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Featured Imam e Kaaba Advises Muslims To Have Better Relations With Jews (Israel) in Friday Sermon

Time of the Mehdi and then Dajjal and then Isa ibn maryam alai salam is now even closer still. Much closer than expected. I used say this coming decade is very crucial. But who knows it may very well be the next 5 years.

For what it's worth Haqeeqat TV had been saying this since the past two weeks. Warning that this will happen.

I was (in the recent past) very sceptical of all the End Times theories and predictions... And even coming from a sceptic's point of view... I agree with what you wrote.. the writing is on the wall...
And the interesting (or shocking ( thing is that things are supposed to roll out at an accelerated speed one after another "as if like beads from a broken necklace"...
Gentlemen, please don't make this thread against any religious group. There are many Jewish people who oppose the oppression of the Israeli state, which does not hold a monopoly over people of Jewish descent. Thank you, please maintain the decorum of the forum.
I was (in the recent past) very sceptical of all the End Times theories and predictions... And even coming from a sceptic's point of view... I agree with what you wrote.. the writing is on the wall...
And the interesting (or shocking ( thing is that things are supposed to roll out at an accelerated speed one after another "as if like beads from a broken necklace"...

That is exactly very true past world wars show how easy it is for al malhama(armageddon) like scenario to take shape within one year even.

I don't like Imran Hussain. That man twists Quran and Hadith daily as whims dictate. One day America is gog and magog next day Russia is gog and magog then China. That man pulls rabbits out of thin air. Stay away from him.

Now Israelis are saying they have found foundations of their old 2nd temple. Very worrying.
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Gentlemen, please don't make this thread against any religious group. There are many Jewish people who oppose the oppression of the Israeli state, which does not hold a monopoly over people of Jewish descent. Thank you, please maintain the decorum of the forum.
It's optics my dear innocent friend.
Although he didn't say anything about Israel and was generally speaking about dealing with jews (which is technically correct as per teachings of Islam). But I must say, the timings of this are absolutely wrong and leaves a very bad impression.
Israel doesn't want "friendship"... It wants surrender and subjugation... In return you get the "fruits" of the Global Banking System, Water Recycling, Agriculture Technology, etc...
They hold out in their right hand what looks like heaven and hell in their left hand... But in reality what is in Israel's right hand is hell and heaven in the left hand..

Don't be surprised. The leadership class of the Gulf Arab nations worked hand in hand with kuffar forces to defeat the. Khalifah of Islam and his forces. Today they ally with Zionists.
As if Saudis Emeratis Qatris see Pakistan as a equal race. Infact Pakistanis get more rights in "western" world then in Arab world. When was the last time a Pakistani got a citizenship in arab world? NEVERRRR!!!! you get treated worst then a dog in Saudia arabia.
Please refer to post# 32
That is exactly very true past world wars show how easy it is for al malhama(armageddon) like scenario to take within one year even.

I don't like Imran Hussain. That man twists Quran and Hadith daily as whims dictate. One day America is gog and magog next day Russia is gog and magog then China. That man pulls rabbits out of thin air. Stay away from him.

Now Israelis are saying they have found foundations of their old 2nd temple. V
y worrying.
Those are my exact concerns about Imran Hosein... His willingness to twist and interpret Hadith and Quran to fit his ever evolving hypothesis. I am always wary on One Subject Sheikhs who offer no balance.

Having said that, I think he did hit the nail wrt the financial system, the Zionist-Western alliance, and the Corrupt House of Saud. ... I disagree with him on almost everything else.
Those are my exact concerns about Imran Hosein... His willingness to twist and interpret Hadith and Quran to fit his ever evolving hypothesis. I am always wary on One Subject Sheikhs who offer no balance.

Having said that, I think he did hit the nail wrt the financial system, the Zionist-Western alliance, and the Corrupt House of Saud. ... I disagree with him on almost everything else.

That dude is wasting his talents in eschatology. He would've made big bucks if he wrote a sci-fi novel.
The current Global Order champion 'pursuit of interests' and hardly any country can claim higher moral ground over the other in Foreign Policy aspects - rampant hypocrisy.

It is however true that Muslims should not mistreat jews and christians in personal capacity and even as a nation. SELF-DEFENSE is permitted but unwarranted AGGRESSION is not.

I don't like Imran Hussain. That man twists Quran and Hadith daily as whims dictate. One day America is gog and magog next day Russia is gog and magog then China. That man pulls rabbits out of thin air. Stay away from him.

This man is a dubious scholar. I like his research about location of the ancient wall created by dhul qarnayn but some of his views (lectures) are CRINGE.

Allah Almighty knows best.
That means Puppet Arab Dictators says go Israel go , kill more Arabs in Palestine and occupy more Palestinian lands
Those members posting against this imam's suggestion, they should write what solution do they have for the Israel-Palestine issue and for how long should Muslims and Muslim-majority countries position against Israel and hold grudge against Israel.
I feel for all the maulvis who regularly abuse state of Israel in their duas after every namaz. What will be their status now? Will they still be muslims or will be branded as kafirs like a certain sect they hate.
i spent time with him and can tell you imran hosain is almost correct if you read quran every day and read surah al kahaf very day for long time then you will understand and stay out of riba which 99 % muslims are in it otherwise you are a looser
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