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Imran Khan secures another major investment from Qatar.

Imran Bey is charging like a Spanish Bull inside the Chinese Porcelin Store!!! As if it’s like “there’s no tomorrow” with a “license to kill” since “the world is not enough” for him....

No wonder no Indian Mert could make it any more after his first visit to Bombay....
I always love reading your comments.Thankyou for the kind words.
Investment is not done with just one meeting and all a sudden. First a desire is shown, feasibility is conducted, negotiation is done and finally a contract. It requires atleast an year after first formal meeting. So as of now, it's just the first meeting where both the govt has agreed for bilateral business ties. It's a positive start and in the right direction but not yet a 'done' deal. Even in case of Cpec, work started on Gwader port during the era of Musharraf but it took 8 years for China to start their massive investment formally. Qatar will be hosting 2022 football world cup and they are in need of building many stadiums on their tiny country hence they need many construction workers. Pakistanis who are getting jobless in Saudia should immediately take a note of it. Also Qatar has removed visa restrictions to Pakistan since last year so for people who are need of work especially the low skilled worker class, Qatar is a top destination for you.

One good think about Imran Khan I have noticed so far is that, his emphasized is on investment rather than aid. He clearly said that he didn't went to Saudia for aid but for investment. If you make your intentions clear to your allies, than they will reciprocate you in the same manner which you want them to do. It's similar to Modi's, Make in India drive. Imran Khan should totally focus on investment since it will make economy better in a longer term. Getting aid is always been a temporary solution but international investment has a domino effect on the economy in a positive manner though it takes a bit time to yield the desired results but it surely does.
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I love this. I have been talking about this for a long time. This does cost Qatar one cent. Just calls for giving preferance to Pakistan over Indians, Philipinos etc

I read a article that one ex-pat worker can end up supporting directly or indirectly 10 Pakistani's at home through remittances and money spent at home through increased buying power for products and services. That means 1 million poor Pakistani's. If GCC replaced half of the Indian ex-pats that would mean 4 million more jobs for Pakistan which would lead to 40 million Pakistani's being lifted out of poverty. Think about that. And also the massive increase in remittances, purcashing of services, products would boot the economy and help increasing government revenue in tax by $ billions every year.

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Great for Pakistan and a big setback for India. If only the Muslim countries know how, deep down, a large number of Indians of BJP leanings hate Muslims... I'd say Pakistan should very aggressively pursue not only 'labor' jobs but also the so-called white color jobs in the Middle East: I think over the last decade or so the Pakistanis universities have been churning out professionals of decent skills--they need to be sent to foreign countries whenever possible. It's not hard to kick the Indians out: They are not much better qualified than Pakistanis.

Even a million more of Pakistanis going abroad will be a game changer.
I am not sure, why you are towing Indians line of telling us how bad investments are for Pakistan, so please tell us all what exactly is that you want.
Loan is bad,because we are getting more loans to pay them,an endless cycle
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