khota biryani...
I refuse to believe that such a person has IQ lower then 70.
He may be trolling maryum Nawaz but the trolling level is too high

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