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If you can't find someone, just say you killed and threw them in the ocean

BTW I think this whole tamasha has been a plot by Kayani and Pasha's enemies to discredit them and get them sacked.. May be Zardari is behind this.. Possibly there was no raid and PAF only flew a couple of sorties around the town to sound like an American attack. Also USA is no longer fond of Pasha and Kayani due to RD episode and they probably went along..
the US gov doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. if Osama is dead he's dead. why does it matter if you don't believe it?
The authenticity that he was killed in this very staged operation and not in the past much before that.

Taliban and al qaeda say many more things as well do you believe them?

as far as statement of his wife is concerned tell me do you believe that ??

as far as inciting violence then its funny because its the weakest and silly argument to base one's shying away from showing the proofs.

Exacatly who remeber 2 week after the hidious attacks on 9/11 Bin Larden protested his innocent and after a while because the Whitehouse wanted a scape goat so blame it on Bin LArden. Bin larden said that if you wanted to put the blame go right ahead. It worked in his favor as being the only one terropr groipu to attack america.

Also the Taliban demanded proof of Bin Lardens attack on 9/11 but America never gave it which prompted the 10 year hostilitie.
i dont really think that the yanks would have organized a memorial service and obama would have met the SEALS....and they would have exposed their top secret heli project if there was no osama....but yes....what is the meaning of the DoD statement that osama was buried in the sea with full islamic conjunctions....you dont bury someone in the sea and then fulfill islamic laws!!!
i dont really think that the yanks would have organized a memorial service and obama would have met the SEALS....and they would have exposed their top secret heli project if there was no osama....but yes....what is the meaning of the DoD statement that osama was buried in the sea with full islamic conjunctions....you dont bury someone in the sea and then fulfill islamic laws!!!

That is just to show that they care about views of muslims.
This has been a point Obama is harping on and on.
Does not mean they will not examine your backside if they think you could pose threat.
It is just to show people that they care.

However there is a good reason not to give religious burial to terrorists inspired by religion. It may not deter the hardcore ones, but surely will impact fence sitter, or those who do for money/virgin.
I wish they had released the photo's myself. But I can also understand why they are not. In the end even bin ladens family in the compound admit it was him. So releasing the pictures is a moot point. Though eventually I am sure someone will leak them. And it doesn't matter if anyone thinks he is not dead. becuase as Obama put it "you will never see him walk the earth agian".

I can bet you one thing for sure. Pakistans Al Qaeda and Afghan Taliban supporters are busy relocating al-Zawahiri, and Mullah Omar. Will be interesting to see how many will still deny these two are in Pakistan.
I have seen enough dead bodies. I do not need to see OBL's. If the US says that the SEALs killed him, then he is dead. The US is not al Qaeda or the Taliban that videotapes decapitations of innocents for their websites. The pictures of Saddam Hussein, may he rot in Hell, and his sons, may they as well, were leaked by Iraqis, not the US.

My questions are: How could Pakistani intelligence agencies and the military NOT know that OBL was living in a huge, expensive house in Abbottobad? Was he living there because they were afraid to do anything about it, or were they actively protecting him?

Now I am going to sleep because I haven't been home since Monday morning. My housekeeper somehow found a pork roast and fed me well this evening after I arrived and bathed. Two of my sons are here and insist on standing watch while I sleep. I do not know what they fear. May God protect us all.
I wish they had released the photo's myself. But I can also understand why they are not. In the end even bin ladens family in the compound admit it was him. So releasing the pictures is a moot point. Though eventually I am sure someone will leak them. And it doesn't matter if anyone thinks he is not dead. becuase as Obama put it "you will never see him walk the earth agian".

I can bet you one thing for sure. Pakistans Al Qaeda and Afghan Taliban supporters are busy relocating al-Zawahiri, and Mullah Omar. Will be interesting to see how many will still deny these two are in Pakistan.

Interestingly thats exactly what someone lying about the pictures would say... C'mon just show the pictures just to shut me up!

"Courtesy: Trust Obama Campaign"
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USA is very fond of k&p it was usa who gave them extensions forgot it already ? generals on extensions don't resist they moan !!! Haven't you noticed the embarsing silence of the BEST army in the world !!!
The unfortunate truth about conspiracy theorists is that no matter how much evidence is provided to them, no matter how many facts are at their disposal, no matter how many logical explanations are given to them, they can be counted on to prefer baseless theories. Their explanations have little bearing on the truth and more drama than an action movie. Accepting false explanations and baseless conspiracies as the truth never helps anyone and neither will it benefit any country In this case, the reality that the entire world, including Al-Qaeda, TTP, and Afghan Taliban, has accepted the death of Usama bin Laden on May 2, 2011 has become new food for conspiracy theorists. You may also recall that the TTP vowed revenge for the killing of Bin Laden, promising to murder more Pakistanis in exchange for the life of a foreign terrorist. Rest assured, with every passing day denial will be replaced by doubt and eventually, not seeing anymore propaganda videos or hate filled statements by Bin Laden, will accept reality and that will be a more solid and visible proof than any pictures.

Unlike our enemies who pride themselves on the release of graphic images of those they have killed which they then treat as trophies --a practice that violates both the Geneva Convention and US law, distributing images of combat fatalities as propaganda is against our policies.. The video of Saddam Hussein's execution was released by a minor Iraqi official with a cell phone camera and not by the U.S.

The initial fake pictures have caused some to doubt BIN LADEN death. The US conducted successful DNA matches with many members of his family which, along with visual recognition, confirmed his identity. Because we have decided not to release BIN LADEN after death images some bloggers suggest that it is because the photo editors need time to photoshop dead BIN LADEN pictures. Does not that tell you that even if we had released the real pictures, conspiracy theorists would have assumed it was photoshoped? If the incident was truly staged, as you suggest, we would have known beforehand and released the photoshoped pictures already.

There were several factors behind the decision to bury Bin Laden at sea. Many countries, including his birthplace, Saudi Arabia, disowned him and rejected his burial in the land of Mecca and Medina. Also according to Islamic burial customs, a dead body needs to be buried within a day of death. The burial was done according to Islamic customs, out of respect towards the religion and in keeping with our practice of treating the dead with dignity, regardless of whether the individual was friend or enemy, or even, like BIN LADEN, a mass murderer; Not a Muslim leader, but a murderer of Muslims.

CDR Bill Speaks,
DET – U.S. Central Command
U.S. Central Command

I do not understand these people that still deny it was not OBL in the compound, is the even a statement? It was not OBL, then who was there with his wives? OBL look alike? Even if OBL was living in Pakistan without proper status or immigration papers, he never even had the courtesy to not bomb Pakistanis, the people of the same land where he was hiding.
Two things

Firstly , what is the fuss about seeing pictures of dead Osama ? Has the world seen pictures of dead Hitler ? No. Yet he is dead.

Secondly, there is a good chance that he was taken alive injured perhaps. In this case it would suit US to say he is dead . Now they could repair him ,make him talk ( & there are chemical ways to make a man talk besides physical) get all the info they need & bump him off without any fuss. After all he was consigned to the waves.
BTW I think this whole tamasha has been a plot by Kayani and Pasha's enemies to discredit them and get them sacked.. May be Zardari is behind this.. Possibly there was no raid and PAF only flew a couple of sorties around the town to sound like an American attack. Also USA is no longer fond of Pasha and Kayani due to RD episode and they probably went along..

You provided a totally new look to the stroy I like it...
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