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If and when war happens, China will take Arunachal Pradesh & Ladakh simultaneously: Pravin Sawhney

I disagree. India has many challenges but it is also soon to be the most populous country and has a lot of resources. There are islands where India is starting to establish good infrastructure and attract significant capital. The growth in unicorns for example is accelerating. India has a long way to go but to say it is declining is flat out wrong.
Being the most populous country in India's case just means it's heading for more misery and humanitarian disaster. I think the "islands" term you used is a very apt one, because those pockets where India is connected to the global economy are exactly that: islands of prosperity in an ocean of poverty.

The fundamental mistake most people who are optimistic about India make is assuming that just because there is some region of the map with the same colour and the single label "India" means that that's a country. As Churchill (who I'm loathe to quote) rightly said, "India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the Equator."

One or two of the multitude of countries contained in the expression "India" are going to do well; Tataville and Ambanistan are going to be alright. As for the rest...
Lol. It is idiots line you who bring Pakistan down. Kya revenge lega? Bangladesh is gone, and for the better. The Bangladesh people don't want to associate themselves with you. Ab bol
What about thinking of 2 front war with China over India? Do you think liberal b****** idiots fags will hesitate to not to fight with China against India? Pakistan shall capitalize every opportunity for terrorists attacks for last 20 years for India destabilizing Pakistan via Afghan?? Or are you another Indian dog?
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Even if US is willing make an operational ally out of India, the Indian side will have to train itself to use American equipment. Looking at the current Indian inventory, India seems to be better suited to be an operation ally of Russia or France. Problem (for India) is that neither Russia nor France is likely to gain anything by standing with India if and when there is a protracted conflict between India and China. :pissed:
Not France, Russia Yes

Russians are not comfortable with Chinese troops close to Siberia


5. (C) Zolotarev argued that, while the chances of a large-scale war breaking out are remote, China would most likely be the target of any preemptive nuclear strike. Most serious military planners dismissed any threat from NATO long ago, he posited. China still has a mass mobilization army, he said, and the Russian Far East is thinly populated, has little infrastructure, and a small Russian military contingent. With the Russian army restructured to rapidly respond to small-scale wars, the GOR would have to rely on its nuclear deterrent to prevent a Chinese attack. He admitted, however, that by declaring the right to launch a nuclear first strike, Russia appeared to be taking a step back from the spirit, if not the letter of its Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Article VI commitments regarding nuclear disarmament.


Better for them if PLA are focused on Himalayas rather than Siberia
Pravin Sawhney is an anti Modi, anti Hindutva Desh Drohi... :lol: and a pro Congress person. :p:

What if China takes Arunachal Pradesh first and then the war happens, also very likely.

And Arunachal Pradesh is south Tibet for China and Ladakh was a Chinese territory before the Britishers annexed it and India got it as a reward. Old Chinese maps shows both the territories as part of China.

After they loose the territory, the Indians will make a movie that will show loosing territory as a victory and everyone will live happily ever after.
Arunachal Pradesh is inhabited Indian land. If China invade militarily then India will nuke Beijing. Even though I am Chinese, I am fully against military aggression and I support India on this issue. Xi will be hang like Mussolini and Saddam if he invades Arunachal Pradesh.

Actually it is more like Abraham Lincoln liberating slaves from the south.
Being the most populous country in India's case just means it's heading for more misery and humanitarian disaster. I think the "islands" term you used is a very apt one, because those pockets where India is connected to the global economy are exactly that: islands of prosperity in an ocean of poverty.

The fundamental mistake most people who are optimistic about India make is assuming that just because there is some region of the map with the same colour and the single label "India" means that that's a country. As Churchill (who I'm loathe to quote) rightly said, "India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the Equator."

One or two of the multitude of countries contained in the expression "India" are going to do well; Tataville and Ambanistan are going to be alright. As for the rest...
Well quantity has a strength of its own. I don’t see India ever becoming a first world country but I definitely see it becoming much bigger and more influential than it is now with some pockets of excellence.
I say Pakistan should Attack from Sea and other from Kashmir. I would love to light up Loc. Wake up People. It's time to discuss war and how to penetrate deep inside India. Give some rocket launchers to freedom fighters in Kashmir. Time to burn Indian cities. I will personally burn RSS headquarters.
Bangladeshi would be wise to join at the right time

Absolutely right !!

We do have skin in this game...

Indians have always treated the seven sisters with no investments, no infra, nothing.

This step-motherly treatment has left the whole region underwhelmed.

Get this,

1. China gains valuable Petroleum reserves in Assam that India has been siphoning away for years
2. China gains sea access through Bangladesh using well built infra (roads, ports) and improve the NE region as a whole
3. China gains direct sea access for Tibet and Kunming to develop those regions, just like CPEC will improve trade and development in Kashgarh.
4. Bangladesh will gain much better access to Seven sisters and Tibetan construction materials, such as stone and lumber
5. Bangladesh will gladly grant sub-bases to Chinese subs for patrolling in Bay of Bengal

Well quantity has a strength of its own. I don’t see India ever becoming a first world country but I definitely see it becoming much bigger and more influential than it is now with some pockets of excellence.

Well we are a lot closer to Indians than Chinese are.

Take it from me, those pockets of excellence are so few and far between, it is insignificant.

India harbors a sea of mediocrity and some would say (quoting Hillary Clinton), the world's largest "collection of sundry undesirables".

So should "strength in quantity" in this case, apply? More Garbage does not really mean, better...

Indians have been mismanaging their own affairs for more than 2000 years.

I don't see a whole lot of difference in that pattern going forward.
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Lol. It is idiots line you who bring Pakistan down. Kya revenge lega? Bangladesh is gone, and for the better. The Bangladesh people don't want to associate themselves with you. Ab bol

With all due respect, you are quite off on this one.

Ever seen Bangladeshi fans in a India-Pakistan cricket match?

IK himself said it, they cheer for Pakistan.
Not France, Russia Yes

Russians are not comfortable with Chinese troops close to Siberia


5. (C) Zolotarev argued that, while the chances of a large-scale war breaking out are remote, China would most likely be the target of any preemptive nuclear strike. Most serious military planners dismissed any threat from NATO long ago, he posited. China still has a mass mobilization army, he said, and the Russian Far East is thinly populated, has little infrastructure, and a small Russian military contingent. With the Russian army restructured to rapidly respond to small-scale wars, the GOR would have to rely on its nuclear deterrent to prevent a Chinese attack. He admitted, however, that by declaring the right to launch a nuclear first strike, Russia appeared to be taking a step back from the spirit, if not the letter of its Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Article VI commitments regarding nuclear disarmament.


Better for them if PLA are focused on Himalayas rather than Siberia
Interesting. I was under the notion that Russia - China border issues have been fully resolved a while ago.

Even if there is proper credence to the above cited aspersions, I don't think Russia is a position to do anything that will antagonize China. For the Russian people to continue with their present standard of living, the Chinese energy market is very important. In some ways, the Russian economic dependence on China is not very different from the Canadian dependence on US. Russia is trying to mitigate some of the dependency by selling gas to Europe, but Germany will eventually go green.

As things stand today, we see that Russia has sold some of it's most coveted military to tech. China. This cannot have happened if Russia was not comfortable with China. Eventually, the American politicians will have to find a way to wean Russia out of China's sphere of influence. This is not going to happen anytime soon.
Interesting. I was under the notion that Russia - China border issues have been fully resolved a while ago.

Even if there is proper credence to the above cited aspersions, I don't think Russia is a position to do anything that will antagonize China. For the Russian people to continue with their present standard of living, the Chinese energy market is very important. In some ways, the Russian economic dependence on China is not very different from the Canadian dependence on US. Russia is trying to mitigate some of the dependency by selling gas to Europe, but Germany will eventually go green.

As things stand today, we see that Russia has sold some of it's most coveted military to tech. China. This cannot have happened if Russia was not comfortable with China. Eventually, the American politicians will have to find a way to wean Russia out of China's sphere of influence. This is not going to happen anytime soon.
Sino-Russian conflicts are old going back to the colonial days and
Sino-Russian border conflicts

no border resolutions will solve the enmity between them unless Russians willing to part with entire Siberia to Chinese

You are correct Russia being no longer a superpower does not confront China overtly

They do so in subtle ways such as assisting India with nuclear submarine development etc
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With all due respect, IK is not the gold standard for this. The guy is far removed from reality. But yes, I agree with your point on Bangla fans during an Ind vs pak match. The same fans will also cheer a KKR match. Even if Shakib isn't playing

" Narendra Modi gives examples of Karna and Ganesha to support view that cosmetic surgery and reproductive genetics used thousands of years ago "
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