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If and when war happens, China will take Arunachal Pradesh & Ladakh simultaneously: Pravin Sawhney

India will most definitely fight. Indian military is professional enough to not run away. But it is not equipped adequately to parry the Chinese advance. In all likelihood India will not be able to hold territory unless there is direct outside help.

Additionally, western theater (Pakistan) will also be activated, so consider it will be quite a challenge for India.
And what will India fight for ?
Pride ?

Fact, the state of India has it's center of gravity down south economically.
those are the people who sponsor and control the government.

If India decides to fight for the north east states ( which are loosely bound to india as compared to others ) then the result will be loss to the rest of 90% of the country. Right now the economy can't digest that.

Lastly, Indian army and airforce are trained to fight pakistan, which is a different geography and a different war type.

Mountainous terrain renders armor and artillery ineffective; and infantry is limited in advance.

So, it's a zero sum game for India except for the ego and pride factor.

Any outside help ( USA ) that may comes, will comes at a heavy price, so don't be surprised if another east india company pops up.

It’s the East India Company by proxies!!! The Marawari/Jain/Parsi etc tycoons, who control 70% of India’s wealth, are the neo East Ondia Company by other means….
So the sum-total and lesson in all of this is, arming ourselves to the teeth (especially India itself) is pointless.

Spend more money in improving all our grassroots populace in South Asia, not just IT coolies.

Give these aam janata the tools to make a living for themselves in basic value addition, instead of being uneducated burdens of society.

Creating a few IT campuses in shiny glass buildings alone is not going to do it. Lower class people need jobs too.

Do that instead of lining uneducated leaders' pockets with free cash as percentages of buying arms.

That is the best way to avoid war and improve the chances of peace.
Additionally, western theater (Pakistan) will also be activated, so consider it will be quite a challenge for India.
In such a scenario, I'd guess that India will focus on Pakistan rather than on China.
In such a scenario, I'd guess that India will focus on Pakistan rather than on China.

That will be the exact reason for activating the western theater, to divert the attention, resources, and focus so the Dragon can easily gobble more of your territory. Thanks to India's hostile policy towards its two major neighbors.
That will be the exact reason for activating the western theater, to divert the attention, resources, and focus so the Dragon can easily gobble more of your territory. Thanks to India's hostile policy towards its two major neighbors.
I agree that a western front will make things easier for China. But strictly speaking, I don't think China needs that luxury.

India certainly has a hostile policy towards Pakistan. Years of bad blood has contributed to this. With respect to China, India's immediate military problem is only a border dispute. If the situation becomes untenable, then India would likely become more flexible in negotiating with China.
Absolutely right !!

We do have skin in this game...

Indians have always treated the seven sisters with no investments, no infra, nothing.

This step-motherly treatment has left the whole region underwhelmed.

Get this,

1. China gains valuable Petroleum reserves in Assam that India has been siphoning away for years
2. China gains sea access through Bangladesh using well built infra (roads, ports) and improve the NE region as a whole
3. China gains direct sea access for Tibet and Kunming to develop those regions, just like CPEC will improve trade and development in Kashgarh.
4. Bangladesh will gain much better access to Seven sisters and Tibetan construction materials, such as stone and lumber
5. Bangladesh will gladly grant sub-bases to Chinese subs for patrolling in Bay of Bengal

Well we are a lot closer to Indians than Chinese are.

Take it from me, those pockets of excellence are so few and far between, it is insignificant.

India harbors a sea of mediocrity and some would say (quoting Hillary Clinton), the world's largest "collection of sundry undesirables".

So should "strength in quantity" in this case, apply? More Garbage does not really mean, better...

Indians have been mismanaging their own affairs for more than 2000 years.

I don't see a whole lot of difference in that pattern going forward.
What are the seven sisters?
I agree that a western front will make things easier for China. But strictly speaking, I don't think China needs that luxury.

India certainly has a hostile policy towards Pakistan. Years of bad blood has contributed to this. With respect to China, India's immediate military problem is only a border dispute. If the situation becomes untenable, then India would likely become more flexible in negotiating with China.
You are wrong the areas lost to China will be permanently lost,and even if Pakistan gets hold of some land it can be taken back.so I bet on India concentrating on China if it comes to that.More over China has not escalated when the opposition stands in ground in the last 40 years and their soldiers have left their posts without defending against ill-equipped groups in Un missions abroad.end of the day CCP will not do anything which will risk its position and power.
You are wrong the areas lost to China will be permanently lost,and even if Pakistan gets hold of some land it can be taken back.so I bet on India concentrating on China if it comes to that.More over China has not escalated when the opposition stands in ground in the last 40 years and their soldiers have left their posts without defending against ill-equipped groups in Un missions abroad.end of the day CCP will not do anything which will risk its position and power.
If Pakistan takes Kashmir, India will not be able to take it back easily. The population in the area is hostile to India and therefore, it will become quickly assimilated into Pakistan. I also do not agree that the Chinese would simply not decide to push forward in case of an all out two front war. India perceives China as a bigger military threat than Pakistan. India values Kashmir as strategically more important than Ladakh. Without direct outside support in two front scenario, India will have to decide where to focus its resources. Indian military would have better morale if the fight is only with Pakistan. So the safer bet would be to negotiate with China and focus on the fight that India perceives to be more winnable.

I don't claim to know what the Indian military planners will decide. These are just my predictions based on the cards that India will be dealt with.
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