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Imran Khan vows to promote austerity, form Madina-like state

I completely agree with your post. So called protest from 50 days has not given anything to Pakistan other than Financial loss. Economy is in complete chaos and instead of economic reforms Imran and his party is hell bent to push it towards bankruptcy. I am not a fan of Nawaz either but if I look at the situation as an outsider then it is crystal clear that he is at least trying to make the situation better. So many projects has been started (all which I have learnt through this forum only). India is doing good but they seriously wont want a prosperous neighbor (with whom they have fought numerous wars and the issue for those wars is still not resolved). They would love to see Pakistan into the situation which it is currently in.

You consider yourself an outsider ? I thought you were one of us ! :cry:

Khair jokes aside - As an Insider :D I have the advantage of looking at Pakistan & Pakistanis in the flesh; Imran Khan has a lot of shortcomings.....A LOT....but he sure as hell better than the ALTERNATIVES.

You probably don't understand Urdu :( but if you did & you watched some of the top talk shows in Pakistan where Investigative Journalists are called in with 'EVIDENCE' that I can see with my own eyes you might get an idea of the magnitude of corruption, nepotism & mismanagement the previous PPP Governments & the current PML N Governments have put Pakistan through !

I disagree vehemently with Imran Khan on Civil Disobedience & programs such as these for Civil Disobedience is not a part of our Tradition......Constitutionalism is - That is what Our Father taught us !

But do you know why hes been able to gather tens of thousands of people with him at D-Chowk everyday for the past one month & how his Jalsa (especially the recent one) managed to attract the largest crowd that any political gathering has seen in Pakistan ? Because he speaks about all those things that the common man or woman relate to ! Because he commands their respect, their admiration & above all they agree with him that PPP & PML N are like two players in a rigged game ripping off the common man at every available opportunity !

I voted for Imran Khan & yet I'm one of his biggest critics on this forum; people like @Jazzbot @Marshmallow or @Leader would attest to that (two don't even speak to me anymore) but I say this without a shadow of a doubt - Pakistan's only hope is Imran Khan because there is NO OTHER....because the rest would sell this country up like meat sold at a butcher's shop !

P.S And don't feed that troll; he'd have himself castrated if it meant that Pakistan would somehow loose !
Of course as a keen follower of south asian politics, I have been following Imran Khan since '92 world cup.

you know who said it apt about Imran Khan the politician ? kapil dev. yes..kapil dev. knew imran since his balls hasnt dropped..so to speak..

there was this interview cum icc event of ex world cup winning captains. there..an issssue regarding something caame up..and people were talking..suddenly imran cuts in and starts a political angle to it and pretty much spoils the mood for a moment..then suddenly after a bit of silence kapil starts talking about how imran is now a politician and he has different priorities now...and imran gets visibly embarassed and says something to that effect...

that day i understood what kind of a politician he wants to become. trust me..we indians can sniff this stuff faster than anybody.

i'm not a shitty phone with stuck keys. please google. icc ex world cup captains ceremony and interview..some 3-4 years back.

do you know why hes been able to gather tens of thousands of people with him at D-Chowk everyday for the past one month & how his Jalsa (!

Setup a tamasha of a monkey and a bear
you will get 1000s of onlookers

Setup a road side shop that sells "magic oil" to do what viagra does
you will get 1000s of onlookers

I respectfully urge you not count onlookers and say IK is something more than a monkey tamasha or a seller of snake oil.

We are population dense country.
Getting few 10s of 1000 people doesn't mean jack $hite more than a simple tamasha.
Setup a tamasha of a monkey and a bear
you will get 1000s of onlookers

Setup a road side shop that sells "magic oil" to do what viagra does
you will get 1000s of onlookers

I respectfully urge you not count onlookers and say IK is something more than a monkey tamasha or a seller of snake oil.

We are population dense country.
Getting few 10s of 1000 people doesn't mean jack $hite more than a simple tamasha.

Oh it means more than jack sh*t when its been happening for the better part of a 1.5 months; you don't buy people to attend your gatherings or entice them to come to the same tamasha again & again unless you & them are on the same wavelength !
IK is feeling the heat, even some of his most important loyalist have turned their back on him. It's been months he's doing these protest and has made no gain, nation is getting fed up with his selfish sore-loser acts. He told people not to pay their electric bills in protest but record shows he himself paid his electric bills, this man is a hypocrite he says one thing and does another.
He needs to respect the election result and vote or take it to the court or legislation, but his method of rallies and demanding by force NS step down is undemocratic. People like him will never believe the result, if re-election was held Nawaz Sharif would still win. Fact, is Nawaz Sharif is elected PM and no hooligan no matter how loud he may be or how many he can pay to get on the streets can have him removed.
PTI are emotionally brainwashed stooges of IK he has them believing he is the savior of Pakistan.

Agreed. He is not drunkard and definitely not a b@stard. He was born in a well to do privileged upper class Pakistani family.
However I must say, he is behaving like 5 years old rotten kid in a room full of expensive and fragile things.
He is refusing to realize that national politics is not a 10 over match where he is the bowler, batsman, wicketkeeper and fielder for team PTI.
Instead it is 100+ innings game where he is one of the many many player (where Nawaz etc. is another important player), and he and everyone else in the leadership are all playing for team Pakistan.
Team Pakistan has to face Team China, team India, team Afghanistan, and team Iran in the neighborhood
much much bigger teams across the globe.
peace to you

Imran Khan has proven to be a true drunken bastard. All these brainwashed PTI idiots should be beaten back only then will they stop.

Patwari Logic
And i Dont want to waste my TIME ....answering you Guys......Rot in HELL of STATUS QUO
Patwari Logic
And i Dont want to waste my TIME ....answering you Guys......Rot in HELL of STATUS QUO

PTI's nasties are on the prowl.


Oh it means more than jack sh*t when its been happening for the better part of a 1.5 months;....!

1.5 months. hahaha

Oh bhai meray this tamasha can go on for 60+ years.

No wonder we as nation are in pathetic economic condition.

See how many Japanese are doing such tamasha of monkey and bear
See how many Germans are doing such tamasha of monkey and bear

Then you will realize that IK and Tuq are nothing but cheap madaris if not monkey and bear themselves.
1.5 months. hahaha

Oh bhai meray this tamasha can go on for 60+ years.

No wonder we as nation are in pathetic economic condition.

See how many Japanese are doing such tamasha of monkey and bear
See how many Germans are doing such tamasha of monkey and bear

Then you will realize that IK and Tuq are nothing but cheap madaris if not monkey and bear themselves.

Huzooor we are in this pathetic economic condition because PML N & PPP have taken turns to rip this country & her people off with impunity; upppper seh laraiii andar seh subbb bhai....bhai !
Interesting post. Thanks for sharing the opposing Indian views. We may get off topic but I'd still like to say a very much similar POV exists in Pakistan wrt to Afghanistan. I am (and now probably a majority) of Pakistanis think a stable Afghanistan is in Pakistan's interests even if that Afghanistan is not exactly a bosom-buddy of Pakistan; it is better to deal with one state authority then a hydra of authorities.

But look it from an alternate POV.

If you are stronger than your enemy, a weak and unstable enemy ( Afghanistan for Pakistan, and Pakistan for India ) is favorable to you. While your enemy is mired in internal squabbling, you could pull an unassailable lead on your enemy. After a certain point, you would become strong enough that even your armed police and coast guard would become stronger than your enemy's armed forces.

IK, even we downplay his islamist tendencies, is a greenhorn with zlich in way of administrative experience. He is guaranteed to prove himself as an economic tragedy of Pakistan. we know this better than most Pakistanis because all the games that are being played in Pakistan have been played in India at some point of time in past. Even your politicians resemble Indian politicians. IK has strong resemblance to Kejariwal, Bilawal Bhutoo to Rahul Gandhi, Zardari and Nawaz to many provincial CM's.But out top leaders are usually better than Pakistani one's. Current PM Modi has 15 year experience as Gujarat CM during which he achieved an average of 10-12% growth pa in an already developed state ( a much difficult feat due to high base effect ).
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Where is this nation going?? We regard terrorists like Osama and Aafia Siddique as heroes? We want a 8th century Mecca style theocracy? Is Imran Khanfor real?
Huzooor we are in this pathetic economic condition because PML N & PPP have taken turns to rip this country & her people off with impunity; upppper seh laraiii andar seh subbb bhai....bhai !

Such statements come of dirty smelly socks of a retired general.

No I am not talking about ALL retired generals.

Many of them are my family members.

I am just focused on handful who are misguiding and misdirecting the likes of IK
I'm secular. It doesn't matter how patwari twist the topic. We already knows the reality of patwari logic:lol:, so their futile effort , all goes in vain. PTI is better than other parties. People from all walk of life supports them. No matter you say him taliban khan or yahoodi agent. People knows the cheap propaganda of patwaris & their logic. Secular people supports PTI, Religious people supports PTI, Minorities supporting PTI, Woman, females ,, families, supports them because PTI is doing well in KPK, There is whole thread there, all clean life of Imran khan, educated from top university, bearing loss of 1.5 billion every year on free cancer hospital, & work on top university in village even he was not PM. His life is for Pakistan unlike mansions/palaces of PMLN & PPPP in foreign countries, & history full of corruption, attacks on parliament, buying the judges, Creating gullu butts to torture opponents, 73 NAB cases, mehran bank scandal, swiss scandal etc

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So what he got 300 canals? Money From corruption in Pakistan? He got rich wife, she gifted him this land. Now, don't say that this money came from corruption in UK. :buba_phone:


In the end someone forked someone and bought land.

it is all forking the same.

....... PTI is better than other parties.

Hamari MQM is even better.

Where is this nation going?? We regard terrorists like Osama and Aafia Siddique as heroes? We want a 8th century Mecca style theocracy? Is Imran Khanfor real?

Ik is teh modern day donkey rider.

living the life of 8th century
Yes MQM is also good. Woman, females participates in their jalsas. I can't take away credit from Altaf bhai & his team & they are also well organized in discipline department.

But MQM will never let PTI win more than 1 seat in Karachi.

Boris will be sent.
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