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Which System Of Allah You want to implement? the one sunni follows? or the one shias follows? or perhaps the wahabi one, or the deobandi, or the ahl e hadis one, ???

it was widely reported, 70,000 shias, protested when zia ul haq tried to implement the Sharia system. as they say, it was a sunni system being imposed on us.

Fast forward to 2011 pakistan where there is million of Shias in pakistan. 10-20 sects exist in Pakistan. How can you implement the system of Allah here where every sect want to impose their own version of Islam, unable to do so will, will start a sectarian situation.

Talking of ground realities. I firmly believe the Pure Islamic system will only be implemented during "Mehdi" time. Until and unless the talk of Sharia system in Pakistan is like living in fools paradise ignoring harsh ground realities

first we as muslim are obliged to live according to sharia,under 1 khalifa,as isamic state,so its fard to work for its revival
second results r ALLAH's hands,Allah helps those who help themselves!!
u never know if Imam mehdi's khilafat will b result of this struggle??

n wat is shia sharia??? sects r allowed in islam as long as shirk not involve..therE r no big difference amongst other sects!
Yeah, why does he think Musharraf should be shot for treason against Pakistan if he doesn't believe in Pakistan, only in the Khilafat?

wat shud he call pakistan?? ok i'll rephrase it 4 ur satisfaction...musharraf shud b shot for treason against muslims living on piece of land between afghanistan,china,india,iran!
. You said do you think Pakistan will disappear under the Khilafat? I said that yes said:
OMG!!! wat do u mean by pakistan disappear?? all countries will become 1 state we can still call it pkistan,but as a wilaya,a part of islamic state!!! just like other countries!!
Mere bhai mein tumhare leaders ki books parh chuka hoon tumhare logon se baat kar chuka hoon mujhe pata hai wo Pakistan ko kis nazar se dekhte hai aur India ko kis nazar se.
To be bluntly honest, Khilafah never really succeeded in history execpt when it was held together by diverting public attention to milltary campaigns.

The first four Khalifa Rashidoon were assasinated one by one out of communal anomosity. After the death of 3rd Caliph, Mawiya wanted to restore hegemony of Ummayds which incitied him to war with Hz Ali which gave rise to Khawariji fitnah. After the assasination of 4th Caliph Ali, Mawiya seized power and appointed in son Yazid. The Banu Ummiya were soo keen on establishing their hegmony that Yazid invaded Makkah and Media to murder numerous sahabas which were the beacons if Islamic knowledge. His thirst wasnt quenched until his sworded were soaked in the blood of prophet beloved Grandson Hz Hussien which led to the rise of Rafidi fitnah. Yazid wasnt really intrested in islam as he was fasiq and fajir but wanted to take revenge of his polythesist releative slain at battle of Badr. Followed by death of Yazid in couple of years his son Mawiyah-II took power briefly albeit not withour conflict with another claimaint of caliphood, Abdullah bin Zubayer.

Muwaiya-II couldnt preside for longer due to his inexperience and guilt for his father crimes and soon abdicated power to Marwan who would go ahead to found the Ummayd Dynasty rule for 100 years sustained through continous millitary expeditions. Then came the challenger Abbasids, claiming to be true caliph due to their lineage with Prophet through his uncle Abbas bin Muttalib and founded the Abbasid caliphate which displaced the Ummayds towards spain. From where the Ummyads would continue to challenge the Abbasids.

The Fatmids then drove out the Abbasids which would result in servere destruction of Islam within and introduction of various cults and heretic rituals. And collaboration with Mongols in invasion of baghdad resulted in destruction of muslim knowledge capital as well massive deaths of muslim population. The Fatmids were replaced by Safvids who would offically persecute muslims of Iran by violent means until it was religiously cleansed and replaced by their version of religion.

The safvid were continously challenged by muslims until they were driven out of power but not witout massive damage to Islamic culture and religion.
The rest is all modern history starting with rise of Mamluk power to eventual rise of ottoman empire.

So as we see, Khilafat has been nothing but bloody struggle of power out of greed and nepotism and mass killing of fellow muslims much more than any forgien enemy. Execpt the period of ottoman who commanded with sheer power and respect in the Islamic history but not for too long and not without problems.
I am from Khorasan ;) and I carry two Raya at home... inshaAllah going to get two Liwaa as well

Did they gave u asylum in Ireland ???....cuz they gave asylum to many pplz from Khorasaan.. so that they can fight against their Muslim brotherz there...and thats why u scared to write anything against US/NATO cuz u might face deportation...???:woot:
It is very clear now that the ambition of HUT is not Islam but a covert game to destabilize Pakistan by anywayz..
In this game not only HUT is involved there are many different NGOz and organizations working behind the scenes financing the all over game...They have only one mission to destroy Pakistan on the name of Islam..
Alhamdolillah Mark Dehaven( the secret CIA/Mosaad agent is from Virginia the CIA HQ) is gonna be deported tomorrow and his all network under arrest scruitiny...Masha-Allah.
soon Insha-Allah we gonna uncover the sleeping agents in HUT here...
The Fauj of Imaam Mahdi is looking into all munafiqs sent into our country ...they wont find refuge anywhere around the world ..Insha-Allah...as it came into many Hadiths...
Im just trying to alert my fellow Muslim brotherz ..be very careful.. cuz many Shaitaan Agents will try to use them for their Shaitaani Game on the name of Islam and they funding their cause heavily...cuz they are running out of time...
We love implementation of Islam and Khilafat...but not the destruction of Muslims and their property...
The pplz who cant go out against Kafireen (US/NATO) to save innocent Muslims lives (in Afghanistan and Pak tribal areas)cant bring Khilafat....:pakistan:
You see this is the problem.
Sufis, Sunnis, Shais, Aga khanis, Agnostics all want a piece of him.
In short, he was guided by non other then Britain and Pakistan was in Britian's interest because they wanted to divide Muslim lands according to their desire. However I would never ever ever side with those losers who think Pakistan should have never been separated from India.
But to tell u the truth The real Sufis/Auliyaa-e-Allah will be the driving force behind bringing the Khilafat ...Insha-Allah :azn:
I don't know what you're talking about. Each part of my answer was linked to your previous post.

You said we can thank Musharraf for the bombs and Zardari.
I said different people have different views on who is originally to blame for the bombs (ie radicalization in Pakistani society).
And with reference to Zardari, I said, at least its not Nawaz Sharif.

You said do you think Pakistan will disappear under the Khilafat?
I said that yes, under HuT's vision of the Khilafat it will, as I have read extensively on HuT and this is part of their plan.

You are a lier who lies without shame... Another person on my ignore list...
Did they gave u asylum in Ireland ???....cuz they gave asylum to many pplz from Khorasaan.. so that they can fight against their Muslim brotherz there...and thats why u scared to write anything against US/NATO cuz u might face deportation...???:woot:

If you only knew who I was...

Not only you are ignorant but you are also a fool... Your talk here is now degrading to petty personal insults...

I am warning you to stop... I can play the game of insults too

bloody idiot...

---------- Post added at 05:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------

ap halka laytay thay??
kis nzar say???

haha... well said... he probably has no idea what you are talking about here... LOL
To be bluntly honest, Khilafah never really succeeded in history execpt when it was held together by diverting public attention to milltary campaigns.

The first four Khalifa Rashidoon were assasinated one by one out of communal anomosity. After the death of 3rd Caliph, Mawiya wanted to restore hegemony of Ummayds which incitied him to war with Hz Ali which gave rise to Khawariji fitnah. After the assasination of 4th Caliph Ali, Mawiya seized power and appointed in son Yazid. The Banu Ummiya were soo keen on establishing their hegmony that Yazid invaded Makkah and Media to murder numerous sahabas which were the beacons if Islamic knowledge. His thirst wasnt quenched until his sworded were soaked in the blood of prophet beloved Grandson Hz Hussien which led to the rise of Rafidi fitnah. Yazid wasnt really intrested in islam as he was fasiq and fajir but wanted to take revenge of his polythesist releative slain at battle of Badr. Followed by death of Yazid in couple of years his son Mawiyah-II took power briefly albeit not withour conflict with another claimaint of caliphood, Abdullah bin Zubayer.

Muwaiya-II couldnt preside for longer due to his inexperience and guilt for his father crimes and soon abdicated power to Marwan who would go ahead to found the Ummayd Dynasty rule for 100 years sustained through continous millitary expeditions. Then came the challenger Abbasids, claiming to be true caliph due to their lineage with Prophet through his uncle Abbas bin Muttalib and founded the Abbasid caliphate which displaced the Ummayds towards spain. From where the Ummyads would continue to challenge the Abbasids.

The Fatmids then drove out the Abbasids which would result in servere destruction of Islam within and introduction of various cults and heretic rituals. And collaboration with Mongols in invasion of baghdad resulted in destruction of muslim knowledge capital as well massive deaths of muslim population. The Fatmids were replaced by Safvids who would offically persecute muslims of Iran by violent means until it was religiously cleansed and replaced by their version of religion.

The safvid were continously challenged by muslims until they were driven out of power but not witout massive damage to Islamic culture and religion.
The rest is all modern history starting with rise of Mamluk power to eventual rise of ottoman empire.

So as we see, Khilafat has been nothing but bloody struggle of power out of greed and nepotism and mass killing of fellow muslims much more than any forgien enemy. Execpt the period of ottoman who commanded with sheer power and respect in the Islamic history but not for too long and not without problems.

a very narrow and shallow minded opinion about the Khilafah...

Khilafah infact has been one of the most successful political systems in mankind's civilization... It is for example only superceded by the Chinese Empire in the time that it lasted...

You are talking a few examples here which the orientalists have been using to mess up the minds of our young ones... You are probably unaware of the pains that numerous noble Caliphs of Islam's history have taken for the sake of Ummah... The achievements of the Caliphate shall remain obscure from you unless you start studying the system that was in place under the Ummayads, Abbasids and the Ottomans... and that is nt even the gold standard that is going to come next... the system on the method of the Rashideen!!!! inshaAllah
@1 ummah...

Bro give my salam to the Shabab in Lahore... Tell them I miss the brothers in Pakistan... also, I think we should disengage from this lot here for a while... we can keep this thread running if something new comes up with regards to our activities... I am sure that my comments and posts here do not require any further evidence that those who call for Khilafat love Pakistan truly and dearly and such antics against us wont work for them (at least I hope the people who run this forum understand this now)... if anything, this forum should be blocking all content from the secularists/PPP/MQM/PML/Musharafites/JUI/JI etc who have actually been in power in different phases and destroyed the Pak Sarzameen... all traitors to the core... shameless in their excesses against the people of Pakistan...

I have heard somethings in the planning for 7th of May?
I don't know what you're talking about. Each part of my answer was linked to your previous post.

You said we can thank Musharraf for the bombs and Zardari.
I said different people have different views on who is originally to blame for the bombs (ie radicalization in Pakistani society).
And with reference to Zardari, I said, at least its not Nawaz Sharif.

You said do you think Pakistan will disappear under the Khilafat?
I said that yes, under HuT's vision of the Khilafat it will, as I have read extensively on HuT and this is part of their plan

Yes U are 200% right ...cuz they got secret fund from Mosaad and MI6 and they are funding it extensively right now cuz they are running out of time...but all their tries will go in vain , into the gutter...Insha-Allah....:coffee:
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