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Imran Khan humiliates saudi king, walks away and doesnt wait for kings response

trump outright openly humiliates the "king" and not a squeak comes out of them.

paksitans PM supposedly doesn't follow protocal and "insults" king and they go crazy...

this is a window into the disgusting Saudi mentality. They see the white man as their masters and don't mind being openly humiliated by them. but god forbid if someone these racists see as "beneath them" (like a Pakistani) does anything...… all hell breaks loose.. What a pathetic PATHETIC "monarchy". I piss on them.
There were rumors about possible meeting cancelled after this incident.expect zero aid from saudia now.our prime minister wants to remain neutral and don't want to help Arabs.arabs will finally give role of pakistan to another country,most probably India.
There were rumors about possible meeting cancelled after this incident.expect zero aid from saudia now.our prime minister wants to remain neutral and don't want to help Arabs.arabs will finally give role of pakistan to another country,most probably India.

This is unsubstantiated. So hold your horses. Let’s not jump to hysterical conclusions.
Its not a big deal he is new and we can give benefit of doubt of not knowing diplomatic norms and protocols. He needs to be careful in future and top of his job which is “begging”. He can’t get any Sadqa, Khairaats, if he continue to behave like this.
big fat respect from arabs to a brotherly nation. i would give 200$ to see the look on the pro saudi pakistanis.
Very funny. Yes, I know. Why wouldn't you wait for the translator to finish, what if the person has something to say in response.
It means you don't and creating a storm in the teacup over a non-issue.
Whole video can be seen here.

it looks like he walks into a room, is greeted by the king, talks to him and then walks off to the conference room he's meant to be going to. Problem is he didn't stop for the kings translator to finish tranlsating. Stupid thing to do, this doesn't give the King an opportunity to respond to whatever he said.

it's not a deliberate insult, just clumsyness. Still stupid though, he also was talking at the translator and not the king, so that looked a bit daft too.
0:21 onwards looks quite rude.
any body language experts here?
it was just a mistake he is new ruler and he is learning protocols . nothing to be wrong here .
He is not an idiot , oxford graduate ….. this azz hole did it intentionally ……. Now real question is , Why he did that??
He is not an idiot , oxford graduate ….. this azz hole did it intentionally ……. Now real question is , Why he did that??

maybe he got a condescending treatment from the sauds and responded appropriately? my respect for him went up tremendously....

just look at how belittlingly the Lebanese PM was treated by the sauds?

I have a arab friend who was in Saudi arabia. and once tried to ask some big shot looking sheikh dude for some directions.. and received this nasty look of "how dare you peasant talk to me" and ignored and walked by.

these Saudi cockroaches are the worse type of racists there are. For them they see 3 levels. white man the masters.. they are second level and anyone else (Especially darker skinned muslims like Pakistanis and Bengalis) are just slaves... its time paksitan started acting with some pride.
Pehle Yahoodi agent kehte te sub, ab Sufiana agent bolte he. Kabhi Pakistan Khush ni ho sakta asl aur imandaar leadero ke saat.
Na shukri quam.
Yes, but the will you explain that misbehaving attitude with a leader of a friendly country.
Give me one good reason why he would do it intentionally and I will believe you. Until then it's you who is the idiot.
give me one good reason why he did it ? And that to on this level... An idiot you are!!
they are second level and anyone else (Especially darker skinned muslims like Pakistanis and Bengalis) are just slaves

This is another topic, but we are generally lighter skinned than Gulf Arabs. For them it is mostly about race, not totally skin color.

Also, comparing us to BD in appearance, we look nothing alike as we are different races.

Yes, but the will you explain that misbehaving attitude with a leader of a friendly country.

La parwaiyy. I don’t believe it was intentional.

It makes no sense from his words and actions.

Some media are blowing it out of proportion.

What if IK was walking someplace and King Salman stopped him to ask him only one question? Then after that question, he left nicely and walked off to his original destination.

Give me one good reason why he would do it intentionally and I will believe you. Until then it's you who is the idiot.

Logic dictates it was unintentional.
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