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IHS Janes | China, Pakistan set for submarine deal by end of year.

Good news !!

But why dont PN goes for scorpene or U214 as you need quality subs in your fleet?
We should wait until more concrete details are revealed. The most we can say is that of all suppliers, Pakistan is most likely to buy submarines from China for financial and political reasons. However, this is going to affect them for long time, inducting a submarine fleet is expensive business irrespective of the source. So let's wait and see.

Personally, I hope Pakistan takes the JF-17-route with submarines, i.e. work with China by developing one of their designs into something that suits Pakistan best.

I'd like to see them work on a general purpose SSK capable of all mission and strategic needs, present and future. Along with high levels of safety, quality and dependability, a good engine and AIP system will be vital. Effective AShM, ASW and SLCM launch capabilities are a must. Finally, these core capabilities must come at a reasonable cost, because like the JF-17, this needs to form the mainstay of the PN's sub-surface fleet.

Alongside an SSK, I'd *really* like to see the PN pursue a 3000+ ton multi-role FFG program with China. Again, like the JF-17 we need a general purpose frigate that gives the PN a core set of effective capabilities in AShW, ASW and AAW. In particular, proper AAW is a must, i.e. a medium-range SAM system using VLS similar to ESSM. If this could be achieved at a reasonable cost, we could see it form the bulk of the PN surface fleet.
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What's the cost? Though China does give Pakistan equipment at discounted rates, these six subs could cost quite a packet.

upwards of USD 1bill. its not a small agreement. at least 2 would be manufactured at KESW where the infrastructure and manpower is in place.
We should wait until more concrete details are revealed. The most we can say is that of all suppliers, Pakistan is most likely to buy submarines from China for financial and political reasons. However, this is going to affect them for long time, inducting a submarine fleet is expensive business irrespective of the source. So let's wait and see.

Personally, I hope Pakistan takes the JF-17-route with submarines, i.e. work with China by developing one of their designs into something that suits Pakistan best.

I'd like to see them work on a general purpose SSK capable of all mission and strategic needs, present and future. Along with high levels of safety, quality and dependability, a good engine and AIP system will be vital. Effective AShM, ASW and SLCM launch capabilities are a must. Finally, these core capabilities must come at a reasonable cost, because like the JF-17, this needs to form the mainstay of the PN's sub-surface fleet.

Alongside an SSK, I'd *really* like to see the PN pursue a 3000+ ton multi-role FFG program with China. Again, like the JF-17 we need a general purpose frigate that gives the PN a core set of effective capabilities in AShW, ASW and AAW. In particular, proper AAW is a must, i.e. a medium-range SAM system using VLS similar to ESSM. If this could be achieved at a reasonable cost, we could see it form the bulk of the PN surface fleet.

Yes thats true. Committing to a weapon system of this magnitude has a long term effects. Ideally I am sure PN would like to get the western submarines which are already using proven and tested technologies however, as you mentioned the decision will be mostly financial and political. While not as advanced as western systems, getting Chinese systems means more flexibility. Its a difficult decision as on the one hand hand PN wants to squeeze as many things they can get in tight budget and on the other hand getting sub-par systems may not serve the purpose in the long run especially if time is also the constrain. Lets hope everything works out well as we know PN is a resourceful force and they will again come up with something workable.
Yes thats true. Committing to a weapon system of this magnitude has a long term effects. Ideally I am sure PN would like to get the western submarines which are already using proven and tested technologies however, as you mentioned the decision will be mostly financial and political. While not as advanced as western systems, getting Chinese systems means more flexibility. Its a difficult decision as on the one hand hand PN wants to squeeze as many things they can get in tight budget and on the other hand getting sub-par systems may not serve the purpose in the long run especially if time is also the constrain. Lets hope everything works out well as we know PN is a resourceful force and they will again come up with something workable.

PN would, but as you stated there is going to be less flexibility. Even though the Germans were offering favourable financing terms for U214, the reason why the deal fell through is because the Germans were not allowing PN to mount cruise missiles on the subs. This constraint has not been imposed by the Chinese, and PN is free to extend and customize the platform based on its need.

The situation is similar to the F16 and JF17. Although the F16 is a superior machine, JF17 is more dangerous because it can carry a whole list of weapon systems which the F16 cannot.
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AIP powered subs are quieter than nuclear powered subs. and cheaper to run.
Everyone's underestimating the S20. Its new built machine it is better than our Agosta's it has >300m depth so its enough for effective underwater defenses. With option of all chinese sub Sensor suites and AIP system Options for installation. It gives us benefit that if finance issues we can stall the extra stuff later.
IF all goes as scheduled, which is not always the case these days, the agreement should be signed during IDEAS-14. sources say up to 4 different agreements will be signed consisting of delivery of 2 subs / agreement for a total of 8.
IF all goes as scheduled, which is not always the case these days, the agreement should be signed during IDEAS-14. sources say up to 4 different agreements will be signed consisting of delivery of 2 subs / agreement for a total of 8.

Paisaaaa ? :what:
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