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You are a lier who lies without shame... Another person on my ignore list...

Give the proof ..cant blame him a lier...:coffee:....He is a true patriotic Pakistani Muslim not a sell out like u...
He is telling the truth ..Masha-Allah...
Dont be mad ..if I say the truth...
If you only knew who I was...

Not only you are ignorant but you are also a fool... Your talk here is now degrading to petty personal insults...

I am warning you to stop... I can play the game of insults too

bloody idiot...

---------- Post added at 05:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------

haha... well said... he probably has no idea what you are talking about here... LOL

I am very happi to hear such remarks from u...Show us about ureself.. so we could know...who u are...??
How We can trust u ..cuz u never had sympathyz with any innocent Muslim getting killed in Afghanistan or Pakistan..just for ure agenda. to destabilize Pakistan.
Im sorry if my posts made u mad at me ..but what I can do ..I cant stop writing the truth...

Oh okay so u can laugh at me too...I already know what pplz do in other countries especially in Western...he is human too...:azn:
To be bluntly honest, Khilafah never really succeeded in history execpt when it was held together by diverting public attention to milltary campaigns.

The first four Khalifa Rashidoon were assasinated one by one out of communal anomosity. After the death of 3rd Caliph, Mawiya wanted to restore hegemony of Ummayds which incitied him to war with Hz Ali which gave rise to Khawariji fitnah. After the assasination of 4th Caliph Ali, Mawiya seized power and appointed in son Yazid. The Banu Ummiya were soo keen on establishing their hegmony that Yazid invaded Makkah and Media to murder numerous sahabas which were the beacons if Islamic knowledge. His thirst wasnt quenched until his sworded were soaked in the blood of prophet beloved Grandson Hz Hussien which led to the rise of Rafidi fitnah. Yazid wasnt really intrested in islam as he was fasiq and fajir but wanted to take revenge of his polythesist releative slain at battle of Badr. Followed by death of Yazid in couple of years his son Mawiyah-II took power briefly albeit not withour conflict with another claimaint of caliphood, Abdullah bin Zubayer.

Muwaiya-II couldnt preside for longer due to his inexperience and guilt for his father crimes and soon abdicated power to Marwan who would go ahead to found the Ummayd Dynasty rule for 100 years sustained through continous millitary expeditions. Then came the challenger Abbasids, claiming to be true caliph due to their lineage with Prophet through his uncle Abbas bin Muttalib and founded the Abbasid caliphate which displaced the Ummayds towards spain. From where the Ummyads would continue to challenge the Abbasids.

The Fatmids then drove out the Abbasids which would result in servere destruction of Islam within and introduction of various cults and heretic rituals. And collaboration with Mongols in invasion of baghdad resulted in destruction of muslim knowledge capital as well massive deaths of muslim population. The Fatmids were replaced by Safvids who would offically persecute muslims of Iran by violent means until it was religiously cleansed and replaced by their version of religion.

The safvid were continously challenged by muslims until they were driven out of power but not witout massive damage to Islamic culture and religion.
The rest is all modern history starting with rise of Mamluk power to eventual rise of ottoman empire.

So as we see, Khilafat has been nothing but bloody struggle of power out of greed and nepotism and mass killing of fellow muslims much more than any forgien enemy. Execpt the period of ottoman who commanded with sheer power and respect in the Islamic history but not for too long and not without problems.
I agree when one reads Muslim history, at times it really saddens you when you see characters like Yazid, although he ruled in very early period of Muslim history... But we also know that the life-span of Ummate Muhammdi is going to be very short, so such characters happening so early in Muslim history should not come as a surprise...

As Prof. Ahmed Rafique Akhter said, that Allah offered Aqal (I don't know whether it means Nafs, Dil or Rooh as Imam Ghazali calls it. Or it means 'intellect') to Mountains, to skies and so on. But when He offered it to Humans, they accepted it in haste (accepted the challange of doing justice to it...). Prof. sb. says that man 'under-estimated' that challange and he 'over-estimated' himself... So man never did justice to the responsibility of using the gift of his intellect wisely, except for very few people. If we look around ourself, we see most of us living a life of animals & beasts, Ghulamaan-e-Nafs...

In a nutshell, human beings are very unpredictable, and are very much Fallible and Untrustworthy.
But to tell u the truth The real Sufis/Auliyaa-e-Allah will be the driving force behind bringing the Khilafat ...Insha-Allah :azn:

OMG, No wonder why you are against HuT (not that i support them)! Sufi originates from Pagan, and Jewish mysticism so I dont want to trust them a bit.
Prophet Mohammed PBUH was not a Sufi, did not believe in those sufi books so Sufi can not possibly be the driving force behind Khilifa. Only Mehdi will bring pure form of khalifa.
OMG, No wonder why you are against HuT (not that i support them)! Sufi originates from Pagan, and Jewish mysticism so I dont want to trust them a bit.
Prophet Mohammed PBUH was not a Sufi, did not believe in those sufi books so Sufi can not possibly be the driving force behind Khilifa. Only Mehdi will bring pure form of khalifa.
Man I am not going to reply to your Gibberish here...

What I would say is that everybody with a mouse and keyboard here is trying to judge what Sufism is and what it isn't...

You can see that I have only about a 100 posts on this forum. But now I feel like I have to get the heck out of here. It is as if I am argumentating with a bunch of 15 year olds.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but I am really hating the amount of disinformation and ignorance exhibited over here. The words that you utter and write are a sacred duty and trust. Deliver them with utmost care. You would be held responsible for them (if you believe in Afterlife that is...)
Man I am not going to reply to your Gibberish here...

What I would say is that everybody with a mouse and keyboard here is trying to judge what Sufism is and what it isn't...

You can see that I have only about a 100 posts on this forum. But now I feel like I have to get the heck out of here. It is as if I am argumentating with a bunch of 15 year olds.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but I am really hating the amount of disinformation and ignorance exhibited over here. The words that you utter and write are a sacred duty and trust. Deliver them with utmost care. You would be held responsible for them (if you believe in Afterlife that is...)

I believe in afterlife because Allah and prophet Mohammed have commanded us to do so but not for Sufisim because its a newly invented matter.
I believe in afterlife because Allah and prophet Mohammed have commanded us to do so but not for Sufisim because its a newly invented matter.
OK great, good for you Sir!!
I am not going to tell you what you should say and what you shouldn't. Say what you will. :tup:
OMG, No wonder why you are against HuT (not that i support them)! Sufi originates from Pagan, and Jewish mysticism so I dont want to trust them a bit.
Prophet Mohammed PBUH was not a Sufi, did not believe in those sufi books so Sufi can not possibly be the driving force behind Khilifa. Only Mehdi will bring pure form of khalifa.

Bro.. I guess u dont know about sufis then...they r not what u read from Kafireenz books..they r the ones like Hazrat Daatta Gunj Baksh, Ali Hajveeri , Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani, Hazrat Imaam Ghazali and Hazrat Mujaddid Alfe Saani..etc... Rehmatullah Alaihai....
and Hazrat Imaam Mahdi will come in the Roohani order of Hazrat Mujaddid Alfe Saani...in NaqashBandya...Silsilaa....
I guess if u know above Auliyaa Allah then... U will know what I mean....:)
But to tell u the truth The real Sufis/Auliyaa-e-Allah will be the driving force behind bringing the Khilafat ...Insha-Allah :azn:
Only if they can convience the whole world to get high on afgani stuff and dance by the graves.

a very narrow and shallow minded opinion about the Khilafah...

Khilafah infact has been one of the most successful political systems in mankind's civilization... It is for example only superceded by the Chinese Empire in the time that it lasted...

You are talking a few examples here which the orientalists have been using to mess up the minds of our young ones... You are probably unaware of the pains that numerous noble Caliphs of Islam's history have taken for the sake of Ummah... The achievements of the Caliphate shall remain obscure from you unless you start studying the system that was in place under the Ummayads, Abbasids and the Ottomans... and that is nt even the gold standard that is going to come next... the system on the method of the Rashideen!!!! inshaAllah

I was trying to summarize it as much as possible but Khilafah was only used as an excuse to impose their lineange for example the Ummayads and Abbasids or their version of religion like Fatmids and Safvids. Only an ottoman type system can work out today which was quite liberal and secular as the empire was controled by individual royals with centralized army, economy and currency. Sort of like capitalist socialism.

Lets have it with a pinch of salt, if it was not for the lover of power and riches we will not have the tons of fitnah today .
To be bluntly honest, Khilafah never really succeeded in history execpt when it was held together by diverting public attention to milltary campaigns.

The first four Khalifa Rashidoon were assasinated one by one out of communal anomosity. After the death of 3rd Caliph, Mawiya wanted to restore hegemony of Ummayds which incitied him to war with Hz Ali which gave rise to Khawariji fitnah. After the assasination of 4th Caliph Ali, Mawiya seized power and appointed in son Yazid. The Banu Ummiya were soo keen on establishing their hegmony that Yazid invaded Makkah and Media to murder numerous sahabas which were the beacons if Islamic knowledge. His thirst wasnt quenched until his sworded were soaked in the blood of prophet beloved Grandson Hz Hussien which led to the rise of Rafidi fitnah. Yazid wasnt really intrested in islam as he was fasiq and fajir but wanted to take revenge of his polythesist releative slain at battle of Badr. Followed by death of Yazid in couple of years his son Mawiyah-II took power briefly albeit not withour conflict with another claimaint of caliphood, Abdullah bin Zubayer.

Muwaiya-II couldnt preside for longer due to his inexperience and guilt for his father crimes and soon abdicated power to Marwan who would go ahead to found the Ummayd Dynasty rule for 100 years sustained through continous millitary expeditions. Then came the challenger Abbasids, claiming to be true caliph due to their lineage with Prophet through his uncle Abbas bin Muttalib and founded the Abbasid caliphate which displaced the Ummayds towards spain. From where the Ummyads would continue to challenge the Abbasids.

The Fatmids then drove out the Abbasids which would result in servere destruction of Islam within and introduction of various cults and heretic rituals. And collaboration with Mongols in invasion of baghdad resulted in destruction of muslim knowledge capital as well massive deaths of muslim population. The Fatmids were replaced by Safvids who would offically persecute muslims of Iran by violent means until it was religiously cleansed and replaced by their version of religion.

The safvid were continously challenged by muslims until they were driven out of power but not witout massive damage to Islamic culture and religion.
The rest is all modern history starting with rise of Mamluk power to eventual rise of ottoman empire.

So as we see, Khilafat has been nothing but bloody struggle of power out of greed and nepotism and mass killing of fellow muslims much more than any forgien enemy. Execpt the period of ottoman who commanded with sheer power and respect in the Islamic history but not for too long and not without problems.

ya n we r living in this peaceful world full of LOVE n HARMONY!! no body wants power,world is full of justice n equality!! we shud stick ti it!!
@1 ummah...

Bro give my salam to the Shabab in Lahore... Tell them I miss the brothers in Pakistan... also, I think we should disengage from this lot here for a while... we can keep this thread running if something new comes up with regards to our activities... I am sure that my comments and posts here do not require any further evidence that those who call for Khilafat love Pakistan truly and dearly and such antics against us wont work for them (at least I hope the people who run this forum understand this now)... if anything, this forum should be blocking all content from the secularists/PPP/MQM/PML/Musharafites/JUI/JI etc who have actually been in power in different phases and destroyed the Pak Sarzameen... all traitors to the core... shameless in their excesses against the people of Pakistan...

I have heard somethings in the planning for 7th of May?

sure,u from lahore? i dont know abt 7th may thing yet!
Only if they can convience the whole world to get high on afgani stuff and dance by the graves.

I was trying to summarize it as much as possible but Khilafah was only used as an excuse to impose their lineange for example the Ummayads and Abbasids or their version of religion like Fatmids and Safvids. Only an ottoman type system can work out today which was quite liberal and secular as the empire was controled by individual royals with centralized army, economy and currency. Sort of like capitalist socialism.

Lets have it with a pinch of salt, if it was not for the lover of power and riches we will not have the tons of fitnah today .

just noticed ur avatar:enjoy:
But to tell u the truth The real Sufis/Auliyaa-e-Allah will be the driving force behind bringing the Khilafat ...Insha-Allah :azn:

The great Arif Imam khomeini has already started the process of Islamic revival by a successful Islamic Revolution.
[To be bluntly honest, Khilafah never really succeeded in history execpt when it was held together by diverting public attention to milltary campaigns.

The first four Khalifa Rashidoon were assasinated one by one out of communal anomosity. After the death of 3rd Caliph, Mawiya wanted to restore hegemony of Ummayds which incitied him to war with Hz Ali which gave rise to Khawariji fitnah. After the assasination of 4th Caliph Ali, Mawiya seized power and appointed in son Yazid. The Banu Ummiya were soo keen on establishing their hegmony that Yazid invaded Makkah and Media to murder numerous sahabas which were the beacons if Islamic knowledge. His thirst wasnt quenched until his sworded were soaked in the blood of prophet beloved Grandson Hz Hussien which led to the rise of Rafidi fitnah. Yazid wasnt really intrested in islam as he was fasiq and fajir but wanted to take revenge of his polythesist releative slain at battle of Badr. Followed by death of Yazid in couple of years his son Mawiyah-II took power briefly albeit not withour conflict with another claimaint of caliphood, Abdullah bin Zubayer.

Muwaiya-II couldnt preside for longer due to his inexperience and guilt for his father crimes and soon abdicated power to Marwan who would go ahead to found the Ummayd Dynasty rule for 100 years sustained through continous millitary expeditions. Then came the challenger Abbasids, claiming to be true caliph due to their lineage with Prophet through his uncle Abbas bin Muttalib and founded the Abbasid caliphate which displaced the Ummayds towards spain. From where the Ummyads would continue to challenge the Abbasids.

The Fatmids then drove out the Abbasids which would result in servere destruction of Islam within and introduction of various cults and heretic rituals. And collaboration with Mongols in invasion of baghdad resulted in destruction of muslim knowledge capital as well massive deaths of muslim population. The Fatmids were replaced by Safvids who would offically persecute muslims of Iran by violent means until it was religiously cleansed and replaced by their version of religion.

The safvid were continously challenged by muslims until they were driven out of power but not witout massive damage to Islamic culture and religion.
The rest is all modern history starting with rise of Mamluk power to eventual rise of ottoman empire.

So as we see, Khilafat has been nothing but bloody struggle of power out of greed and nepotism and mass killing of fellow muslims much more than any forgien enemy. Execpt the period of ottoman who commanded with sheer power and respect in the Islamic history but not for too long and not without problems.
Original Post By somebozo

One little correction!!! the fitna of the Khawarij started during the time of Hazrat Uthman and resulted in his Shahadat. A testamanet to the love and respect amongst the Ahl e bait and Hazrat Usman RA was that the gates of the masque he was in were guarded by Hassan and Hussain Ibn Ali(may Allah be pleased with them both). If iremember correctly Hazrat Hussain was injured in the struggle that led to hazrat usman,s Shahadat>
Bro.. I guess u dont know about sufis then...they r not what u read from Kafireenz books..they r the ones like Hazrat Daatta Gunj Baksh, Ali Hajveeri , Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani, Hazrat Imaam Ghazali and Hazrat Mujaddid Alfe Saani..etc... Rehmatullah Alaihai....
and Hazrat Imaam Mahdi will come in the Roohani order of Hazrat Mujaddid Alfe Saani...in NaqashBandya...Silsilaa....
I guess if u know above Auliyaa Allah then... U will know what I mean....:)

Get your facts straight Mr. Imam mehdi lineage belongs to aal-e-rasool. so many hadiths about this fact. A person of Imam Mehdi Stature behind Whom Hazrat Essa will pray. needs not to belong from any Sufi order.
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