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If you don’t like item numbers, don’t watch them: Sohai Ali Abro

No wonder we are so screwed up!

We dont follow our culture...na apni zabaan bolnay may pride! Na kuch!!

Bas bharati ameriki european jo karay ga woh sahi!

Dancing to the tunes and revealing flesh was never Pakisranis culture! Our women used to cover themselves our men used to have sharum and haya! We had family values now we are just following amerika bharat or europe!

Oyr education system is flawed its only teaching us fuuuur fuur angrezi and little tehzeeb or knowledge!

She can dance all she want hell she can even make a **** what will us Pakistanis do we will look the other way right! Lols that some logic!!

Ps: not talking about religion or seculars will go all bat shit crazy!
just come to India and do whatever item number you want to do.Paisa bhi accha milega.Pakistani women are coming open now her words speaks about the changes "you can not tell anyone to do anything or not do anything".
just come to India and do whatever item number you want to do.Paisa bhi accha milega.Pakistani women are coming open now her words speaks about the changes "you can not tell anyone to do anything or not do anything".
Nope no need for that she and Mehwish are at the top of their careers in Pakistan
Guys talking about every will go to their own grave should also know that Nahi Anil Munkir is also a Farz, this lady is wrong.In a Muslim society Nahi Anil Munkir is Farz and if you want to deny it like this then just leave ISLAM and chill, no problem, it shouldn't be that hard for such people. :confused:
And secondly this isn't our culture this is bullshit, art doesn't give your eraction lol it feeds your intellect and creativity not your lust for skin and body. Im no mullah but atleast I'm calling it bullshit, a degree of Nahi Anil Munkir.You people don't even know about your own religion and talk about world affairs ,Lord have mercy :(:rolleyes:
How something lustful and erotic can be a form of art.
We aren't known in the world at all, we people are considered just like the indians because we abandoned our culture, today every great nation has its own cultural pride that is identity of their people.
And according to some liberals these item number women are gonna be our identity, I m afraid Pakistani identity has no future at all, If we don't even wear our own clothes don't like our own music don't like our own language why should the world respect us and even consider us a nation? Hell such pathetic people don't deserve any identity, they remain nameless or get the wrong tag atmost:( :confused:
just come to India and do whatever item number you want to do.Paisa bhi accha milega.Pakistani women are coming open now her words speaks about the changes "you can not tell anyone to do anything or not do anything".

Sir, India has its own Censor Board for films. It is not a free-for-all there either.
I agree with you 100%.They are just sugar coatings to pave way for lustful desires.What is so amazing about item songs?A woman,dancing in vulgar manner provoking hormonal imbalances among audiences.I hate such trend of as much as gandasa culture.
The question arises here as if,why people try to sugar coat such objectionable issues as ''entertainment'' and accuse the critics as ''conservative'' and themselves as liberals?Once an objectionable issue,if succeed to be sugarcoated as art,literature or freedom then it will spread like virus.The issue is not only concerned as if one likes it or not,but about an attempt to remove boundaries and making such things viral.


I don't know if Pakistanis here are aware of a cinema in Rawalpindi (most of them seem to have been born after downfall of cinema in Pakistan) that was famous for adult movies, and there were other cinemas that were famous for hit hollywood movies and Pakistani movies, both types of cinema were running parallel, people then had the true choice which cinema to visit nothing was imposed and no one was made to look the other way. These young liberals have not yet seen the liberties and true freedom of choices people had. Their talk is mostly to criticize and take out their frustration on religion, because they deep down share the same mentality as that of their counterparts. Dono kunmay kay maindak hain.

And regarding art and creativity Ismail Gul jee and types of Sadeqain, Qawi, Nadeem, Shafi Muhammad, Noor Jahan and many others were ignorant then because they did not know doing an item number based on cheap concepts copied from cheap neighbor movie industry could win them all the fame and respect.
Sir, India has its own Censor Board for films. It is not a free-for-all there either.

she is good girl she will never do anything which need censor board.She will do just fine.Have you seen item song of deepika in happy new year that was a disgusting piece of work that was a height of vulgar clothing but censor board passed it anyway
pakistanis are khudai faujdaars they will do every wrong but teach others moral .

Says a drunk old fellow.. well dear its not about what Pakistani teach others.. its about retaining your own culture and customs.. tell me where have you seen such dancing and half naked girls in Pakistan or in pakistani wedding (beside mujra on some wadera wedding).. if you want to compete then compete with the strong story lines..too much promotion of item songs is just the failure of one's creativity and like you say bcha bcha knows why they include item numbers just out fear that people won't like the story so promote film with item number..promote art not vulgarity..
How Bollywood Is Failing The Women Of India
let people enjoy there freedom and everyone mind his businesses . very basic thing but khudai faujdar did not understand
If your daughter say she want to enter
p o r n industry, and your son demand to become a cool gangster...... so using laws of freedom, free choice and secularism...... Will you allow that.......?

Censor Board
You are either joking, or completely ignorant about this thing .......
Looks like Pakistan has come to stage the problem regarding item songs which Indians were facing 5-10 years ago. Now no body in India even cares about item songs. People have become used to it so much that making item songs does not even give movie makers any advantage compared to others. I am guessing by 2020 Pakistani movies will be the same.
.Only top people can succeed here
Exactly...... Likes of Sunny Leone can become super star in India ........ but in Pakistan, They cannot even exist .......

People have become used to it so much that making item songs does not even give movie makers any advantage compared to others.
Can you watch item songs with your family.....?
You are either joking, or completely ignorant about this thing .......

From: Central Board of Film Censors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Central Board of Film Censors (CBFC) is the regulatory body and censorship board of Pakistan. The CBFC is governed by the Motion Picture Ordinance, 1979 and rules made there under. The prime statutory function of the CBFC is censorship of films. With its Head office at Islamabad headed by the Chairman, has two branches at Lahore and Karachi. The CBFC examines the films in the light of the Censorship Code provided by the Federal Government."


"While examining films, the CBFC eliminates public exhibition of a film or any part thereof which is likely to:

I. Impair accepted moral standards and social value by glorification of vice or crime:
II. Give offence to any section of the public or injured the feelings of any class of persons:
III. Hurt national sentiments:
IV. Contains dialogues, songs, speeches, dances, jokes or gesture which are obviously vulgar obscene or indecent:
V. Undermines Islam: or
VI. Ridicules, disparages or attacks any religious sect caste and creed.
Looks like Pakistan has come to stage the problem regarding item songs which Indians were facing 5-10 years ago. Now no body in India even cares about item songs. People have become used to it so much that making item songs does not even give movie makers any advantage compared to others. I am guessing by 2020 Pakistani movies will be the same.

I believe India has advanced further now, there are voices being raised for rights of Gays and lesbians, by the time Pakistanis reach voicing for rights of gays and lesbians, India may have advanced to raise voice for rights of people who want to have sex with animals. This is how I look at it one stage at a time by the time we are all running naked without bothering about it (though I think industrialists and fashion industry may not let that happen)
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