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if women is free to show off her body, then why she is not free to cover it?

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So what? There is no statistics of sites ending in India. Whereas Indian mens population four times the size of Pakistan, does not even figure in the list of searching **** sites.
And if Pakistani mens cannot follow the rules of Islam, they shouldnt expect the women folks to do the same,.
Well then those searches may be extended to females of your family too.....I mean when we do start doing something extreme, it does tend to get out of control.
Ok you 2 back off now...The thread is not solely about India and Pakistan...try looking further from your footsteps!

Secondly, I do agree what you dont want of your females (sisters, mothers, cousins, daughters) then dont expect of other's females (sisters, mothers, cousins, daughters)

Lastly as I said its their choice if they want to choose...
@Rajaraja Chola OMG what unethical and unhygienic not to forget ugly ( @halupridol ) women:














Hindu religion does not want women to cover their face. And still you evade my main point of contention. Why is it a women covering her face, (I repeat- covering her face and am not talking of full body cover) be it hindu or jew or Muslim, have the advantage of speaking to someone they can see, but others cant?
It aint even basic diplomacy. Simple as that. I still asked how will you differentiate a terrorist from ur friend within minutes or seconds?
And dont try to deviate from topic.
I didn't see that the OP opened this thread exclusively for Muslims. Stop going off tangent.
but the word burqa came in...the topic was to free to cover (how much is a choice)
Well then those searches may be extended to females of your family too.....I mean when we do start doing something extreme, it does tend to get out of control.
Females of my family don't wear burka.... and that is why I am stating that except for practical purpose what one wears should not be others concern. At the same time, practical concerns should not be neglected to accommodate irrational dressing style.
so ,,,it means burqa is not mandatory,,,,ok then

Covering modestly is strongly advised in Quran. Its up to different people and cultures what type of clothes they adopt to wear modest clothes. Many European converts to Islam choose to wear head scarf and long coats instead of wearing the burqa and some do choose it. Its their choice. Militant feminists and perverted men have not right to advise women on selection of their clothes.
Hindu religion does not want women to cover their face. And still you evade my main point of contention. Why is it a women covering her face, (I repeat- covering her face and am not talking of full body cover) be it hindu or jew or Muslim, have the advantage of speaking to someone they can see, but others cant?
It aint even basic diplomacy. Simple as that.
If its her choice what can you say? How unhygienic of you? that sounds more absurd then her idea to cover her face :rofl:

I still asked how will you differentiate a terrorist from ur friend within minutes or seconds?
And dont try to deviate from topic.
I suggest you go back a few posts coz I answered this
Ok well, lets consider a hypothetical situation, a female member of your family wants to go out topless in public, do you allow it or force her to cover up?

Oh c´mon, cant you come up with something better than that?

Thats an extreme, just like covering up everything except your eyes and forbidden in most countries.
Why do u feel it unnatural and unhealthy? Can you provide facts or some researches which prove your statement? Or it is just "For the sake of discussion"?

Sure, I am a doctor and we have a lot of Muslim female patients coming in with osteoporosis even females in their 20s.
They are from a place called Malerkotla in India.
The reason they have osteoporosis is because they inside the house or in burkas all day so they cant get enough exposure to sunlight to produce Vitamine D.

Also since they are conditioned to stay away from other people since childhood they have problems communicating and giving a good history to us and most times their husbands/fathers/brothers/ end up speaking for them.

Surely any reasonable man would agree this is not healthy situation .

I also think it prevents assimilation of muslims into the mainstream.I, for one, am more likely to talk to someone if they are not wearing a fkin bedsheet over their body.
Burka is a piece of dress from Arabia. Quran says to cover modestly but nowhere does it menion burka.

Face veil is not new to the world:

Pre-Islamic Use of the Face Veil
It is sometimes alleged that the face-veil was originally part of women's dress among certain classes in the Byzantine Empire and was adopted into Muslim culture during the Arab conquest of the Middle East. However, although Byzantine art before Islam commonly depicts women with veiled heads or covered hair, it does not depict women with veiled faces. In addition, the Greek geographer Strabo, writing in the first century AD, refers to some Persian women veiling their faces; and the early third-century Christian writer Tertullian clearly refers in his treatise The Veiling of Virgins to some pagan women of "Arabia" wearing a veil that covers not only their head but also the entire face. Clement of Alexandria commends the contemporary use of face coverings. There are also two Biblical references to the employment of covering face veils in Genesis 38.14 and Genesis 24.65, by Tamar and by Rebekah, Jacob and Abraham's daughters-in-law respectively. These primary sources show that some women in Egypt, Arabia, Canaan and Persia veiled their faces long before Islam. In the case of Tamar, the Biblical text,'When Judah saw her, he thought her to be an harlot; because she had covered her face' indicates customary, if not sacral, use of the face veil to accentuate rather than disguise her sexuality.

Chooses are limited by practical necessities

Well if there is a howling pack of wolves outside your house, are you going to walk around with a freshly slaughtered deer? :woot:
FUnny how a bunch of men discuss what women should wear and not... .ever cared about their opinion?

Ever thought about how backward a society/nation has to be to force its women to wear certain stuff....
Females of my family don't wear burka.... and that is why I am stating that except for practical purpose what one wears should not be others concern. At the same time, practical concerns should not be neglected to accommodate irrational dressing style.

However, cavity searches may become mandatory for all women actually wearing clothes and that too by men, at times. Would you be comfortable with the women of your family going through those searches? Then why impose them on others, especially the women who may just be more pious and more worthy of respect then those women who flaunt their bodies?
but the word burqa came in...the topic was to free to cover (how much is a choice)
OP must have used another pic to make a clear distinction, Nothing wrong with hijab, at times it does look beautiful and sexy if worn in certain way. Like I said earlier let them wear what they want to.
Sure, I am a doctor and we have a lot of Muslim female patients coming in with osteoporosis even females in their 20s.
They are from a place called Malerkotla in India.
The reason they have osteoporosis is because they inside the house or in burkas all day so they cant get enough exposure to sunlight to produce Vitamine D.

Also since they are conditioned to stay away from other people since childhood they have problems communicating and giving a good history to us and many times their husbands/fathers/brothers/ end up speaking for them.

Surely any reasonable man would agree this is not healthy situation .
:rofl: now that is damn funny....

So shall we say that naked beaches are harmful to health coz: Vitamin D toxicity can cause non-specific symptoms such as anorexia, weight loss, polyuria, and heart arrhythmias. More seriously, it can also raise blood levels of calcium which leads to vascular and tissue calcification, with subsequent damage to the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys

Vit D is not only from the sun...they can get it from mushrooms
We live in a world where the women are paid to take off their cloths and fined to cover themselves.
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