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If push had come to shove, we would have decimated Pak Navy during Balakot strike: Indian Navy chief

lol, the commanders are just as chutiya as their leaders, lol.
plus they were the aggressors so im not sure why he would need to use the push/shove expression.
Same way you could have confirm kill of Our Pilot but as a good will gesture, you returned him in 2 days.
If shamefulness had a face....

You must be knowing that In geneva convention, prisoners are not returned in just two days. Something else is required to get them back in two days
Simple answer is we tried our best to avert the war like situation by handing back monkey of urs. As far as the prowess of Supa powa is concerned please try to take Back kulbhushan Yadav, then I will admit but you can't. We know it and you know it better than us that Pakistan gives a damn about India. You slap us we slap u back with some extre topping. That is the truth and truth really hurts
I believe annihilated/destroyed would have been more apt, Nitin Gokhale is being lenient here, coast-guard sized navies don't stand a chance against a blue water navy in IOR.
blue water navies wont poss in their pant when "5 Chinese" ships roam around Maldives :) .

if push comes to the shove there won be ny india for indian navy :) .

Even if that were true, we would have destroyed the entire Pakistan Navy (or atleast 90%) for the loss of just two subs.
lol 27th feb when asian raptor bites dust .
You must be knowing that In geneva convention, prisoners are not returned in just two days. Something else is required to get them back in two days.

ok we will enjoy how PAF kicked your asses in bright day light with advanced warning that we are coming, will full proof what we did with the best intelligence that wet the pants of your high command, and when you tried heating up LOC and international boundary and you got your *** handed to you.

but you can enjoy that your pilot was handed back to you because of some hidden Indian power.

that is our deal?
The fact that your establishment did not demand release of Habib Zahir for Abhinandan shows they had no leverage.
Unlike u guys Pak doesnt claim to be a superpower. It is u guys who are always chest thumping and then get embarrassed and humiliated in front of the whole world by a nation that's several times smaller than India.
whats the update on 2 JFTS shot down over multan, celebrations went on for couple of days across the border but since then they all went silent,Please be a good lamb and ask your journalists/politicians to atleast release pictures of wreckage its been 3 months since then

we breached LOC in broad day light with package of 24 jets Your Senior command barely escaped our bombs
we shot down your 2 jets bombed 6 different targets and in panic you shot down your own chopper with 6 on board
If this wanst push coming to shove I dont know what will be
Here, “shove” means Aybek, Hilji, EbdAli etc....
If push had come to shove Pakistan would have decimated India..

Talk is Cheap.
so shooting down two jets and capturing your pilot alive was not a "shove"
damn, I guess we can do a lot more and they wont retaliate

One Jet...other is as claimed by us (to that they also claim to down one F16). On pilot, yes captured but released under pressure from US.
Besides, FVEY (Five eye) has intelligence on the damage done at Balakot against our ISPR refusal statement (on anyone killed).
One Jet...other is as claimed by us (to that they also claim to down one F16). On pilot, yes captured but released under pressure from US.
Besides, FVEY (Five eye) has intelligence on the damage done at Balakot against our ISPR refusal statement (on anyone killed).
I doubt any damage was done at Balakot though
we rarely lie, Indians however have a history of lying
I doubt any damage was done at Balakot though
we rarely lie, Indians however have a history of lying

Why was Madarssa taken under army control immediately after the bombing.

Why was media banned from entering the madrassa for 45 days, from the bombing ?
Why was Madarssa taken under army control immediately after the bombing.

Why was media banned from entering the madrassa for 45 days, from the bombing ?
What rubbish. Any competent military will lock down an installation that has been locked onto, hit, or even just threatened by enemy aircraft to investigate fully if anything hit it, if anything hit nearby or if there is a lingering risk that India might try AGAIN with cruise missiles, having failed the first time. Moreover, the military would likely want to establish if any sensitive materials are there that need removal for national security purposes. Moreover the possibility of enemy field agents needs to be assessed, who for example may have been active in the area sending coordinates for air attacks. There are a dozen good reasons for immediate security lockdown. DESPITE those good reasons, a few journalists DID report on day 1 or 2 after the supposed strike. Then there was a proper lockdown. Then journalists came back after some weeks. What is this crap that Indians keep spouting about the delay in allowing tourist parties into an active targetted site, whether it was hit or not?? Indians really clutching at straws. Our airspace is STILL closed because of lingering threat of random attacks. Does the closure of that airspace imply we are hiding a thousand destroyed cloud cities in that airspace??
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