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Imran Khan to lead a national government under army direction



New Recruit

Oct 18, 2009
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Previous reports suggesting that the army is taking over are turning out be true but not in terms of martial law. My highly placed sources in the army, media and bureaucracy say that a national government headed by Imran Khan is to be implemented under the direction of the army. Rumours about this are already circulating in the government and due to this PPP is under intense pressure. The Supreme Court will lawfully allow the army to take over and this news is 100% correct. Initial working has been done and Imran Khan is being groomed for becoming the next President of Pakistan.

:victory: :pakistan:

Perhaps this news can give a hint
:Imran Khan backs army rule, too,8/24/2010 11:19:44 AM

Please note that MQM would have never given such a statement regarding martial law unless it was sure that something big is coming.
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Hahahaha... Bullshit! Thats what all other Tehreek-e-insaaf workers and supporters wish for.. It goes against PTI's charter... Imran khan regularly states he would never come to power on the back of the army or anyone else.. but in the end he too is a politician.. and we all know the defination for a politician in our country.
anyhow.. Highly unlikely..
Hahahaha... Bullshit! Thats what all other Tehreek-e-insaaf workers and supporters wish for.. It goes against PTI's charter... Imran khan regularly states he would never come to power on the back of the army or anyone else.. but in the end he too is a politician.. and we all know the defination for a politician in our country.
anyhow.. Highly unlikely..
This time its the opposite my friend! Imran has accepted the offer in order to improve Pakistan's image in the world as PPP has broken all records of tarnishing the country's image. :azn:
Previous reports suggesting that the army is taking over are turning out be true but not in terms of martial law. My highly placed sources in the army, media and bureaucracy say that a national government headed by Imran Khan is to be implemented under the direction of the army. Rumours about this are already circulating in the government and due to this PPP is under intense pressure. The Supreme Court will lawfully allow the army to take over and this news is 100% correct. Initial working has been done and Imran Khan is being groomed for becoming the next President of Pakistan.

:victory: :pakistan:

what is the source of these news?
When Altaf Hussein suggested that he will support martial law, he already knew what is going to happen. The timing is crucial as october (known for army take overs) is also coming nearer. The change will most probably take place either in late September or October
As long as the Army keeps him in line, I don't care if a blind *** sits in the Presidency. I trust the Army 100%.
Im sorry....Im just here to laugh.....

If you think Mr.10% was a mistake....this will be like an abortion....NOT Pretty....

Pakistan needs economists, diplomats and foreign policy gurus in these tough times.....Not hypocritical Playboy cricketers who sing tunes of their Islamic identity and anti-India rhetoric to their countrymen, but marry jews and vacation at the cost of Indian elite in Pune......

Anyone who's excited at this news needs a cold shower......

your concern is touching, especially the bit about marrying jews, i mean you really hit the nail there....

but on a more serious note imran can talk the talk to an extent, i just dont like his personality, he seems like a megalomaniac, his personal life should not be too much of an issue, you dont get saints in pakistani politics, if he were to be a puppet of the army i dont think i would complain too much....
As long as the Army keeps him in line, I don't care if a blind *** sits in the Presidency. I trust the Army 100%.

Hi TL.. Long time...

So basically you are looking for Army rule with a puppet President so that the western nations can convince themselves that its not another military coup in Pakistan?
Why is this a seperate thread - weren't we just discussing this on the MQM thread?
Hi TL.. Long time...

So basically you are looking for Army rule with a puppet President so that the western nations can convince themselves that its not another military coup in Pakistan?

basically whatever is best for the country, right now an extended rule of corrupt politicians would be a disaster

as long as human rights are respected who cares about the system og governance, its fairly obvious what needs to be done, pak just need someone to go ahead and do it and frankly the army are the only viable option

its not that hard to understand.
@ all of my pakistani friends I'm reposting what I posted in the MQM thread

Guys please preserve your democracy. Democracy is like a baby which takes time to mature but when it is matured, the fruits are there for all to see.

I agree there is a lot of negativity associated with the current govt. of Pakistan and may be rightly so but hey, don't lose hope. You are on the right path (at least as far as choosing the right form of national governance is concerned).

Please understand army is not the solution to all of the problems. An army is build to defend a country not to run it. That is not its job. Think about one successful country/empire in global history which had such a strong influence of the army in daily life as PA has in Pak. The way forward is civilian rule. No matter how lunatic your civilian leaders are they will ultimately learn with time and may be your kids or your kids' kids will reap the benefits and thank you for retaining democracy. This cycle of democracy-Martial Law-Democracy - Martial law can't go on forever. It has to stop if Pakistan has to become a successful and prosperous country.

Learn from your mistakes. As prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has said (it's my wallpaper in fact) "He's the most unfortunate whose today is not better than his yesterday".

Please stop making the same mistakes over and over again. History repeats itself but only for those who do not learn from their mistakes.

Stop this escapist attitude. Have patience!
basically whatever is best for the country, right now an extended rule of corrupt politicians would be a disaster

as long as human rights are respected who cares about the system og governance, its fairly obvious what needs to be done, pak just need someone to go ahead and do it and frankly the army are the only viable option

its not that hard to understand.

by the logic of the bolded part, you have vacillated between "respecting human rights" and "not respecting human rights" numerous times throughout your history. And please answer me, when will this cycle of democracy-martial law-democracy-martial law-democracy-martial law stop?

You are curing the symptoms, not the disease. Think about it democracy has worked in pretty much every other country in the world, why do you think it won't work in yours? Just be patient!
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