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if women is free to show off her body, then why she is not free to cover it?

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Sadly Pakistani mens wants Naked womens more than the most populous countries on the planet, seeing the way, Pakistan tops the list of searching **** sites in Google.

You do realize where most of those searches end up in?? You probably guessed it right, INDIA!

But what does that have to do with the women wanting to wear Burka?
:rofl: man How old are you?

No there is no difference indeed esp if you cant differentiate a friend pulling a prank, a terrorist wanting to kill you and a decent woman :rofl:

Very unethical and unhygienic women:


oh yea Christian nuns have no brains :agree: same goes with those Sikhs who go to the temple and cover their heads...or the Jewish ladies who chose to cover themselves...all have no brains...


Nuns or Jews or any country forces them to. Unlike some countries in middle east which forces them to wear it.
And Dear how will you differentiate a terrorist in bburqa within seconds? Educate me... Does Islam strictly wants even face to be covered?
Its a international forum, and every discussions should be carried out in same spirits. I never decided you idiot. I am asking my questions as a Man/Boy.
Better dont drag religion nuttterhead. Simple as that.
I stand by my opinions. I have no problems with full body cover except face. I dont want people conversing with me to have a unnatural advantage in seeing me, and not allowing me to see her. Simple as that. Does it take your brain takes long for you to comprehend?

You are very abusive......on an internet forum. Typical traits of your kind.

And as I advised you earlier, do not speak to those women as they certainly don't want to speak to you.
You do realize where most of those searches end up in?? You probably guessed it right, INDIA!

But what does that have to do with the women wanting to wear Burka?

So what? There is no statistics of sites ending in India. Whereas Indian mens population four times the size of Pakistan, does not even figure in the list of searching **** sites.
And if Pakistani mens cannot follow the rules of Islam, they shouldnt expect the women folks to do the same,.
Lol and why would burka clad women respected? I would say all burka clad women strip searched to see if they are hiding something....

Well then those searches may be extended to females of your family too.....I mean when we do start doing something extreme, it does tend to get out of control.
So what? There is no statistics of sites ending in India. Whereas Indian mens population four times the size of Pakistan, does not even figure in the list of searching **** sites.
And if Pakistani mens cannot follow the rules of Islam, they shouldnt expect the women folks to do the same,.

Again, I know it is hard for you to understand, it is about the women and not about the men. It's all about what the woman wants to wear....unless she has to follow a dress code because of some law as in Iran.
Nuns or Jews or any country forces them to. Unlike some countries in middle east which forces them to wear it.
And Dear how will you differentiate a terrorist in bburqa within seconds? Educate me... Does Islam strictly wants even face to be covered?
Apparently you did not read my post...

I said if its their choice then I respect them.....coz of the hardship of making such a choice...But what would you know...I mean even guys want to show off even if they a small bump and go around wearing skin tight shirts to show off the bump calling it muscle! :rofl:

Well 1stly, until and unless you are involved in some form of crap, why are you afraid of terrorist? do you not trust the security of your country? Secondly, a terrorist will not come up to you to strike a conversation with you! I guess common sense is not something very common :tsk:

For YOU, everyone is a KID, so how does it matter anyway? :D
ok abba g with kid mentality :ashamed:
Yes, in Islam it is mandatory for women to cover themselves. It can be with anything and does not necessarily have to be with a dedicated Burka, so long as the woman's body and curves are not highlighted, her hair are covered and her body is covered including her ankles.

Burka is a piece of dress from Arabia. Quran says to cover modestly but nowhere does it menion burka.

so ,,,it means burqa is not mandatory,,,,ok then
Where did I bash your religion? I merely asked if a Hindu should decide it as opposed to a Muslim or a Christian or a Jew etc.

Honestly, it's the Hindus that invite themselves in every thread that does not relate to them, perhaps your advice is better suited to your fellow Hindus.
I didn't see that the OP opened this thread exclusively for Muslims. Stop going off tangent.
Because its not the same thing if she is forced to wear it by male family members.

Ok well, lets consider a hypothetical situation, a female member of your family wants to go out topless in public, do you allow it or force her to cover up?
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