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Imran Khan vows to promote austerity, form Madina-like state

Let's see. No job, no money for electricity bill, then what use is this bulb and electrical appliance filled house. We are living in a concrete based Qandahar anyway, as compared to mud and haystack based homes of Afghani Qandahar..

Quit exaggerating. Even a second-tier Pakistani city like Sargodha or Hyderabad has more 'things' to offer than Qandahar--so far!.
And what you guys keep parroting as 'status quo' is mostly BS! Pakistan had turned a corner by the first peaceful civilian-to-civilian transition, after that the performance of the current govt has been definitely better than that of the previous PPP govt. So Pakistan EVOLVED a bit, even if slowly. Forget the developed world even the corruption-ridden, 'backward' countries of the Subcontinent too followed the same route to arrive at situations better than Pakistan's.

Anyway, hidden behind Imran's liberal facade (women participation--which I do admire, btw), I hope his 'Islamist' rantings are not too deep; I had seen the era of Zia. 'No thank you' to that.

@Contrarian : I don't blame Indians for being happy with Imran Khan's and his 'politics'. Though you will lose some revenue for Bollywood should he ever comes to power. :)
Quit exaggerating. Even a second-tier Pakistani city like Sargodha or Hyderabad has more 'things' to offer than Qandahar--so far!.
And what you guys keep parroting as 'status quo' is mostly BS! Pakistan had turned a corner by the first peaceful civilian-to-civilian transition, after that the performance of the current govt has been definitely better than that of the previous PPP govt. So Pakistan EVOLVED a bit, even if slowly. Forget the developed world even the corruption-ridden, 'backward' countries of the Subcontinent too followed the same route to arrive at situations better than Pakistan's.

Anyway, hidden behind Imran's liberal facade (women participation--which I do admire, btw), I hope his 'Islamist' rantings are not too deep; I had seen the era of Zia. 'No thank you' to that.

"slowly" is what many Pakistanis cannot tolerate. They overnight want somebody to wave the magic wand that will make all ills of society disappear. IK of course knows his audience very well and like populist leaders simply reiterates what the people want to hear. He hence promises "inquilabi speed change" like within 90 days corruption will end or I will turn Pakistan into a utopian Islamic society. All of this of course whilst he is surrounded by old school "lote" like Sheikh Rasheed and SMQ, and his party supports fake degree holders like Gandapur or Ayla Malik. His KPK government is now also planning to build a metro bus in Peshawar I hear. So much for a "naya" Pakistan.
@Contrarian : I don't blame Indians for being happy with Imran Khan's and his 'politics'. Though you will lose some revenue for Bollywood should he ever comes to power. :)
You absolutely cannot generalize that 'Indians' are happy with Imran and his politics.

There is a very serious divide in India amongst all Pakistan watchers and GoI as to whether an unstable, economically poor Pakistan is better for India's future or a stable and economically prosperous Pakistan is better for India's future.

Both sides have valid points and till now no side has taken a dominant position. The GoI as a whole (career bureaucrats and advisors to GoI) are divided. So GoI acts on which side the PM himself leans on.

Those who believe that a weak and economically stagnant Pakistan is better for us support IK with his Islamist appeasement tendencies. We know where that will lead to.

Those who believe that a economically vibrant and globally connected Pakistan is better for us support Nawaz with his emphasis on economics and large scale infra projects. We know where that will lead to as well.

So the view completely depends on what we think is best for us and our future. And there are two views. There is no consensus yet.
Imran Khan has proven to be a true drunken bastard. All these brainwashed PTI idiots should be beaten back only then will they stop.

Come and beat me i'll wait for you. ;)...

Mind you IK's birth is unlike maryan nawaz/safdar's daughter out of wedlock so do mind stop calling him bastard nor is he drunken unless you've seen him. I am glad i am not brainwashed by roshan patwai Pakistan Gov.

Only idiots would support this fraud jamhoriat those who have ruled Punjab 7 Times and federally 3 times yet Pakistan suffers now time for wakeup blind goose.
Come and beat me i'll wait for you. ;)...

Mind you IK's birth is unlike maryan nawaz/safdar's daughter out of wedlock so do mind stop calling him bastard nor is he drunken unless you've seen him. I am glad i am not brainwashed by roshan patwai Pakistan Gov.

Only idiots would support this fraud jamhoriat those who have ruled Punjab 7 Times and federally 3 times yet Pakistan suffers now time for wakeup blind goose.

So IK's own daughter born out of wedlock is somehow different?
Prove it...

I don't need to. Family Courts in Los Angeles have already done that when deciding about giving IK the custody of his illegitimate daughter. IK accepted the decision.
Madina like state was established due to cooperation between ansar and those people came with prophet Muhammad (SAWW). His (SAWW) companions were like Hazrat abu bakr (RA), Hazrat umar (RA), Hzrat Usnan (RA), and Hzrat Ali(RA). And He(SAwW ) was known as sadiq and ameen.

But here, IK has companions like shah mahmood, sheikh rasheed, and TuQ. He himself is know for his allegations, U-Turns and Lies. There is no unity between even in PTI, forget whole nation.

So no, not possible right now.. nor Imran khan has the capabilities..
Madina like state was established due to cooperation between ansar and those people came with prophet Muhammad (SAWW). His (SAWW) companions were like Hazrat abu bakr (RA), Hazrat umar (RA), Hzrat Usnan (RA), and Hzrat Ali(RA). And He(SAwW ) was known as sadiq and ameen.

But here, IK has companions like shah mahmood, sheikh rasheed, and TuQ. He himself is know for his allegations, U-Turns and Lies. There is no unity between even in PTI, forget whole nation.

So no, not possible right now.. nor Imran khan has the capabilities..
At least they are not muederers like Nawaz and Shabaz and also not defender off Rapists like Rana Sanaullah and promoters off people like Gulu Butts
Wow... Seedhe Madina..? So we will have a Khilafat in neighborhood ..? Powers to Caliph Imran-al-Mianwali...
after that the performance of the current govt has been definitely better than that of the previous PPP govt.

LOL, what? You mean PMLN is better because it committed Model Town Massacre or overbilled entire nation with 70 billion RS in electricity bills leading to many suicides? I thought you were ex-PTI. I didn't know you were pro-PMLN. :D

Anyway, hidden behind Imran's liberal facade (women participation--which I do admire, btw), I hope his 'Islamist' rantings are not too deep; I had seen the era of Zia. 'No thank you' to that.
So even after you admit PTI has the biggest participation of women of all parties, somehow you still accuse IK for being an Islamist! Badzanni? If he was an Islamist, why would he marry a White British girl of a billionaire or had love affairs with a call girl in US? He is the most liberal leader of Pakistan!

What he really means is that all cars will be replaced by camels to promote austerity.
There is not much oil or gas left in Pakistan anyway, so you might be right :)

In another speech, Imran is asking Pakistani to avoid Indian movies because of harmful social affects. So on top of being judge, jury and executioner he is also a cultural critic. Now, mind you, he may or may not have merits in his views about Indian movies but what is telling his is intellectual (lack of) depth by stooping to such topics.
No, that's not what he said. He said by drawing stripes on the donkey, doesn't turn it to a zebra! It doesn't mean he is forcing people not to watch Bollywood, rather not to adapt Hindu-cultural values of India. Watching some entertainment is one thing. Adapting an entire foreign culture based on that entertainment is completely other. Understand this if you can. :)

His Medina-like Pakistan will look more like Qandahar of Afghanistan.
Sure. Is Peshawar turned into Qandahar?

Let's see. No job, no money for electricity bill, then what use is this bulb and electrical appliance filled house. We are living in a concrete based Qandahar anyway, as compared to mud and haystack based homes of Afghani Qandahar.
So true.
You absolutely cannot generalize that 'Indians' are happy with Imran and his politics.

There is a very serious divide in India amongst all Pakistan watchers and GoI as to whether an unstable, economically poor Pakistan is better for India's future or a stable and economically prosperous Pakistan is better for India's future.

Both sides have valid points and till now no side has taken a dominant position. The GoI as a whole (career bureaucrats and advisors to GoI) are divided. So GoI acts on which side the PM himself leans on.

Those who believe that a weak and economically stagnant Pakistan is better for us support IK with his Islamist appeasement tendencies. We know where that will lead to.

Those who believe that a economically vibrant and globally connected Pakistan is better for us support Nawaz with his emphasis on economics and large scale infra projects. We know where that will lead to as well.

So the view completely depends on what we think is best for us and our future. And there are two views. There is no consensus yet.

Not going to comment on the rest of the post however just interchange the two highlighted words.
Not going to comment on the rest of the post however just interchange the two highlighted words.
That is your opinion and I can respect that.
The important part of the post was not about specific politicians but about Indian view in general.
Lahore: Pakistan Tahreek-i-Insaf chief Imran Khan on Sunday vowed to promote austerity and form Madina-like state of Prophet Muhammad era after coming to power, referring to the city in the Saudi Arabia where the Prophet lived.

"We will form government on the pattern of Islamic state of Madina and Muslim caliphs. We will also convert the prime minister house, chief minister houses and governor houses into libraries and public parks," he said addressing a historic public gathering at Minar-i-Pakistan here this evening.

The rally was giving a complete festive look. Many young girls painted "go Nawaz go" on their faces.

"The slogan - go Nawaz go - is chasing him and other family members of the Sharif wherever they go. Nawaz...This slogan will haunt you in your dreams. Even one day this slogan will be echoing in your house," he said.

The cricketer-turned-politician warned Nawaz Sharif that he would not let him rule smoothly if he was not given justice on rigging issue in last year general election.

"Nawaz Sharif I will not let you govern if I am not given justice. There should be independent inquiry into rigging charges after you (Nawaz) resign. If I prove wrong I will apologise from you otherwise all those involved in the rigging plan should be tried for treason," he said, adding both Nawaz and former chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhry were involved in rigging.

During his hour-long speech, Khan thanked God for many times for waking up his nation.

"I have never seen such a big rally in my whole life. We have created world record by staging 45-day sit-in in Islamabad and it is going on. In these 45 days Pakistan has changed," he said.

"Nawaz you should better delay in resigning as I want to go other parts of the country to expose you and your corruption," he said, adding Nawaz's son was living in London's Rs 800 billion worth flat.

He expressed hope that Supreme Courts might give him justice in the case he filed against Nawaz Sharif for telling lie in parliament that he had not asked army chief Gen Raheel Sharif to 'facilitate' in resolving the political crisis.

"Nawaz also lied about his exile agreement with Gen (Pervez) Musharraf," he added.

Khan called Nawaz and former president Asif Ali Zardari 'bhai bhai' (brothers). "Zardari has come from Dubai to save Nawaz. Both Nawaz and Zardari had been fooling people for the last 28 years. All those got together in the parliament to save their looted money," he said.

Khan also talked about sufferings of the missing people and Dr Afia Siddiqui who was handed over to the US.

According to independent analysts, today's rally was the biggest in the Lahore's history.

"I can't say the number of participants was 300,000 to 500,000. However, Minar-i-Pakistan is not filled with less than 300,000 people and it was jam packed," said senior analyst and columnist Ayaz Amir.


First Published: Monday, September 29, 2014 - 01:11
Imran Khan vows to promote austerity, form Madina-like state | Zee News

I'll believe this cr@p when I see IK riding a donkey like they used to do in Madina.

Riding helicopters, pajeros, toyotas, private jets, Kullo Khabees.

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