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If it comes down to this, will Pak-Army kill its own people?

Will Pak Army shot & kill its own people?

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Of course the army will kill its own people who by that time will be declared as " rebels* "-

*according to the situation they could be called terrorists, threat to national security, miscreants, foreign backed brainwashed people.
Let me just try to clear little bit. Military personals are military personals who are trained on " Do and Die don't ask why basis"....They are bound to follow the orders. Soldier hasn't got two frame of minds while thinking about following orders. Its not the matter of Pakistan army, Indian army, Egyptian army, US army or any other armies.... It depends upon the particular situation, a point of view, particular frame of mind by which the leadership of any country is looking towards any crises situation. And if the stakeholders of the country is in uniform.............than definitely you will see more such incidents like what's going on in Egypt....
This exactly what Egyptian army says. It says that its the 'national army' and had to come forward for the public.

By the way Jinnah was very blunt about role of Army:

“Do not forget that the armed forces are the servants of the people. You do not make national policy; it is we, the civilians, who decide these issues and it is your duty to carry out these tasks with which you are entrusted.”

- I don't think Pakistan army will go to this extreme.

Saying something & Meaning Somethign are two very Different Things .. USA also say that they Attacked Iraq for nukes & Afg for AQ ..
Pak army is already doing this in interior sindh and baluchistan.. Remember Pak army does not serve Pakistan, it serves Islam (and arab imperialism by extension)
Of course the army will kill its own people who by that time will be declared as " rebels* "-

*according to the situation they could be called terrorists, threat to national security, miscreants, foreign backed brainwashed people.

Are you sympathizing with these illiterate people?

Open options: Taliban say ready for war and peace
Open options: Taliban say ready for war and peace – The Express Tribune
August 15, 2013


ISLAMABAD: Pakistani Taliban say they are ready for dialogue with the new government but will also be ready for a full scale war if an operation was launched against them.

The outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) was responding to remarks by Interior Minister, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, who said on Tuesday that the government is ready for peace, as well as war.

The TTP said it had offered dialogue for “peace and Islam” and it is now up to the PML-N government to come up with clear options.”If they (government) want dialogue we are ready to talk and if they want to go for war, they will find us ready for this option too,” Ehsanullah Ehsan, a senior member of the TTP’s Political Commission, said on Wednesday.

Ehsan, who was sacked as the TTP spokesman by the central leadership in June and is now working as the member of the group’s political commission, called The Express Tribune to share the Taliban reaction to Nisar’s comments.

Nisar said the government has considered the Taliban dialogue offer but has left a final decision to a proposed conference of political and religious parties who have representation in the parliament.

“If Nisar prefers the option of war, we will be 100 per cent ready to accept the challenge,” Ehsan said.

He said the PML-N had earlier pleaded for peace talks and Nawaz Sharif had himself expressed a desire for talks, “however, the PML-N government has not taken any practical step towards talks so far and now the interior minister is publicly giving threats of a war,” said Ehsan.

The TTP had offered conditional dialogue to the PPP-led coalition in February, however, the then government ignored it and had asked the Taliban to first surrender arms and accept the constitution.
The Taliban withdrew a similar offer for the new government in early June, days after a US drone killed its deputy Waliur Rehman Mehsud in North Waziristan.

Following the May 11 elections, the Taliban have increased their attacks across the country claiming the lives of nearly 400 people in just two months.

Line of Control tension

The Taliban leader said on Wednesday, that the TTP will open a front against India if its army did not stop ‘unprovoked attacks’ on Pakistani territory in Kashmir.

“If Indian does not stop firing along the LoC in Azad Kashmir, we will also target Indians and will defend Pakistani borders,” the TTP leader said. Asked about the logic of attacking Pakistani forces defending the country’s geographical frontiers, the Taliban leader said, “we are fighting the Pakistani government for the sake of Islam, but it does not mean that we will allow the enemies of the country to attack our homeland.”
I don't understand why most of these Middle Eastern's Army have killed their own people. It is worry and stress.

there is a criminal silence from our Taliban sympathizers crowd on Arab armies who open their sentence against the Pakistan army regarding its fight with the TTP

as far as the poll is concerned

the question is very innocent

the answer is

the army has taken the oath of protecting the country
so whoever threatens the state internal or external, it will fight it

but what it must not do is start doing the duties of the Police. (like in East Pakistan) its the job of the Police and civil administration.
There is a huge difference between PA and Egyptian Army.

Those Egyptians are total 'tattoos' of the US, yes...even more than our Army generals.

So my answer would be no...and if a Egypt like situation does come, then it won't be too straightforward in Pakistan.

What happened in Egypt is that the US instigated this whole democracy BS, Mobarak got jailed, elections and an Islamist comes. This didn't sit down too well with folks either, so they do another drama. Call it what you may, but it is a coup.

If that happens in Pakistan, then the added threat of Taliban and other militants would make the issue more complex...

I don't think it is going to come to that point.
The question is a bit unclear: it does not specify unarmed peacefully protesting civilians. In fact it depends on the situation: how the commanding officers see the situation.
We have different examples in history. During 1980s ARD movement in Sind, the army shot at the unarmed mobs that were throwing stones and/or trying to enter (sort of attacking) their offices.
The Egyptians were just sitting in and some of them had arms. It is parallel to our Lal Masjid incident where the Army used brutal force. Not only the claims of the governments are similar that the people had weapons and fired at them, but the two attacked parties were also Islamist . Both Pakistan and Egyptian regimes used media to cloud the true picture. The only difference is that Egyption Ikhwan ul muslimeen is a majority party which was not the case here.

So the conclusion, YES! the army will shoot their people if their high command is serious about it. I can only see one good out of this question that 'people should be conscious while facing the military even if they are for the just cause'; usually it is the might that is the right side to remain safe.

On a different note, the spelling should be 'shoot' not 'shot' in the question- it is very much like me to misspell initially but thanks to the forum administration that has provided post-posting-editing tools to correct your errors which makes this forum very users friendly.
Ehhh murderers of Sikhs are saying this.


Whatever - I was replying on topic and that is Pakistan and PA, you are going off topic as you typically do.

You are comparing Apples With Oranges..:disagree:

It's my opinion and I am pretty sure PA will step in to put down a rebellion - they might go one step further and take over power.
Whatever - I was replying on topic and that is Pakistan and PA, you are going off topic as you typically do.

It's my opinion and I am pretty sure PA will step in to put down a rebellion - they might go one step further and take over power.

Taking on Rebellion is one thing and Firing on the Peaceful Protestors is other...Like i said Apples and Oranges..
there is a criminal silence from our Taliban sympathizers .......
and @ RaptorRX707
I am nobody to advice any one especially seniors, but still I cannot hold back this:
"please do not give the bad guys and the sort so much importance to mention them with the name of their choice , to comment on their behavior or any thing like that. The best thing is to ignore them. but we have to mention, we can use the name of our choice; some suggestions are:
The bad/ bloody/senseless guys etc
the evil forces/ militants etc
the internal terrorists
the fake/pseudo/ thug taliban etc and their could be many more which can depict their true status and does not make them happy to hear their name. We should learn from American complete black out of Osama's post death pictures; it means something: do not make the hidden thieves alive in our media, discussions etc. Any way it is my poor understanding of the matter.
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