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Imran Khan vows to promote austerity, form Madina-like state

Oh bahi,

long before shaukat Khanum

NS dad had built hospital and a row of homes in posh areas.

These guys are the Rockefellers of Pakistan.

you know Rockefeller family from USA?

or Wanderbelt, or Stanford.

Don't be a jealous and hasid, bhai. please.

I am not against a billionaire becoming PM of Pakistan. That's not the issue. In US, almost all US Congressmen are millionaires. Real issue is if some corrupt millionaire enters politics only to become even more rich as Noora and Zardari family did with their commissions.
I am not against a billionaire becoming PM of Pakistan. That's not the issue. In US, almost all US Congressmen are millionaires. Real issue is if some corrupt millionaire enters politics only to become even more rich as Noora and Zardari family did with their commissions.

Brother same thing is applicable to the current MPA and MNAs of PTI.

Don't be selective in finger pointing;
Apparently you still believe in the time of kings and queens.
Everyone look up to their leader. If leader is corrupt like Noora or Zardari, obviously, everyone down the chain would become corrupt too. If leader himself is not corrupt and have no tolerance for any kind of corruption, then it would become difficult if not impossible for people under him to do loot khsoot with the nation.
Everyone look up to their leader. If leader is corrupt like Noora or Zardari, obviously, everyone down the chain would become corrupt too. If leader himself is not corrupt and have no tolerance for any kind of corruption, then it would become difficult if not impossible for people under him to do loot khsoot with the nation.

you are arguing about Corrupt leader based on childish leader who says everyone else is corrupt.

This is childish argument at best or downright ignorant.
Bhai G, stop twisting EVERYTHING........... most of your rants against IK are full of PURE bullshit.......... how in when on this earth were the Sharifs, Rockefeller's? You must be on some special variety of hash that even I haven't seen....... was it provided by the fauj?

Historian my ***.........

Oh bahi,

long before shaukat Khanum

NS dad had built hospital and a row of homes in posh areas.

These guys are the Rockefellers of Pakistan.

you know Rockefeller family from USA?

or Wanderbelt, or Stanford.

Don't be a jealous and hasid, bhai. please.
Bhai G, stop twisting EVERYTHING........... most of your rants against IK are full of PURE bullshit.......... how in when on this earth were the Sharifs, Rockefeller's? You must be on some special variety of hash that even I haven't seen....... was it provided by the fauj?

Historian my ***.........

Let's observe some semblance of TTA decorum.

PDF doesn't have to be PTI yelling obscenities all the time.

Thank you.

IK is corrupt? This is so lame.


he may be not be corrupt in classical sense.

Because he never had a power or authority.

he is like 66 years old virgin (politically speaking otherwise we know who he was).

You can yell as much as you want against IK and PTI..... I don't give a damn...... just stop twisting and fabricating 'facts'.........

@Oscar @Horus....... I'd also like to know when were the Sharif's Rockefeller's of Pakistan..... please do educate me as well.....

Let's observe some semblance of TTA decorum.

PDF doesn't have to be PTI yelling obscenities all the time.

Thank you.
True. I wish IK in power to test his true-self. Only way to test a human being is by handing over power to him :-)

he was given KP

he doesn't want it.

This is what happens to a Virgin khoti/ghorri.

She refuses to lead and come under a horse (aka responsibility).

You can yell as much as you want against IK and PTI..... I don't give a damn...... just stop twisting and fabricating 'facts'.........

@Oscar @Horus....... I'd also like to know when were the Sharif's Rockefeller's of Pakistan..... please do educate me as well.....

if you give a damn,

then you cannot learn
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