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Imran Khan to lead a national government under army direction

your concern is touching, especially the bit about marrying jews, i mean you really hit the nail there....

but on a more serious note imran can talk the talk to an extent, i just dont like his personality, he seems like a megalomaniac, his personal life should not be too much of an issue, you dont get saints in pakistani politics, if he were to be a puppet of the army i dont think i would complain too much....

Well You're right.....His personal life has nothing to do with his political ability....

But with the brewing sensitivity with regards to jews that many on this forum exhibit....I wouldnt be surprised if that shows up as a negative in his political career....
But also do look at the hypocrisy in vacationing at a palace in Pune , while making anti-India comments to his countrymen shows a lack of moral depth.....

Nevertheless.....I clearly stated that my intention here was to laugh....nothing more...

We South Asians have a habit of choosing popularity over ability as far as politics is concerned......
Imran khan? How will he cope with WOT? And his party is pretty much a army hater. only when ye insaan ka puther bunjai or army ke bath manay.
In Islam, it is legal to marry a Jewish woman so don't teach about whom to marry! As for the news, only time will tell who is right and who is wrong!

You can marry who u want fella....Not my business....and rightly so....

But in true spirit of enemity between our nations.......nothing would please me more than to see Imran Khan become the PM of Pak.....
Imran khan? How will he cope with WOT? And his party is pretty much a army hater. only when ye insaan ka puther bunjai or army ke bath manay.

So you are looking for another puppet govt.? Then what will be the difference between this govt. and the imran khan govt.? Both are puppet govts. Only the mask will change, the puppeteer will remain the same (PA).

Another way to befool the common pakistani on the road. Not the ones over here, but the one who cannot type, the one who is illiterate, and the one who is not educated enough to think for himself and his country.

When will (if ever) you guys give up this escapist attitude? :angel:
Well You're right.....His personal life has nothing to do with his political ability....

But with the brewing sensitivity with regards to jews that many on this forum exhibit....I wouldnt be surprised if that shows up as a negative in his political career....
But also do look at the hypocrisy in vacationing at a palace in Pune , while making anti-India comments to his countrymen shows a lack of moral depth.....

Nevertheless.....I clearly stated that my intention here was to laugh....nothing more...

We South Asians have a habit of choosing popularity over ability as far as politics is concerned......

Could you please quote the source of this claim?

As far as I know, he is very pro-India Pakistan friendship and the picture that has been circulated of him supposedly "vacationing" is way too old and he looks a lot younger, could be of those times when he used to play cricket!
So you are looking for another puppet govt.? Then what will be the difference between this govt. and the imran khan govt.? Both are puppet govts. Only the mask will change, the puppeteer will remain the same (PA).

Another way to befool the common pakistani on the road. Not the ones over here, but the one who cannot type, the one who is illiterate, and the one who is not educated enough to think for himself and his country.

When will (if ever) you guys give up this escapist attitude? :angel:

ohhh STFU! You indians would love to see Pakistan have worst then a donkey president Zardari! And just he was elected or not does not make him a better president then a dictator of any form.
ImranKhan + Army is the best option pakistan has got. Every educated pakistan is behind them, only few ***** awam vote politicians like zardari.
Hi TL.. Long time...

So basically you are looking for Army rule with a puppet President so that the western nations can convince themselves that its not another military coup in Pakistan?

I am looking for:

1) Retain current assembly, which has been legitimately elected in a free and fair democratic election. This is the essence of democracy, not the President.
2) Army to find credible technocratic replacements for the key slots (e.g. President etc.) and pitching them to the existing set of MNAs.
3) Get these guys elected, ala Shaukat Aziz being elected on a vacated seat.
4) Replace current figureheads who have lost the support of the masses with the new, more credible, more palatable technocrats.

This will do wonders for the people's morale while maintaining democratic order.

As for me trusting the Army 100%, I mean that they have Pakistan's best interest at heart. I would trust their decisions.
Its all over the news here in Pakistan.

Just finished watching a talk-show on ARY news with Dr Shahid Masood and Imran Khan. This is what Imran said;

"InshAllah there's going to be a revolution in Pakistan soon and our party would be the one to lead it. If the army intervenes in order to correct the rotten political system in Pakistan, then "Bismillah". We'd support the army for that but NOT a Martial Law."
Storm's brewing up fellas. My source is maintaining a complete radio silence on this issue. As soon as I hear something, I'd throw in my two cents. ;)
First of all these are only rumors...there are no sources to back up these rumors. Secondly it's unlikely that Army will interfare openly bcz the time has changed....you can't do something that you could have done 10 or 20 years ago. We have moved on such matters.

The most reasonable thing would be a mid term elections bcz this goverment has failed completly in all it's goals rather then their personal goals to accumulate as much $$ as they can. Zardari alongside with other corrupt PPP politicians must be charged for their corruption and i seriously want to do case on him bcz he with his ****** statements regarding the degree, have tried to disgrace Qaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah the founder of Pakistan and i'm ashamed that since today no action has been taken. Atleast a public apology is the minimum that the nation can expect from him and then he have to leave the presidency (but he will never do this on his own bcz no one leaves the seat!) So maybe Army could back up some how the option of midterm elections.

It's not so unusual to have mid-term elections also in Italy last time the previous goverment failed to cope up with the challanges which they faced and there were mid-term elections. In the situation in which Pakistan is now days Army have to take on regarding the security issues, to cope up with flood disaster and the worse law & order situation as the current civilian so called democratic goverment has failed to do so. We are in a very critical moments but in last i must repeat that nobody will allow a Martial law although there are basis for the current emergency situation in the region neither the Army is willing to do it.

So people if there are mid term elections then this time we have to seriously think about who to vote....PPP forget it, PML-N i have some serious concerns about them, MQM are we kidding???! then there aren't much options left. The so called corrupt molves like Fazall-Ur-Reham must be charged too.....Jamat-e-Islami don't have a capacity to govern.....and at last we have Imran Khan and some unknown growing young politicians. I think we could atleast give a chance to these newbies beside voting the same old corrupt politicians, maybe thing will get worse (but worse then now i don't think) maybe things will get on the right path....So i'll definatly vote Imran Khan bcz it's time for a CHANGE!:agree:
well even if for fun, nearly all palmists, all coffe-cup readers, all terro-card readers, numerologists and bla bla have been saying so for nearly 8 months now and the time they indicated was exactly the same. After August.

Another important hint to this development is that MQM spoke of in the favour of Army Taking over.. You bet they had some inside news that Altaf Hussain made this $hit out. I believe Khan for this story.. and want this to happen sometime very soon.
So i'll definatly vote Imran Khan bcz it's time for a CHANGE!:agree:

This is what Imran Khan's been crying about since day one. The reason he doesn't get enough votes is because he's not a "Jageerdarah". He wins from his districts but that's about it simply because our political system is based on three simple rules;

1. Organize a gathering where you want your votes from.
2. Vote us = Free food.
3. No votes for us? Face the symphony of destruction.

As disgusting and shameful as that sounds, that pretty much sums it all up.
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ohhh STFU! You indians would love to see Pakistan have worst then a donkey president Zardari! And just he was elected or not does not make him a better president then a dictator of any form.
ImranKhan + Army is the best option pakistan has got. Every educated pakistan is behind them, only few ***** awam vote politicians like zardari.

Wow...Generalizing are we?


If we really wanted Pakistan to have zardari, we would have talked to him, solved kashmir and all other issues with pakistan and give him international credibility. In fact, more than people of Pakistan it's GoI who's in a dilemma nowadays. Just think about it. We also have so many things to talk to you about and we don'e know whom to talk to. The ones we are talking to aren't the real masters and the ones who are the real masters aren't the ones we are talking to. Hum to fans gaye hain.

anyways, it's your country, it's your decision. but frankly speaking my friend (as an outsider's perspective) you have turned your country into a laboratory and the poor common pakistani is the guinea pig! (no offence, I have all empathy for the common pakistani) tum bhi bure fanse ho apne politicians aur apni army ke beech!

The truth is you guys can't handle democracy.

:pakistan: ALL THE BEST with the new experiment!
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