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Get your facts straight Mr. Imam mehdi lineage belongs to aal-e-rasool. so many hadiths about this fact. A person of Imam Mehdi Stature behind Whom Hazrat Essa will pray. needs not to belong from any Sufi order.

There are different views about Imam Mehdi A.S. between shias and sunnis.

The Shia believe that Imam al-Mahdi is the only son of Imam Hasan al-Askari (the 11th Imam) who was born on the 15th of Sha'ban 255/869 in Samarra, Iraq. Imam al-Mahdi went into occultation (disappearance; leaving among people while he is not identified) and he will re-appear when Allah wills. More specifically:

His lineage:
Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan Ibn Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Musa Ibn Ja'far Sadiq Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn al-Husain Ibn Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS).

On the other hand, most Sunnis are not so sure that he has been born yet! They believe he will be born some time before his mission.
There are different views about Imam Mehdi A.S. between shias and sunnis.

The Shia believe that Imam al-Mahdi is the only son of Imam Hasan al-Askari (the 11th Imam) who was born on the 15th of Sha'ban 255/869 in Samarra, Iraq. Imam al-Mahdi went into occultation (disappearance; leaving among people while he is not identified) and he will re-appear when Allah wills. More specifically:

His lineage:
Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan Ibn Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Musa Ibn Ja'far Sadiq Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn al-Husain Ibn Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS).

On the other hand, most Sunnis are not so sure that he has been born yet! They believe he will be born some time before his mission.

It has been ages I met my shia friends... this post of yours reminded me that I needed to ask a shia what is the basis of this occulatation theory in shia literature? Is it mentioned by any of the 11 Imam's quotations or a Jafari fiqh Hadith?
Get your facts straight Mr. Imam mehdi lineage belongs to aal-e-rasool. so many hadiths about this fact. A person of Imam Mehdi Stature behind Whom Hazrat Essa will pray. needs not to belong from any Sufi order.

Yes! he is from AAl-e-Rasool Allah Sallallah-o-Alaih-e Wasallam...He is from Madina...In my posts I gave reference for one book..
"Maktoobaate Imaam Rabbani by Hazrat Mujaddid Alfe Saani ...get it in 3 jild translation not the cheap 2 jilds"
If u read it U will find so many Hadiths about him and u dont have to ask anybody then...My last post showed his spiritual aspect/shajrah....not his physical Shajrah/heridity..
Please follow the link
Imam Mahdi - Contents

wow... that is quite detailed and would require a lot of time for analysis... jazakAllah Khair for this bro...

I quickly glanced thru and I think the closest to what I m looking for is this...

The hadith is reported by 'Abd Allah b. Fadl Hashimi. He relates:

Imam Sadiq said: "The one entrusted with the command will necessarily live an invisible life. This will lead those who are already astray into doubt." So I asked the Imam the reason. He said: "I am not permitted to reveal the reason." I went on to seek the philosophy behind the invisible life [of the Imam of the Age].

He said: "It is the same wisdom that existed in the prior situation when other proofs of God also went into occultation. However, the true understanding behind this occurrence will not take place until after he has reappeared, just as the wisdom behind making the boat defective, killing the boy, and repairing the falling wall [in the story of Moses and Khidr in the Qur'an] were revealed to Moses only after the two had decided to part company. O the son of Fadl! The subject of occultation is among the divine secrets and a concealed matter whose knowledge is only with God. Since we regard God to be wise we must also affirm that His acts are based on that perfect wisdom, even when the detailed understanding is not accessible to us."


This still does nt explain the whole idea... Living an invisible life does nt necassarily mean someone is born and then goes into occultation... but anyway... Would like to read the bit about Ibn Khuldoon's criticism of the issue of occultation...


Hizb ut Tahrir are a very confused bunch of individuals.

They appear to live in a fool's paradise. The Caliphate would not be a bad idea in the Muslim world, but everything else is a complete step in the wrong direction. They would try asserting a strict religious code (a backward one in my opinion) that the majority of Muslims, at least in Pakistan, do not adhere to.

Their belief is that they will bring about non-violent revolution by befriending the Pakistani military elite and converting them to their ideology. Hilariously stupid I know, but true. What is sad is that they have a small number of followers (they believe it to be many), that believe this to be true.

One thing the protests in Egypt, Tunisia etc showed, is that a system such as HuT proposes is not wanted, or is a long way away. There was an opportunity for HuT to make inroads into those countries that all fell at the same time. But instead they made none :no:

Following establishment of the Caliphate they would create laws that the majority in the Muslim world, and more importantly Pakistan, do not currently adhere to. They would regard lands outside the Caliphate as Dar-ul-Harb, or permissible to be in a state of conflict with.

So what we have here is that HuT is an organization based around fascism.
Instead of dreaming about Caliphate,all Muslim States should focus on their economy.For God's sake,by 2020 Muslim population will increase to 2.2 billion...How you gonna feed them? Today,I believe,Islam is on cross-roads.Where ever you go,Islam is in the spot light.I remember on an Israeli forum under the section "Religion",there were ~3,000 threads on Islam while Christianity came on second number with 231 threads...Can you see the difference? Moreover,almost ALL threads were anti-Islam.Propaganda against Islam is at his peak.Specially,on internet it is unbearable.Any news related to Islam on Yahoo News will have atleast 80,000 comments and majority of them would be 'severe Islam bashing'.I know some haters (Christian Missionaries/Apologists or their Fan pages on Facebook etc) that will post every single crime done by Muslim anywhere in the world and then relate it to Islam.Poor brainwashed Western audience are being filled with severe hate against Islam.All these things can have disastrous consequences.So instead of dreaming about Caliphate,Muslims should prepare themselves for the challenges they are facing or might be facing.

Focus on economy,education,science and technology and social sciences is absolute necessary for the Muslim world.Muslims should learn from their cousins,Jews.Fortunately,Islam is a global religion (In absolute true sense of the word) and can't be threatened and persecuted the way Jews were threatened and persecuted in Europe and other places through out their history but we should learn from Jewish history.No one will help you or save you.You have to work for your betterment/protection/progress by your own.
Instead of dreaming about Caliphate,all Muslim States should focus on their economy.For God's sake,by 2020 Muslim population will increase to 2.2 billion...How you gonna feed them? Today,I believe,Islam is on cross-roads.Where ever you go,Islam is in the spot light.I remember on an Israeli forum under the section "Religion",there were ~3,000 threads on Islam while Christianity came on second number with 231 threads...Can you see the difference? Moreover,almost ALL threads were anti-Islam.Propaganda against Islam is at his peak.Specially,on internet it is unbearable.Any news related to Islam on Yahoo News will have atleast 80,000 comments and majority of them would be 'severe Islam bashing'.I know some haters (Christian Missionaries/Apologists or their Fan pages on Facebook etc) that will post every single crime done by Muslim anywhere in the world and then relate it to Islam.Poor brainwashed Western audience are being filled with severe hate against Islam.All these things can have disastrous consequences.So instead of dreaming about Caliphate,Muslims should prepare themselves for the challenges they are facing or might be facing.

Focus on economy,education,science and technology and social sciences is absolute necessary for the Muslim world.Muslims should learn from their cousins,Jews.Fortunately,Islam is a global religion (In absolute true sense of the word) and can't be threatened and persecuted the way Jews were threatened and persecuted in Europe and other places through out their history but we should learn from Jewish history.No one will help you or save you.You have to work for your betterment/protection/progress by your own.
Very well said my friend!!
But you see we Muslims don't have any guidance right now. We are an idealogically scattered bunch of people, with so many sects and factions striving for their own versions of Islam. That's why we need a true guide, and that's why people like me cannot trust anybody's lead. We don't have any ideal personalities in the Muslim world today, or even the non-muslim world.
Individual struggle or excellence alone would not bail us out of this sinking ship of human civilization.
Very well said my friend!!
But you see we Muslims don't have any guidance right now. We are an idealogically scattered bunch of people, with so many sects and factions striving for their own versions of Islam. That's why we need a true guide, and that's why people like me cannot trust anybody's lead. We don't have any ideal personalities in the Muslim world today, or even the non-musim world.
Individual struggle or excellence alone would not bail us out of this sinking ship of human civilization.

may i ask who that true guide be? from which sect, country etc?
may i ask who that true guide be? from which sect, country etc?
We don't know for sure yet. Somebody whom all would agree upon. And he would not just come out of no where, the Muslim ummah would be calling out and praying for him, out of dire need... I am talking about Imam Mahdi of course. And his time is around the corner i think, in my opinion 2.5-3 years...
may i ask who that true guide be? from which sect, country etc?

Bro.. There is one hadith..." there will be 73 sects in my ummah and 72 of them will be in Jahannam (based opn Aqeedah not just Ammal) only one will be Najiya(based on Aqeedah)"
Some shabi asked Rasool Allah (Sallallaho -Alaihe-Wasallam) " who is Najiya"
Rasool Allah (Sallallaho -Alaihe-Wasallam) replied " The one who will follow me and my sahabah"
the Imaam Ghazali (Rehmatullah Alaiheh) explained in his books "Kemya-e-Sahadat" and "Abu-Almuntahi" that the pplz who gonna follow Rasool Allah and Sahabah and Auliyaa Allah with Aqeedah Ahle Sunnah walJamah will be the Firqah -e-Najiya....
Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani (Rehmatullah Alaiheh) also said in his book "Alfattah-e-Rabbani " the same thing..
Hazrat Mujaddid Alfe Saani (Rehmatullah Alaiheh ) also explained about this hadith in his book " Maktoobaat-e- Imaam Rabbaani" the same thing...
You will see the same findingz in all Auliyae-Allah books...:woot:
There r many Hadiths that explains about Khorasaan (in end times) that its pplz gonna bring back Islam to life and power...:coffee:
Very well said my friend!!
But you see we Muslims don't have any guidance right now. We are an idealogically scattered bunch of people, with so many sects and factions striving for their own versions of Islam. That's why we need a true guide, and that's why people like me cannot trust anybody's lead. We don't have any ideal personalities in the Muslim world today, or even the non-muslim world.
Individual struggle or excellence alone would not bail us out of this sinking ship of human civilization.
Bro. In hadiths it came like that " Allah is going to send mujaddids in every century to revive/strengthen Islam till the time of Qiyamah....These Mujaddids are infact Auliyaa Allah of their time, do their duty of strengthening Islam and pass away...they never get dictation from any agency of the world... except the Roohaani guidance from Quran , Sunnah and Auliyaa Allah of their time and Ilhaams as well( which is not against Quran and Sunnah).
Their all Amal is just for the Razaa of Allah and his Rasool Sallallah-o-Alaihe Wasallam....:)
We don't know for sure yet. Somebody whom all would agree upon. And he would not just come out of no where, the Muslim ummah would be calling out and praying for him, out of dire need... I am talking about Imam Mahdi of course. And his time is around the corner i think, in my opinion 2.5-3 years...

I admit, being a Hindu i do not know much about Islam. But this Imam Mahdi or True Guide , has he been mentioned in Quran? . If its only Hadiths, then dont you think your wait is wrong to start with?

None the less, if you claim Ummah will decide who this person is, then you violate the base premise of prophet muhammed , that Quran and Allah's is the last/final word?
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