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Instead of dreaming about Caliphate,all Muslim States should focus on their economy.For God's sake,by 2020 Muslim population will increase to 2.2 billion...How you gonna feed them? Today,I believe,Islam is on cross-roads.Where ever you go,Islam is in the spot light.I remember on an Israeli forum under the section "Religion",there were ~3,000 threads on Islam while Christianity came on second number with 231 threads...Can you see the difference? Moreover,almost ALL threads were anti-Islam.Propaganda against Islam is at his peak.Specially,on internet it is unbearable.Any news related to Islam on Yahoo News will have atleast 80,000 comments and majority of them would be 'severe Islam bashing'.I know some haters (Christian Missionaries/Apologists or their Fan pages on Facebook etc) that will post every single crime done by Muslim anywhere in the world and then relate it to Islam.Poor brainwashed Western audience are being filled with severe hate against Islam.All these things can have disastrous consequences.So instead of dreaming about Caliphate,Muslims should prepare themselves for the challenges they are facing or might be facing.

Focus on economy,education,science and technology and social sciences is absolute necessary for the Muslim world.Muslims should learn from their cousins,Jews.Fortunately,Islam is a global religion (In absolute true sense of the word) and can't be threatened and persecuted the way Jews were threatened and persecuted in Europe and other places through out their history but we should learn from Jewish history.No one will help you or save you.You have to work for your betterment/protection/progress by your own.

I agree with your facts but are you gonna subside your religion because the world thinks it is bad. I mean when was Islam the most popular religion. People in all times opposed it. But Muslims stood with Allah's orders.


- - I want to make this clear to everyone that Islam is not a religion it is DIN. And we don't have to neglect Islam for progressing in Economy, Education, Science etc etc. . The SYSTEM OF ALLAH covers it all. . .
I admit, being a Hindu i do not know much about Islam. But this Imam Mahdi or True Guide , has he been mentioned in Quran? . If its only Hadiths, then dont you think your wait is wrong to start with?

None the less, if you claim Ummah will decide who this person is, then you violate the base premise of prophet muhammed , that Quran and Allah's is the last/final word?

well, there are distinctions in Hadiths in the case of its reliability. No sect refuses the arrival of Imam Mahdi; the issue between them is its selection. . .
well, there are distinctions in Hadiths in the case of its reliability. No sect refuses the arrival of Imam Mahdi; the issue between them is its selection. . .

there is no issue on his selection...cuz he will have open Kiramah(similiar to miracles but not a miracle)...which the fake ones cant have....same like miracles the fake prophets cant have...:)
Instead of dreaming about Caliphate,all Muslim States should focus on their economy.For God's sake,by 2020 Muslim population will increase to 2.2 billion...How you gonna feed them? Today,I believe,Islam is on cross-roads.Where ever you go,Islam is in the spot light.I remember on an Israeli forum under the section "Religion",there were ~3,000 threads on Islam while Christianity came on second number with 231 threads...Can you see the difference? Moreover,almost ALL threads were anti-Islam.Propaganda against Islam is at his peak.Specially,on internet it is unbearable.Any news related to Islam on Yahoo News will have atleast 80,000 comments and majority of them would be 'severe Islam bashing'.I know some haters (Christian Missionaries/Apologists or their Fan pages on Facebook etc) that will post every single crime done by Muslim anywhere in the world and then relate it to Islam.Poor brainwashed Western audience are being filled with severe hate against Islam.All these things can have disastrous consequences.So instead of dreaming about Caliphate,Muslims should prepare themselves for the challenges they are facing or might be facing.

Focus on economy,education,science and technology and social sciences is absolute necessary for the Muslim world.Muslims should learn from their cousins,Jews.Fortunately,Islam is a global religion (In absolute true sense of the word) and can't be threatened and persecuted the way Jews were threatened and persecuted in Europe and other places through out their history but we should learn from Jewish history.No one will help you or save you.You have to work for your betterment/protection/progress by your own.

Someone thinks rant...

?? what the hell is that all about AuZ... you really think Muslims are going to sort out their economy without the Caliphate... based on Capitalism which is actually the root cause of our misery today??

Be a little sensible dear brother... You think talk of Caliphate is talk of establishing some sort of ruling? nay... it is but a complete ideology... If you are sincere about your claim of improving ourselves then you need to read the books I posted on this very thread and discuss the points raised in these books...
Hizb ut Tahrir are a very confused bunch of individuals.

They appear to live in a fool's paradise. The Caliphate would not be a bad idea in the Muslim world, but everything else is a complete step in the wrong direction. They would try asserting a strict religious code (a backward one in my opinion) that the majority of Muslims, at least in Pakistan, do not adhere to.

Their belief is that they will bring about non-violent revolution by befriending the Pakistani military elite and converting them to their ideology. Hilariously stupid I know, but true. What is sad is that they have a small number of followers (they believe it to be many), that believe this to be true.

One thing the protests in Egypt, Tunisia etc showed, is that a system such as HuT proposes is not wanted, or is a long way away. There was an opportunity for HuT to make inroads into those countries that all fell at the same time. But instead they made none :no:

Following establishment of the Caliphate they would create laws that the majority in the Muslim world, and more importantly Pakistan, do not currently adhere to. They would regard lands outside the Caliphate as Dar-ul-Harb, or permissible to be in a state of conflict with.

So what we have here is that HuT is an organization based around fascism.

and since when are you important enough for anyone to take you seriously?

listen mate... anyone can come and post here accusations, lies and words like fascism... The military in Pakistan may have traitors but you dont think of them as fools... they ll befriend those whom they trust and they dont need your wisdom to guide them an inch... you obviously have no idea the inroads HuT has already made inside Pakistan's military...

The day of victory is coming soon inshaAllah... They will make you adhere to Islam and if you do not... well... off with your head then innit? ;)

btw... are you inspired by the Quilliam Foundation?
I admit, being a Hindu i do not know much about Islam. But this Imam Mahdi or True Guide , has he been mentioned in Quran? . If its only Hadiths, then dont you think your wait is wrong to start with?

None the less, if you claim Ummah will decide who this person is, then you violate the base premise of prophet muhammed , that Quran and Allah's is the last/final word?

Imam Mahdi is in the Hadith and there are lots of these Hadith's... His significance is for two reasons... firstly he will be the best Caliphs during end times for the world... secondly he will destroy the Anti Christ and the system that we live under today... another aspect obviously is that both Shia and Sunni will accept his Imamate... and lastly... once opposition to Islam ends during his time, the world will witness massive materialistic and spirtual benefits... a time when there wont be poor... when meat shall be expensive because each and every corner of earth would be cultivated with grain crops... technology would have a purpose to serve humans instead of just making money for the Capitalists... etc... these are a few things that would make him prominent... and also the return of the Prophet Isa AS and him following the Imam of Muslims in prayer...
Someone thinks rant...

?? what the hell is that all about AuZ... you really think Muslims are going to sort out their economy without the Caliphate... based on Capitalism which is actually the root cause of our misery today??

Be a little sensible dear brother... You think talk of Caliphate is talk of establishing some sort of ruling? nay... it is but a complete ideology... If you are sincere about your claim of improving ourselves then you need to read the books I posted on this very thread and discuss the points raised in these books...

Look,when you fall in a dirty pool...you have to swim through that dirty pool in order to get out and save your life.

If you think capitalism is bad then its OK..but you have to "swim well in capitalism" in order to get out.Let me break it for you...If not capitalism then what? A new economic model right? Cool but how will you implement this economic model if you don't even have any economic power or any say in global economic matters? Suppose today if Muslim world had combine economic power of 30 trillions...and we decide to adapt a new economic model (NOT suddenly but through a gradual and well planned change) then we would be in much,much better position to actually do that.But look at us today..where are we? NO WHERE ! We can only talk and talk but can't do nothing. What is our progress? In today's global village,who will listen to us? no one. So,rather living in dreams ...it is better for us to start working. "Economy" is the key in 21st century. . . How will you form a "Caliphate" ? Don't you see the 'love' of Arabs and Persians? Its better to first form some kind of respectable and practical alliance..Weak states forming caliphate is of no use.."Strong" States co-operating for the protection,progress,betterment etc sounds like a better and (to some extent) a practical idea. Restructure and rename OIC and make it a influential organization. . .

By the way,can you post the names of the books you are mentioning about in your post?
Look,when you fall in a dirty pool...you have to swim through that dirty pool in order to get out and save your life.

If you think capitalism is bad then its OK..but you have to "swim well in capitalism" in order to get out.Let me break it for you...If not capitalism then what? A new economic model right? Cool but how will you implement this economic model if you don't even have any economic power or any say in global economic matters? Suppose today if Muslim world had combine economic power of 30 trillions...and we decide to adapt a new economic model (NOT suddenly but through a gradual and well planned change) then we would be in much,much better position to actually do that.But look at us today..where are we? NO WHERE ! We can only talk and talk but can't do nothing. What is our progress? In today's global village,who will listen to us? no one. So,rather living in dreams ...it is better for us to start working. "Economy" is the key in 21st century. . . How will you form a "Caliphate" ? Don't you see the 'love' of Arabs and Persians? Its better to first form some kind of respectable and practical alliance..Weak states forming caliphate is of no use.."Strong" States co-operating for the protection,progress,betterment etc sounds like a better and (to some extent) a practical idea. Restructure and rename OIC and make it a influential organization. . .

By the way,can you post the names of the books you are mentioning about in your post?

Let me get it right... these are the things you are asking here...

1. How will we form the Caliphate... (this part I think would be pointless to discuss considering the Caliphate is already a done deal... how did Musharaf become the President of Pakistan? How did Lenin come to power in Russia? What swept dictators like Mubarak off their thrones after they had been in cruel power for multiple decades? The Caliphate my dear is a done deal... Its way beyond us at this stage... The best you and I can do now is to learn what makes the Caliphate a Caliphate... this recognition is important because the enemies are going to exert a lot of power now to divert everyone's attention from the real goals and aims... and confuse everyone with their attempts to hijack Islam...

2. What happens in a Caliphate? Would nt it be better if we had more money before the Caliphate came? In one word... No... because the nature of wealth and money in the two systems is different... Capitalism works on fait currency system and fractional reserve banking... Islam has the gold standard and the Bait ul Maal... these two systems are world's apart... The paper currency you hold in your hands today has no intrinsic value... Its only linked with what the Badmash of the world is enforcing on people...

3. Who will listen to us? This question of yours made me smile... read carefully brother... each and everyone of the influentials and movers and shakers of the dunya today is listening to us... they know what we want... their think tanks know what we are doing... this fear of becoming isolated is very irrational... it stems from being unaware of how ideological states operate... The Muslim world has never been isolated in the past and never will be isolated in the future inshaAllah... You ll have country after country recognizing the Caliphate once its formed and requesting diplomatic ties... believe me they are only waiting for this to happen... and other than a few countries do you really think we have animosity against the whole world? How about the South American countries? Sub Saharan Africa? China? numerous other countries? why do you assume we will become isolated and have no ties with anyone?

3. Alliance? respectable alliance? This cannot happen in the current system because the regimes draw their power from the very concept of divide and rule... There is historical reasons why the Muslim world is divided into more than fifty countries (majority of them after the collapse of the Ottoman State)... If you think that dogs like Gaddafi and Saddam and Abdullah are one day going to form an alliance (all of them taking their orders from the west... literally) then you are the one who needs to come out of these dreams...

Renaming OIC? What will that achieve? what changes do you propose we bring in? Will military alliance be part of the change? If suppose Indonesia gets attacked by Australia, can we send our troops to defend our brothers down under?

If you want to be practical... read the books... go back a few pages on this thread... they are all here...
1. How will we form the Caliphate... (this part I think would be pointless to discuss considering the Caliphate is already a done deal... how did Musharaf become the President of Pakistan? How did Lenin come to power in Russia? What swept dictators like Mubarak off their thrones after they had been in cruel power for multiple decades

Mubarak was swept away by popular demand.

The Hizbut tarir are nothing more than a castrated pseudo literate organization that was told to take a hike during the recent popular revolutions.
Ok So after 28 pages of day dreaming can we get back to the reality of 29 April 2011
Imam Mahdi is in the Hadith and there are lots of these Hadith's... His significance is for two reasons... firstly he will be the best Caliphs during end times for the world... secondly he will destroy the Anti Christ and the system that we live under today... another aspect obviously is that both Shia and Sunni will accept his Imamate... and lastly... once opposition to Islam ends during his time, the world will witness massive materialistic and spirtual benefits... a time when there wont be poor... when meat shall be expensive because each and every corner of earth would be cultivated with grain crops... technology would have a purpose to serve humans instead of just making money for the Capitalists... etc... these are a few things that would make him prominent... and also the return of the Prophet Isa AS and him following the Imam of Muslims in prayer...

No matter what u say ..but the Imaam Mahdi is not from HUT...u can fool the world but not the ones who really knows about Imam Mahdi...We already knw what HUT has made inroad inside Army establishment...cuz we already knw how many secret agencies of enemies of Islam are wrking behind the scenes and for what purpose...and Alhamdolillah we r ready for that ...and they will get burried under the dust very soon Insha-Allah...:smokin:
Mubarak was swept away by popular demand.

The Hizbut tarir are nothing more than a castrated pseudo literate organization that was told to take a hike during the recent popular revolutions.

Do you like to talk out of your backside? Do you have evidence of someone telling HT to take a hike during the recent popular revolutions?

Perhaps you need to understand that I dont enjoy entertaining castrated fools... So I am ignoring you from now on... if you want to discuss decently, let me know... if you want to discuss with an attitude, you have no idea how miserable I can make you feel here... i.e anyone can resort to cheap insults on a forum... learn to be a man and convey your grievances in a constructive manner... Until you learn to do that... dont quote me as I wont be engaging with you...

This goes for you too Mr Khurassan...
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