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Featured Imam e Kaaba Advises Muslims To Have Better Relations With Jews (Israel) in Friday Sermon

Question: Were Christians and Jews friends and allies of each other throughout history? - NO!
  • NO!.. Jewish people were mostly discriminated throughout their history by the Christian world. They suffered antisemitism throughout and extermination in Spain, Germany etc... Christians and Jews were never friends and allies of each other throughout history
  • Then mysteriously there was an alliance between the Christian (or now modern western secular) world and new Jewish Zionist established power.
    • That is, now there exist an alliance between the the Western Christian+Jewish world.
  • The Quran forbade the friendship with this alliance... "O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust."
    • Therefore, since there never in history an alliance and friendship between the Jews-Christians throughout history, the Quran (Allah) is warning of a future event where there will an alliance between the two.
    • The Quran and Allah, is forbidding the alliance and friendship between the Zionist-Western-Secularists/Christian world.
Bro your point, has a point :tup:
If I remember correctly the hadith states 3 brothers will fight over the treasure of the Ummah and neither will get it.

We have to now understand this is blood or step-brothers or various factions of Arab tribes, etc.

That is another hadith about Iraq, where Euphrates reveals the mountain of gold.

The hadith about civil war after the death of a king is about KSA. After this Mahdi comes.
While you might be right, there is nothing specifically wrong in what the imam has said. Prophet (pbuh) treated all non-muslims with respect (jews or whoever) and this is what Islam generally preaches as well. So technically whatever the imam has said, there is nothing wrong with it.

But ofcourse the timing is very very bad and as I have said, it raises a lot of questions.
Since No one knows him personally, I invite you all to go and interview those workers who have done work (e.g constructions of His villas or renovations) under him... or have been working in Mecca for many years in his close circles..
That would be enough to gauge his Munafiqat
Since No one knows him personally, I invite you all to go and interview those workers who have done work (e.g constructions of His villas or renovations) under him... or have been working in Mecca for many years in his close circles..
That would be enough to gauge his Munafiqat

Can you share some detail(s) bro.
@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Hakikat ve Hikmet

I'm just lost for words here --
Only thing awaiting this fat morbid cow is a jackals end.
Of course his master - Master Bone Sawer - Clown donkey Salman told him to say so......

Where was his sermons for Darfur, or even Yemen. hippocrazies. His master is a murderer and a thug. If Jihad is needed it is to remove these false rulers.
Of course his master - Master Bone Sawer - Clown donkey Salman told him to say so......

Where was his sermons for Darfur, or even Yemen. hippocrazies. His master is a murderer and a thug. If Jihad is needed it is to remove these false rulers.

Respectfully, weren't you supporting UAE recognition of Israel not too long ago?

Here you are a non-Muslim talking about Jihad, CIA nonsense in Darfur, and US supported war on Yemen. Where is your condemnation of the US masters of KSA?

You act as if MBS and MBZ are acting on their own.
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Since No one knows him personally, I invite you all to go and interview those workers who have done work (e.g constructions of His villas or renovations) under him... or have been working in Mecca for many years in his close circles..
That would be enough to gauge his Munafiqat

So who is going to put us in touch with such people, you? :lol:
Respectfully, weren't you supporting UAE recognition of Israel not too long ago?

Here you are a non-Muslim talking about Jihad, CIA nonsense in Darfur, and US supported war on Yemen. Where is your condemnation of the US masters of KSA?

You act as if MBS and MBZ are acting on their own.
Respectfully, weren't you supporting UAE recognition of Israel not too long ago?

Here you are a non-Muslim talking about Jihad, CIA nonsense in Darfur, and US supported war on Yemen. Where is your condemnation of the US masters of KSA?

You act as if MBS and MBZ are acting on their own.
What CIA nonsense in Darfur? I was there with MSF and I was there in Yemen too. - Sudanese sunni thugs backed by KSA Bashir - murder, raping innocent muslims - you call that CIA conspiracy; bullkak. Get a reality check pal. Same in Yemen - Noone in muslim world stands out to the murder that is happening under the direct hand of KSA or Iran or who ever. Speak to a mother whose children have died due to starvation. KSA - my foot - If there is a god, clown bastard Salman needs to face the maker for the murder of innocent at his hands.
I say Jihad yes; both talmud and hadith support the notion to overthrow murdering rulers and dictators.
UAE btw had had relations with Isreal for over 2 decades- same for KSA but never declared.
What CIA nonsense in Darfur? I was there with MSF and I was there in Yemen too. - Sudanese sunni thugs backed by KSA Bashir - murder, raping innocent muslims - you call that CIA conspiracy; bullkak. Get a reality check pal. Same in Yemen - Noone in muslim world stands out to the murder that is happening under the direct hand of KSA or Iran or who ever. Speak to a mother whose children have died due to starvation. KSA - my foot - If there is a god, clown bastard Salman needs to face the maker for the murder of innocent at his hands.
I say Jihad yes; both talmud and hadith support the notion to overthrow murdering rulers and dictators.
UAE btw had had relations with Isreal for over 2 decades- same for KSA but never declared.

Long gone is the era when you can send hapless Muslims to their deaths to advance your geopolitical ambitions.

If you paint an image of KSA and UAE without mentioning the US and NATO allies, you are doing a disservice.

These slaves don't move one finger without the permission of their master.

About Darfur, I do not agree with you or your rhetoric. As long as Sudan had an Islamic government, the West was always promoting its fragmentation: first South Sudan, then Darfur, and lastly a border dispute with Egypt.
Can you share some detail(s) bro.
First He is arrogant to his workers. Not so rare.
Some Pakistanis working in Harem told me about his mistreatments and underpayments by using his influence for the jobs at His Villas..

Workers of Harem use to take work part time here ( to make some extra money) and are treated inhumanely by likes of His.

But These workers make them pay in other ways :lol: :enjoy:
According to Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, the imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the prophet was so good to his Jewish neighbor that the latter converted to Islam.

Has Saudi Arabia begun preparing its people for normalization with Israel?

A sermon delivered on Friday by Abdul Rahman al-Sudais, the imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, has been interpreted by some Arabs and Muslims as a prelude to normalization with Israel.

In his sermon, Sudais said that Islam requires Muslims to respect non-Muslims and treat them well.

He pointed out that Prophet Mohammed “performed ablution from a polytheistic water bottle and died while his shield was mortgaged to a Jew.”

According to Sudais, the prophet was so good to his Jewish neighbor that the latter converted to Islam. Sudais also talked about the need to “correct and purify the Islamic faith from false and suspicious beliefs.”

The imam had previously called for peaceful inter-faith dialogue and preached Islam’s opposition to “explosions and terrorism.”

Saudi Arabia has agreed to allow Israeli flights into its airspace. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan recently said the kingdom was open to establishing relations with Israel on condition that a peace agreement is reached between Israel and the Palestinians.

Sudais’s words sparked a wave of protests on social media, where many Arabs and Muslims claimed he was paving the way for Saudi Arabia to follow suit with the United Arab Emirates and establish relations with Israel.

Egyptian Islamic scholar Mohammed al-Sagheer accused the Saudi cleric of hypocrisy. “He is paving the way for normalization and treason,” Sagheer commented.

Islamic cleric Muhammad al-Shinqiti of Mauritania accused Sudais of exploiting the podium of the Grand Mosque in Mecca to promote normalization with Israel.

Abdel Fatah Fayed, Egyptian affairs editor at Al-Jazeera, said the bottom line of the Friday sermon was that “submission, normalization and loyalty to Israel” are permitted. He added: “Al-Sudais does not have the right to tamper with Islam. Nothing can justify treason.”

Algerian Twitter user Mohamed Mestour posted a picture on the social media platform of Sudais with the caption: “I’m a rabbi, not an imam.”

The Saudi cheapened everything even their dignity, if they had one...
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