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If India does a Surgical strike in Pakistan, how would/should Pakistan respond??

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dont get hyper buddy, India wont be using military to take down few yahoos in pakistan as it will achieve nothing,
and I am not sure these 3rd rate air defense systems will be much of use in real.
send your rusty russion flying coffins which are 8th grade fighters

guess whats flying coffins called :rofl:
Pakistan is in a better position to do precision strike any where in india whithout moving any mechanised division. Pakistan has many purpose-built precision guided well targeted missiles for the painless job. With inventory of smallest to mega nukes to entertain indian appetite.
ok am waiting... anywhere in India??? are you talking about surgical strike or launching missiles??? you are confused bud... Neither of us have Mega nukes... pakistan can strike deep Inside of India but not vice versa.... well great logic..
last time you send a two fighter jets near to border was like this


Oh oh Imran bhai! We are willing to pay the above to achieve the below!

this time we also need to test newer airdefence systms like spada-2000 and


and FM-90

lets test and make them battle proven .
Our answer is FM-98.3 ....Semma hot machi!

send your rusty russion flying coffins which are 8th grade fighters

guess whats flying coffins called :rofl:
So which is higher 3rd grade or 8th grade :rofl:

Indian flying coffins are for point defence! Not for offensive! Imran bhai is your account hacked?
Oh oh Imran bhai! We are willing to pay the above to achieve the below!

Our answer is FM-98.3 ....Semma hot machi!
its chilli which make red butt of everyone whom try to fly near LOC :lol: keep your pilots butt secure .:frown: or else like nachi keta :flame:
It is not 1999..
did you see anything in 1965 war, or in 1971 war when Pakistan was divided in two parts?? or in Siachen war??

Are you aware how UN sanctions work in case of starting a war?
UN won't put sanction, as it will be vetoed by China.

hence this time in case US or the West considers to side by India's aggression would indirectly trigger a world war and end of United Nations
Yes, US,EU will side with India to counter china.. but who said you that there will be world war, no one is going to fight war for us..

If India considers 200 million trade with China
Trade between India and China is not 200mln its near $100bln and in next five years it will be greater than $150bln.. Chinese are businessmen, they won't put their money on risk..

For China Pakistan is similar to what Israel is to the USA.
Jews has more influence in USA than congress as they control Banks, electronic media, social media, print media... did you see anything in china of pakistan
send your rusty russion flying coffins which are 8th grade fighters guess whats flying coffins called :rofl:

like I said taking out few terrorists from few droppped bombs wont help India, with no economy no jobs most of the pakistani youth is turning to terrorism. Pakistani army and state has no other means to employ them but to use them as their biggest export otherwise they will turn on them.

There are only two solutions one is rational by dealing with countries who actually sponser pakistani elites<army, politicians> i.e USA, China and gulf using Indian influence on them to pressurise pakistan to change its tracks. This wont help for long though but this will atleast stop pakistani army going for bigger terrorism acts like mumbai.

second is pre emptive strike take out as much pakistani nukes as you can and then take out pakistani control networks and army commands basically making pakistan unable to move or act. This will also hurt India pretty well as major urban centres in India will be taken out, but it will solve world's migraine once and for all. A somalia like pakistan even if sends militants can be effectively taken care as Indian military can hit the source at ease.
ok am waiting... anywhere in India??? are you talking about surgical strike or launching missiles??? you are confused bud... Neither of us have Mega nukes... pakistan can strike deep Inside of India but not vice versa.... well great logic..
Oh not again about the multi-Megaton nuke shit... I remember a Chinese guy who does the same fart!
Assumption or reality can only be proved in case of a full blown war.

You think USA would be so stupid to become a proxy of India...Dream on as much you like but US is not going to strike in the nave of war on terror.
Whats your definition of full blown war?
And do you expect full blown war to happen between any two countries in current era?

What do you think USA is doing right now?
We name a terrorist and USA puts into global terrorist or terror organizations list and gets them banned :P
They have openly declared intelligence sharing pact, what else you want, spoon feeding?
All you guy's stop being foolish and calm down. India is not going to carry out any strikes. It is nothing to do with our military. In a conventional war we would lose within 14 days.

The reason India will not launch any stupid strikes is the nuclear factor. If a guy was standing 10 feet away from you and was carrying 10 stones of explosives on his back would you dare shoot? If you did you might trigger off a explosion that might take him, you and half the street down.

And trust me nobody is going to help us. When crap hits the fan we will be left standing alone. Saudia helping us? Are you joking, they can't even help themselves.

WE do not want a war with India. Neither does India want a war with us. We both don't have the money for war. In 2 weeks both India and Pakistan would be counting and "load shedding" the bullets to the soldiers as funds start running out.

There has got to be some smart accountants here. Can one of you do maths and tell us how long Pakistan would be able pay for war? 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 2 months?

Pakistan and India are fake tigers. We have never had a real war. I hope we never do. We are fortunate both countries don't have the b*alls for real war which all in all is a good thing.
pakistan is gaflat me naa rahe ki india pakistan se isliye attack nahi karega ki pakistan ke pass atom bomb he, wo to hamre pass bhi he, par attak karne se pahle hame apni surkash ke saare intzamm bhi kar lene chahiye, we need more aakash , barak 8 and AAD, and neclear tridand before that. tab apne nuke ko apne drwing room me sajaa ke rakh lena.
India was never involved in any terror activities inside Pakistan.
Yeah , and you are Supa Powa and we are living in 3015 and we have 48 hours in a day now
I understand you completely, but let me remind you that as a nation we will not sit around and watch IAF jets fly over over our air space. As for my "weaker" side, I don't have a weak view as you have a very liberal and pacifist view. Your view only happens in fiction, do you think we are bloody idiots to watch IAF jets bomb our land and we do nothing that my friend is talking the weak side.

Modern air war depends on following:

1. Satellite surveillance
3. Penetration fighter bombers with precision targeting
4. Sheer numbers of fighter planes.

On all these fronts PAF cannot face off an open war with IAF.

We need at least 20 years to catch up and then too will be dependent on Chinese research and development that hopefully will produce good engines.

So if the war starts today (god forbid), IAF will have free reign.

Modern air war depends on following:

1. Satellite surveillance
3. Penetration fighter bombers with precision targeting
4. Sheer numbers of fighter planes.

On all these fronts PAF cannot face off an open war with IAF.

We need at least 20 years to catch up and then too will be dependent on Chinese research and development that hopefully will produce good engines.

So if the war starts today (god forbid), IAF will have free reign.

Sorry Sir even though they have latest fighter planes but let me me tell you if this happen Indian planes would have no place to land on their base when we track them on radar Pakistan will send some C.M to their base destroy it and our F16 will take good care of their Planes i assure you not a single planes will enter indian air space again.
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