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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

Lawyers, bar councils, the Punjab Bar council need to come out in the open and protest and plan rallies and speeches.

Police are scared of Lawyers community and they can screw them big time, so that Hassan Niazi arrest could prop that action, a blessing in disguise.

Lawyers support means a game changer...
The PDM mafia wants a confrontation between police and the PTI workers leading to many deaths and destruction and to put charges of a terrorist party on PTI and IK. So far the PTI workers are only resisting the police and not attacking them brutally that will lead to putting some ban on PTI.

Just as in one vid. a person with tie and white shirt was inciting the PTI workers to start burning vehicles and burn things. Need to be careful, police is only following orders half heartedly, the reason military men are inducted in police uniform.

Started to think that PTI should have retained their KPK govt. as now all the state powers are with the mafia govt. As what is happening was on the cards, Pervez Elahi warned about it, now GB state resources can be used, which is lesser.
جو کیا اچھا کیا سر یہی تو جنگ ہے ۔ یہ معاملہ ایک ہی ببار کلئیر ہو رہا ہے ۔ اسٹیلشمنٹ ہر گزرتے دن کے ساتھ کمزور ہو رہی ہے سیاسی طور پر ۔ یہی تو کرنا تھا۔ اس سے تو اچھا تھا پھر اسمبلیوں میں ہی بیٹھے رہتے اپپوزیشن بن ککر ہلکا میوزک چلاتے رہتے سب خوش تھے
There are video recordings to prove that this was done by the police themselves and to put blame on PTI workers.

اگر پی ٹی آئی ن بھی کیا تو اچھا ہی کیا ورنہ ایک گاڑی زیادہ ہوتی مظلوموں کے گھروں میں چھاپے مارنے کے لیے ظلم کے لی
These news of shooting at Ali amin Gandapur Is very concerning. Things are not at point of no return right now.
But if one senior PTI leader in shot by Any Govt institution.
Then There will be open rebellion. And even someone like me will advocate direct retaliation.
East Pakistan went to hell when they started KILLING senior leaders and Intellectuals of ProAutonomy Movements.
They have not learned. All this unrest police raids fights tear gas etc will still not incite rebellion.
Once you get guns straight at leaders then you are dead.
I repeat this docile looking nation of Pakistan is armed to teeth. If Politicians decide to givr call to take up arms, Civil servents will not find a safe place to stand.
Forget Imran Khan if you killed any significant leader of PTI at this point mark my words there will be attacks on security forces. And this time around people will not buy your narrative that these are terrorists we will do operation etc. No songs will work
These news of shooting at Ali amin Gandapur Is very concerning. Things are not at point of no return right now.
But if one senior PTI leader in shot by Any Govt institution.
Then There will be open rebellion. And even someone like me will advocate direct retaliation.
East Pakistan went to hell when they started KILLING senior leaders and Intellectuals of ProAutonomy Movements.
They have not learned. All this unrest police raids fights tear gas etc will still not incite rebellion.
Once you get guns straight at leaders then you are dead.
I repeat this docile looking nation of Pakistan is armed to teeth. If Politicians decide to givr call to take up arms, Civil servents will not find a safe place to stand.
Forget Imran Khan if you killed any significant leader of PTI at this point mark my words there will be attacks on security forces. And this time around people will not buy your narrative that these are terrorists we will do operation etc. No songs will work

Revolution is the only way at this point.
IK isn't prepared to start an movement of this level, not because he is a coward, but he does not believe that the cause is worth sacrificing supporters for.
However, this will be his downfall.
Revolution is the only way at this point.
IK isn't prepared to start an movement of this level, not because he is a coward, but he does not believe that the cause is worth sacrificing supporters for.
However, this will be his downfall.

IK is trying his best to stay within the system. But the problem is Duffers don't care about any consequences in getting rid of IK, sadly elections won't happen, chaos is going to happen and will lead to any direction.
There would be immense pressure on IK to go full retard mode.

These duffers and PDM have crossed all limits.
Because Maryam thinks all problems can be solved with plastic 😂
I thought everyone knew about glass being the most important ingredient of petrol bomb unless the guy is so Shareef that he has never seen a movie or played a video game.

He has to be extremely Shareef with maryum being his first and last Love 💕

Lawyers, bar councils, the Punjab Bar council need to come out in the open and protest and plan rallies and speeches.

Police are scared of Lawyers community and they can screw them big time, so that Hassan Niazi arrest could prop that action, a blessing in disguise.

Lawyers support means a game changer...
Lawyer go where the money goes
Money is at PMLN
The way things are going, massive civilian bloodshed seems inevitable

Our state machines are simply too powerful to be overthrown
Army is crystal clear
Don't force our hand
Or will do a 1971 operation on you

He will loose elections in 2023 as army does a Sindh run on him(local body elections)

They would arrest him and try to keep the party workers in jail so as they can decrease the support

And will be killed off (like Jinnah was in 1967 after she lost in 1965 elections) in 2024 in a heart attack

Jinnah was more popular then Imran Khan and was combined candidates for both east and west Pakistan
Can president fire coas. If not even then he issues a notification of firing coas on grounds of treachery, fascism, illegal appointment and siding with enemies of Pakistan. Pti should up the ante.
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