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If the F/A 18 Super Hornet Wins the MMRCA

my choice would have been euro fighter typhoon..........
Why? if the Typhoon is an Air Superiority Fighter trying to become a A2G Multirole plane? Just pick a Dedicated A2G Attack fighter like SuperHornet a superior avionic plane, and if you bargain you could have some of them wired for Electronic Warfare(Growlers) something the MKi and the Typhoon lack...:usflag:
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;1186806 said:
yeah :rofl: .. so much intelligent that even knowing the Loop - holes , iaf did not dare to do the surgical strike when your goi was very busy in justifying the so-called surgical strikes on the diplomatic front both your domestic and foriegn fronts ... :bunny: ...

now , why the hell are you telling me the loop-holes chhit .. ?? :lol: just try to do your iaf a favour , tell them the loop- holes if they dont know ... :azn: or if they already know them then make your iaf convinced that the iaf can destroy the whole fleet across the border with less damage and PakisTan air Force [ P.a.F. ] vill not bomb down your entire india to sTone age so dont get scared of your enemy P.a.F. any more ... :chilli: ... then lets see what your iaf have to say about your stupid advice :pop:
sir, why cant you use logic and common sense while replying and not anger & frustation
Speculationnnss speculationnss.. I feel sorry for these indian members who have spent their day and night speculating on all of the 6 contenders over and over and over... and yet their gov has not even decided.

Ab toh indian gov ko en members pe taras kha ke hee finalise kar deyna chahiye..

Ef... no gripen.. no f-16in.. .no f-18.. no waiiitt mig-35.. i mean its boring now.
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;1186806 said:
yeah :rofl: .. so much intelligent that even knowing the Loop - holes , iaf did not dare to do the surgical strike when your goi was very busy in justifying the so-called surgical strikes on the diplomatic front both your domestic and foriegn fronts ... :bunny: ...

now , why the hell are you telling me the loop-holes chhit .. ?? :lol: just try to do your iaf a favour , tell them the loop- holes if they dont know ... :azn: or if they already know them then make your iaf convinced that the iaf can destroy the whole fleet across the border with less damage and PakisTan air Force [ P.a.F. ] vill not bomb down your entire india to sTone age so dont get scared of your enemy P.a.F. any more ... :chilli: ... then lets see what your iaf have to say about your stupid advice :pop:

Though you write negatively I can understand your sarcastic comments..For your effort of striking fear through words like stone age is making my legs tremble and making me suffocate .. ho please come to reality and understand when you have decided to die for your country you can understand that we are also ready to sacrifice our life.. coming from same Asian legacy if you have so much guts so do we and we are not worried of the stupid nukes... just dont try to think we are afraid as we already have enough of your nukes story...

And coming to your Air space
for sure there are loop holes logically... Otherwise so called surgical strikes will not have struck the super minds.... as they know how to come out of your Air space safely ..though some minor loss would have been calculated... Yes our IAF is quite because of our Government.. and as you said our government feels that there is no need to waste time and resource on war which feels currently that diplomacy is the best way to deal.. i think the wrath of it is already felt and is echoing ... which you must admit..

Even our imaginary cold start doctrine created havoc among your Ministry which they are complaining to US... so dont you believe that there will be lot of other doctrines will be in place .... Admitted that your Military too will have doctrines... but which doctrine will work is the Question?... so far our doctrines have been successful..

and for recommending me to go and convince the IAF.... if i listen to your golden words ... my ***** will bleed.. so thanks for you advice.. which you can keep it to yourself.. As they know the best strategy to deal with it...
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;1186853 said:
first you have to learn that : " it's the man behind the machine not the machine behind the man " :smokin: ... secondly , who said P.a.f. has low tech stuff .. ?? :) get up and pay attention : 1. JF - 17 [up to 250] with/having the state-of-the-art aVionics and weapons systems plus an advanced radar and E.C.m. suiTe for various blocks that make up the the total 250 fighter jets ,

2. F-16 [ The Fighting FaLcon ] = 45 (OriginaL) currently going m.L.u. that makes them at par with the current Block - 52 F-16s,

3. Brand New F-16 Block -52 = 18 [under delivery ] pLus reports of 18 more such systems being negotiated ,

4. J-10 B = 36 ordered ; currently being modified based upon P.a.F. 's specification(s) ... :sniper:

now , all the above mentioned TechnoLogicaL progress is well on its way and on schedule ... :victory:

a piece of advice for you : think millions times when commenting about P.a.F. and PakisTan ... :smokin: :pakistan:

Gone are those days buddy... man behind machine.. with drones and UCAV emerging ... it is totally the machines which will dominate.. at the least both will have to complement each other at the max.. by your logic if i give you the sabers and if i sit in MKI will you accept kya?? your plane will become a fly.. Man behind machines are dead with 3 generations fighters.. Now machines have to be update to date as Airforce across the world started believing that they are loosing the edge :agree:
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;1187814 said:
oh wow ! nukes can be stupid too !?!? well , i didnt know that ... :woot: now i can see that who is really afraid of the nukes so much ... :lol: ; everyone in the world knows who really is scared of PakisTan's Nukes and who makes pointless propaganda against it ... :azn:

Logically saying : if your iaf had some loop holes in mind then Logically our P.a.F. must have marked the Loop - hoLes inside your indian airspace too ... :sniper: so now is not that LogicaL too ... ?? Dont you think so ... ??

oh jsut ask me , so much super minds that they somehow got the idea from somewhere but they didnt and still dont know the way how to conduct that surgical-strike show ... right ??

your iaf didnt dare to strike noT because of your indian govt but because of our P.a.F. as P.a.F. immediately went on high - aLert status right ever since the non-stop blame game and threats from your indian govt start coming very prominently just after the mere few hours after the incident took place and when your unchained indian media had made a messy drama out of what was a tragic incident involving more than 170 deaths of people ... and the real soLiD proof / evidence for that is the Locking Down of the indian jets that crossed the international border into PakisTan 's airspace by P.a.F. 's F-16 Fighting FaLcons just within mere minutes ... :pakistan:

"havoc" my -ss ... its always the so-called shiny india that complains even when PakisTan try to buy a buLLet from its own money Let alone those few [just 18] f-16s which we have purchased four years ago ... again it was india who went compLaining to america against the Let movement and kashmir freedom fighters after the self - designed mumbai drama ; Learn the history first then bother to say something about PakisTan ....

and mr. surgical strike , i TeLL you what : when mumbai drama was going hot , adm. mullen first arrived in india before coming to PakisTan to tell indians about what PakisTan viLL do to india if in case india does go for the surgicaL strikes but your iaf's super duper minds told him that they have to go for it 'cause they have publicly said so to the indian people and for which adm. mullen [on india's behalf] should request PakisTan to not to react in response to the pLanned indian airstrikes ... and that is really the way how india begs to her foreign masters and compLains against PakisTan ... i hope its Damm cLear now ...

ab yeh SabooT Dekhh or phir Bataa kay kis nay kee Thee compLain america se ... ??? munnay ......

YouTube - Mumbai Attacks 26 11 !!! General Ashfaq Parvez Kiyani - An Untold Story !!! Pakistan Zindabad !! :smokin: :pakistan:

Hooo yaaa .. Our GoI have told your country that India will be ready to eat Nukes and will wipe yours out of Map which shows we are not afraid at all.. dont still live under illusion... And if you consider the strategic decision we are ready to do that by procuring new Aircraft specifically for the nuke delivery mission + Missiles.. so dont say we are afraid and all the BS...If we are ready to strike means we are ready to eat also.. You have the dare so do we...

India did have lot of loop holes which it is closing by procuring the Indigenous Radar... which it has deployed across wester borders... and mind you you have very less air base to keep an eye... we have Advance Radars for Israel + AWACS to keep a look what is taking off + Navy is going to have chain or radars for deployment... But incase of India it is not so.. We have Humpty no of bases coupled with Air - Air refueling... as said a fighter can take off Andaman fly at very high altitude and can take of your low level SAM + Radars site... while high altitude SAM will be taken out with some loss... As said this strategy will work very well considering the area of your country as opposed to Ours...

And as for our surgical strike ... the plan was proposed by IAF but GoI rejected it... If GoI had given go ahead.. why would IAF worried about your planned strike back.. GoI has not given go ahead because it knows Pakistan is already got into a typhoon WoT and would have thought that we dont have to do anything .. because Pakistan is already heading to what GoI has visualized ..

If you have scrambled your fighters means what??? For a brave solider it doesnt matter for his life until he achieves the target... there are lot of brave soldiers around.. And even IAF has said Mr mullen so they wouldnt be so stupid to blindly believe you? there always calculations on the attiration.. :agree:... As far Kargil there was no calculation thats why the loss of couple of fighers + helis turned out to be a serious blow...

As far our doctrine is considered we have powerful war plan as compared to the unconventional war.. which our planners are lacking.. that is the reason for so much hesitation .. As said earlier a conventional war doctrine of ours was successful ... as against unconventional war fare... which GoI is opposing vehemently ..
Don't you guys already claim that MKI is best, after F-22.
What capabilities does SH give IAF, that you don't already have with MKI?

during war time airforce need to delpoly around 50 aircrafts in air all the time to pick , track and target the incoming hostile missiles...

MKI drink lot of fuel , it's high on maintanence and didn't have the AESA radar..
Sancho i have lot of respect for your knowledge however please think that why would PAF go for anymore F-16's if J10Bs are more advanced then F16 B52s especially when China will be more then happy to provide them the fighter??? As said they already have a plan for buying these birds and that too in significant number with first 35 expected to arrive by 2015......Now please suggest why would PAF would like to go for F-16's instead of a more potent fighter in the name of J-10Bs which is virtually sanction free??? Is it the time frame or is it the avionics or is it that F016 Block 52 as a package is better then J-10Bs.....

In short PAF is full of very smart people and unless and until we are convinced that they have bias over f-16's and any step by GOI to block F-16's sale will leave them with no choice but to go for J-10 i am afraid i am still not convinced.

Simple, because the B52 order was planed long ago (if I'm not wrong shortly after our MKI arrived) and it is availabe now, while J10B (the version with AESA radar) is under development only and will be only available around the time we will get MMRCA. So they plan with these F16s and J10s at the hi level of PAF, just like IAF plans with MKI and MMRCA at the hi level for the same time.

Now let me explain why I think J10B could be more advanced, first reason would be the delta canard design, which offers high manouverability and speed, which is important in air combats (some reports hints the addition of TVC too). The design of the B version has also some changes to reduce the RCS and surely will add more RAM coatings, or more composite materials. The next point would be the AESA radar, the infos available about their current puls doppler radars shows, that they aren't that far behind comparable western radars in terms of range. So we can expect the AESA radar to offer more range than the APG 68 radar in the F16 B52. Further more, the J10B's will have IRST and which PAFs F16s lack.
Where it might lack behind is, EWS and weapons, because AIM 9/120, JDAM and Harpoon are top of the line weapons, but never underestimate Chinas capabilities.

So my conclusion is, J10 B might (might, because the fighter is only under development and not all specs are clear so far) have clear advantages in A2A over the F16 B52s, which makes it to PAFs first choice against our fighters. But more important, in the numbers that PLAAF will have and alongside their Flanker versions it will be a way bigger problem.

I understand your concern, however the right approach in my eyes is to do what is best for us. Just entering into partnership just for sake of denying PAF goodies might not be good idea either.

No mate, my intention was not to block Pakistan from anything in the first place, I see it only as a side advantage. The main aim must (or at least should) be, what's the best for India and our forces and imo the Rafale and partnerships with the European countries are the best. The best suited fighter, high tech weapons, highest ammount of freedom, customisation and ToT, JV and partnerships for our industry. If we can afford it and the French are really offering something above a buyer seller relationship, it's hard to deny it for political reasons only.
This beauty is on its way to India i can gurantee it. All the angles are pointing to USA winning MMRCA with this multi role fighter

wat a beaut


How do you deal with 126 Super Hornets with Aesa APG79 radars huge electronic jamming suites and awesome bvr strike weapons package that this 4.5 generation carries/


Worse stil the indians will have 272 of these providing air cover


This beauty is on its way to India i can gurantee it. All the angles are pointing to USA winning MMRCA with this multi role fighter

wat a beaut


check the SuperHornets Grand daddy the Northrop N-300, can you see the family resemblance?(1950's pic)

i got a question ...will there be a full transfer software source codes so that we can program the radar according to our requirments????:what:
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