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Featured Imam e Kaaba Advises Muslims To Have Better Relations With Jews (Israel) in Friday Sermon

Im not talking about you... lol. Who cares about you?

Im talking about the sellout Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, the imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca.
There is nothing with befriending a jew as a person which is what he is referring to not befriending Israel.

There is nothing with befriending a jew as a person which is what he is referring to not befriending Israel.

Really? I have abridge to sell you in Alaska! - !

"O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust."
Really? I have abridge to sell you in Alaska! - !

"O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust."
Jews of than and now are very different from the Jews living in modern day Saudi Arabia.
Ahh these folks Ahh!!!!

They preferred a homosexual Jewish fellow, Capatain Lawrence from the British Intelligence, over the Ottomans....

It's no "surprise" for us....

By the by, do the folks need to do a "Kaffara" for all the Namaz they attended, including those during the Hajj, under his Imamet?????

I don’t feel any namaz behind these traitors count and have to do Kaza afterwards. Feel bad for those who spent money for Hajj and Umrah and stood behind him.
@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Hakikat ve Hikmet

I'm just lost for words here --
Only thing awaiting this fat morbid cow is a jackals end.

They are selling their souls for acceptance. They will get neither their souls (in akhirat) nor acceptance of kuffar.

Ahh these folks Ahh!!!!

They preferred a homosexual Jewish fellow, Capatain Lawrence from the British Intelligence, over the Ottomans....

It's no "surprise" for us....

By the by, do the folks need to do a "Kaffara" for all the Namaz they attended, including those during the Hajj, under his Imamet?????

Traitors will always spawn traitors.

Makkah is currently under occupation.

Question: Were Christians and Jews friends and allies of each other throughout history? - NO!
  • NO!.. Jewish people were mostly discriminated throughout their history by the Christian world. They suffered antisemitism throughout and extermination in Spain, Germany etc... Christians and Jews were never friends and allies of each other throughout history
  • Then mysteriously there was an alliance between the Christian (or now modern western secular) world and new Jewish Zionist established power.
    • That is, now there exist an alliance between the the Western Christian+Jewish world.
  • The Quran forbade the friendship with this alliance... "O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust."
    • Therefore, since there never in history an alliance and friendship between the Jews-Christians throughout history, the Quran (Allah) is warning of a future event where there will an alliance between the two.
    • The Quran and Allah, is forbidding the alliance and friendship between the Zionist-Western-Secularists/Christian world.

These are the words of Imran N Hosein, he is not much better. He is not qualified for takfir.

Quran refers to Christians and Jews in general terms and the word used is awliya, i.e. walis. They cannot be the dispenser of your affairs.
Jews of than and now are very different from the Jews living in modern day Saudi Arabia.

Israel... It's about the Zionist Jews!.. Do you know what a Zionist Jews is???

Following is the birth of the modern Zionist Jew and their new alliance with Modern Western Secular Christian World...

Question: Were Christians and Jews friends and allies of each other throughout history? - NO!
  • NO!.. Jewish people were mostly discriminated throughout their history by the Christian world. They suffered antisemitism throughout and extermination in Spain, Germany etc... Christians and Jews were never friends and allies of each other throughout history
  • Then mysteriously there was an alliance between the Christian (or now modern western secular) world and new Jewish Zionist established power.
    • That is, now there exist an alliance between the the Western Christian+Jewish world.
  • The Quran forbade the friendship with this alliance... "O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust."
    • Therefore, since there never in history an alliance and friendship between the Jews-Christians throughout history, the Quran (Allah) is warning of a future event where there will an alliance between the two.
    • The Quran and Allah, is forbidding the alliance and friendship between the Zionist-Western-Secularists/Christian world.
King Salman affirms Saudi Arabia's keenness to reach a just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue

# The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques expresses the Kingdom's appreciation for the efforts made by the United States of America to establish peace, and affirms the Kingdom's keenness to reach a permanent and just solution to the Palestinian issue to bring about peace, which is the main basis for the Kingdom's efforts and the Arab Peace Initiative.

An important statement, and this is a clear position of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that supports the two-state solution and the Palestinian issue and is consistent with the Egyptian and Jordanian position in finding just solutions to the Palestinian issue that guarantees the establishment of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital and on the borders of 67, while finding solutions to the refugee and prisoners problem within the Arab Peace Initiative.
There is a marked difference between Jews and zionists as there is a marked difference between Germans and nazies Israel is the flagship of zionists not true jews
As they were not brought back to this land by the Mašīaḥ but by a despotic british empire . Against their own prophecies
Why does Pakistan hate Isreal? Because they are occupying tiny portion of land that may or may not belong to Palestine so Pakistan should jeopardize its existence over Palestine rights who dont even know who a shit about Pakistan nor do they give a fuk!
Seriously if their was a definition of Pakistan in dictionary it would not be any better then land of idiots for the idiots by the idiots.
Its about time Pakistan look for its self interest and fix its million problem instead of poking its nose in others business.
Really? I have abridge to sell you in Alaska! - !

"O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust."
friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors
It's regarding friends protectors I.e strategic partners not as individuals read the verse carefully It's regarding their collectives not individuals many Sahaba were friends with jews individuals.
and please also read the context from say 5:40 to 5:55 it's regarding justice forgiveness and judging in accordance with the just laws of God revealed to Israelites and muslims IN SIMPLE WORDS GOD IS TELLING US DON'T RELY ON THEIR PROTECTION STAND ON YOUR OWN FEET
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Saudi King has the right to normalize relation with Israel. They want to go The Khyber fort .
News already in Arab media ... nothing new .

Controversial Sermon Suggests Saudi Arabia Could Normalize Ties With Israel

A sermon at the Grand Mosque in Mecca appeared to suggest Saudi Arabia is preparing for a normalization of ties with Israel
Controversial Sermon Suggests Saudi Arabia Could Normalize Ties With Israel
Abdul Rahman al-Sudais is the imam of the Grand Mosque of Mecca
Jasper Hamann

Jasper Hamann

Sep 5, 2020
Rabat – The imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca delivered a remarkable sermon on Friday that appeared to signal Saudi Arabia could normalize relations with Israel. Abdul Rahman al-Sudais, the imam of the Great Mosque, spoke on the importance for Muslims to respect other faiths and highlighted several stories about interactions between Jewish people and the Prophet Mohammed.
Imam Sudais is a senior religious leader in Saudi Arabia. He is the imam of the Grand Mosque of Mecca and the president of the General Presidency for the affairs of the Two Holy Mosques.
In his sermon this Friday, Imam Sudais spoke at length about the prophet’s early days in Mecca and his interactions with people of different faiths. He said the Isamic community needed to “correct and purify the Islamic faith from false and suspicious beliefs.” The imam’s remarks about peaceful coexistence with other faiths are not controversial in any way, but the timing of the sermon amid geopolitical changes in the region sparked online debate.
Users on social media furiously debated the imam’s speech. Many Israeli users saw the imam’s remarks as a sign of impending change in the Saudi position on Israel. Meanwhile, Israeli media reports suggested the sermon is a clear signal of an approaching normalization agreement with Israel.

However, that the sermon was well received in Israel made supporters of a free Palestine suspicious of its intent.
“A zionist tweets, loves and praises the Imam of Makkah,” commented one social media user. Even more sarcastic, another Twitter user posted a picture of Mecca’s Grand Imam with the caption: “I am a rabbi, not an imam.”
Sudais has made similar remarks about religious coexistence. In 2005 he told the BBC “the history of Islam is the best testament to how different communities can live together in peace and harmony.” However, in the same interview he also described Israeli Zionism as “the worst of the enemies of Islam.”

If the sermon is indeed a sign of impending ties with Israel, the move would be a significant game-changer in the public stance of the Saudi kingdom regarding Palestine. On August 21, Prince Turki al-Faisal of Saudi Arabia stated the Saudi price for normalization would be a “free Palestine.”

We have Kibla-e-Awal (in Makkah).

Use of term Kibla-e-Awal for Masjid-e-Aqsa is incorrect.

Kabbah WAS THE FIRST kiblah (Link to my post on that) (1). Not Masjid-e-Aqsa.

Masjid-e-Aqsa was a temporary arrangement. Firstly, because Kababh had idols in it at that time & we didn't want to face towards an idol filled place while offering prayers. Secondly, to test if new converts would follow Prophet's instructions or not, despite their extreme reverence for Kabbah.

Prophet himself wanted to change direction from Aqsa towards Kabbah.

Now, if that is what it takes to bring peace in the land >>> "If" it's proven somehow that 2nd temple building was indeed where Aqsa is now, then I for one would support giving that piece of land back to Jews and let them have their kibla (3rd temple) re-built there. (Link to my post on that) (2).


Seems Holy Prophet PBUH and Allah knows very well Arabs won't be able to sustain their control on Qibal e awal and ask Prophet to change his direction .... may be am wrong ... but its a feeling .
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