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Suppose a caliph drinks alcohol,have hundreds of concubines and appoint his son as next caliph..What is in caliphate system to stop that unislamic practises of caliph?

the prophet commanded to obey caliph as long as he doesnt goes for kufr buwah( committing harram openly ) ..

in another hadith the prophet said highest jihad is to speak in front of a jabir hukmaran

another..hamzah is the leader of shuhada n the 1 who speaks against zalim hukmaran n he is killed

so its duty to account n stand against wen caliph goes for sumthing anti Sharai! muslims have power to question n remove caliph on such bases
Does anyone have a candidate or cadidates in mind?? Who will the people elect as the Caliphate?? obviously the guy opening these topics has someone in mind because for the last 3 months thats all he has been doing. I understand the love for a 1400 year old system he has but it is still going to be run by a person.

brother i mentioned n as u know this guy is not alone!! n is part of a party workin for same purpose from 60 years.. H.T AS DRAFTED CONSTITUTION OF ISLAMIC STATE AS WELL...HOMEWORK IS COMPLETE WE HAVE MANY CAPABLE PPL

N AS SAID B4 FIRST CALIPH CANNOT BE OF GENERAL PUBLIC CHOISE (yaha itni behas kr rae ho khalifa choose krtay to WWIII shuru kr do gey:azn:)... if H.T gets nusrah than its ameer wud b first caliph ..later it can be votin( for candidates) by majlis a shura or general public.. we can follow any of the 3 methods adopted by prophet(p.b.u.h),abu bakr(r.a),omer (r.a)
i dont agree as we know a man came to prophet n asked about wat to grow or sumthin relating farmin,n prophet(p.b.u.h) told him that he(p.b.u.h) is not an expert in that so he shud do wat is gud...

i mean its not necessary to have complete knowledge abt each n every thing not related to hakoomt

but of course no ruler is all rounder...
Well my understanding is that the Mahdi would be so knowledgeable that Human history shoudn't have seen the likes of whom in the last one thousand years at least. He is described as the "Owner of Time", of course I don't completely know the meaning of this phrase...
Oh, so Hizb-ut-Tahrir is involved. Presumably the capital of this new Khilafat will be London?
APNA GHR??? Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq...... r not our?????
the prophet said muslims r like a body!!!! koi apki tang tor raha hai,koi hath kaat raha ho...to ap ko kiya hr hissay ki takleef,fikr nai ho gi?????

Don't mind me bro but your line reminds me of something

Rehnay ko ghar nahin he sara jahan hamara

By the way, what are the views of these nations? Are they ready for this joint venture?
Maybe u dont know the Bakground of the Hizb Tehrir...Im gonna prove it here insha-Allah that it is infact directly/indirectly Run by British MI6...by asking some of simple questions from u and showing u the resultz...

1. Is any memeber of Hizb-Tehrir fighting in Afghanistan against the US/NATO ???
2. Does it support the Taliban fighterz against the US/NATO in Afghanistan morally and financially???
I need clear answerz to them....:woot:

Hizb ut-Tahrir Media Office in Afghanistan

Press Release

No: 4, 1431

Date: 1st Safar 1431 / 17Jan 2010 CE

Misleading UN Report on Afghan Civilian Casualties attempts to turn public opinion against the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan

On 13th January 2010 the United Nations announced that 2,412 civilians were killed in 2009, a 14 percent increase over the 2,118 who died in 2008. Nearly 70 percent of civilian deaths last year, or 1,630, were caused by the insurgents, the report found. NATO and allied Afghan forces were responsible for 25 percent of the deaths, or 596, the U.N. said, down from 39 percent, or 828, in 2008.

Showing the number of innocent civilians killed by occupying forces as low as ever is unacceptable. The incidents of Kunduz, Azizabad of Herat, Helmand, Farah, Nangarhar, Wardag, Ghazni, Logar and Kunar where thousands of women and children and elders were cold-bloodedly killed by the crusading armies while they slept show these figures to be flawed. Where people at wedding parties were killed by airstrikes, where women and children were burnt to the bone by white phosphoresced weapons and where these crusading troops practice their new weapons on the innocent people of Afghanistan.

There are similar incidents in numerous places across Afghanistan, where occupying troops have killed innocent civilians either by entering their homes, or forced their dogs to eat small women and children just to have fun. There are thousands of untold stories of these brutal activities of the crusaders, which the media have either no access to them or are forced not to publish.

Another survey commissioned by ABC News, the BBC and ARD German TV found that 42 percent of 1,534 Afghan respondents now blame the violence on the Taliban, up from 27 percent a year ago, while 17 percent blame the U.S., NATO or the Afghan security force, down from 36 percent. The poll, conducted last month, has an error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

This poll is more propaganda from the western media. Indeed all the world has seen those demonstrations which have rallied against these colonialists crusading troops in each corner of Afghanistan.

The west is doing its best to either hide or minimize the figures and in turn add figures to the Mujahedeen's account, as well as trying to draw a bad picture of those Mujahedeen, who are fighting for defense of their loved ones, against these merciless enemies of not only Muslims but the whole of mankind.
Don't mind me bro but your line reminds me of something

Rehnay ko ghar nahin he sara jahan hamara

By the way, what are the views of these nations? Are they ready for this joint venture?

Of course not. Iraq and Palestine don't care about Pakistan or any merger with Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey or Saudi Arabia.
Misleading UN Report on Afghan Civilian Casualties attempts to turn public opinion against the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan

ummah1, is this the mujahideen you are talking about? The guy in uniform is your mujahid, and the other guy with bloody face is one of the other mujahids who was captured in that bank. This video is a mix of persian and pashtoo, let me know if you needed the translation, the bloody faced guy is saying quite horrific things.

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Are you saying HuT is PERFECT? If the guy from HuT is claiming to be Mehdi tell me has he criticized HuT in anyways so far? I highly dough Medhi would use such a platform to restore Islam.
Their is a wakeupproject forum where quite a lot of people have calmed to be Mehdi. Now this is joke now.
Can HuT supporters provide references from Quran Hadis and Sunnah which gives rights to those in authority to forces laws on Muslims be it even right?
Like the pardah case. If a Muslim women decides to go out in public sleeveless and in shorts (though she is covered from chest to knees) is it allowed to force her to cover those exposed parts?
Islam needs to be restored in Muslim world from roots level and not from the top.
Eid is decided by watching the moon, how come there is Eid on three different days?

exactly...that an issue H.T has raised on every eid!!! we celebrate eid with saudia(as they declare moon sighted) as prophet (p.b.u.h) said to fast n break(finish ramzan) on sightin moon,n other evidence wen ppl from other areas came n told they have sighted moon prophet declared eid...

BOOK: All Muslims are obliged to start Ramadhan on the same day

VIDEO: Moonsighting documentary (urdu)
ummah1, is this the mujahideen you are talking about? The guy in uniform is your mujahid, and the other guy with bloody face is one of the other mujahids who was captured in that bank. This video is a mix of persian and pashtoo, let me know if you needed the translation, the bloody faced guy is saying quite horrific things.

mujahideen hu r fighting nato !!... everybody knows hu r mujahideen n hu r agents
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