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Imran Khan secures another major investment from Qatar.

May i know, what magical thing IK said in his meeting?
they ll know honest guy in office imran effect
Honesty and sincerity pay!!! Jinnah could convince even the British Establishment who usually doesn't keep their promises even to the level of ~20%!!!! In Jinnah's case, they made an exception!!! They took it to ~80% level!!! Other Muslim leaders, including the Ottoman Sultans in 18/19/20th centuries, couldn't even think of such staffs from the British...

Qataris are in the News for all the Bad reasons.

No wonder they need some Propaganda.

So let me help.

Qatar is a major Financial Hub. A brotherly ally and a bustling Island. It is most welcome to invest in Pakistan after clearing the books first.
Don't know about the others, but the Turkish leaders since the Ottoman times have put their trust on the El-Sani family.....
Lol now this is the best you can come up with lol. Come on bro you need to do better than this. I have bashed Indians many time on this with valid argument don't want to start same debate with you on off topic issues. Why Assad Umer said we are not going to IMF because we have the money that is why.

This is a great offer by Qatar and will help Pakistan a lot.
As per the Turkish sources, OBOR's plan is to build some financial centers. This include London, Istanbul, Doha etc. Connect the dots....
As per the Turkish sources, OBOR's plan is to build some financial centers. This include London, Istanbul, Doha etc. Connect the dots....
All good is going to come to Pakistan. There is a Qatar Turkish lobby which has billions to invest in Pakistan. :)

@Hakikat ve Hikmet

@Hakikat ve Hikmet here is an Image that needs no caption and speaks for its self :)

Is it the normal "desires" and "keen interest" expressed or is there any money actually being invested in Pakistan?

Been hearing this nonsense for decades now on regular basis.
Finally somebody on PDF who can see the sense and not get carried away with euphoria. You indeed are wise man.

Interested, talk, desire, want, look to, will do, talk about are all same side of the coin called "ntention". We want to see these people put their money where their mouth is. Contracts is what we want!

Then open the champagne bottles if you like alcohol or have cup tea ....
True..but we all know it would takw couple of months to a year to get the details finalized
Be careful with Qatar... u might lose Saudi interests
Imran Bey is charging like a Spanish Bull inside the Chinese Porcelin Store!!! As if it’s like “there’s no tomorrow” with a “license to kill” since “the world is not enough” for him....

No wonder no Indian Mert could make it any more after his first visit to Bombay....

A diehard Bond (Brosnan) fan you must be!
Its far from secured. The first steps in right direction MUST BE appreciated but lets not make it "mission accomplished". Neither Saudi Arabia nor Russia have actually invested of signed a legal binding. Wait for it.
These are loans,payback with interest.

Unless Trump allow us to print dollars, we have to either take loans or convince countries with money to invest in Pakistan. Instead of making fun of Pakistan looking for investment for oil city, one must need to understand that it's not just commercial project but strategic which is needed to ensure the oil supply in disastrous times that's why only trusted partner (China and now KSA) being asked for investment otherwise Pakistan's domestic needs are enough to justify the viability & profitability of project and oil giants or world bank will be ready to finance (maybe they will ask to change the location from Baluchistan to Sindh for security reason). But yes, we must not act like Hindustanis and should wait for conclusion of deal.
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