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IDEF 2013 Turkey: Updates & Discussions

How come these rifles don't have quad rails? It always annoys me if a new rifle misses quad-rails and it especially annoys me if they have iron front (non-flip up) sites (a couple of the sarsilmaz rifles had irion static iron sites). Other than that, these rifles look really good in my opinion.

Also, is it safe to assume these rifles aren't the same as MPT rifles that was shown by MKEK?
I did read MKEK was working together with a different company to make MPT, but not sure if it was Kalekalip or another company.

According to the news that is acutally in Internet about the NEW MPT.

This is the new MPT ,the Rights have MKEK but only One thing ,the mining is not Turkish.

All other Things are 100 % Turkish.

The best thing is there is not a Copy or Patent Problem between H&K or HK-416/417. <------ This was a Lie of the Media !!!
How come these rifles don't have quad rails? It always annoys me if a new rifle misses quad-rails and it especially annoys me if they have iron front (non-flip up) sites (a couple of the sarsilmaz rifles had irion static iron sites). Other than that, these rifles look really good in my opinion.

Also, is it safe to assume these rifles aren't the same as MPT rifles that was shown by MKEK?
I did read MKEK was working together with a different company to make MPT, but not sure if it was Kalekalip or another company.

It was Kale, you can even see the symbol of Kale in the middle of the MPTs. MKEK does the production and kale the design.

Do you know some news about the Light Machine Gun from Kalekalip ?
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According to the news that is acutally in Internet about the NEW MPT.

This is the new MPT ,the Rights have MKEK but only One thing ,the mining is not Turkish.

All other Things are 100 % Turkish.

The best thing is there is not a Copy or Patent Problem between H&K or HK-416/417. <------ This was a Lie of the Media !!!
I think @LegionnairE said that the Gas-piston of the rifle is gonna be under license, but not the rest.

And you said 'mining is not Turkish', what do mean with this?

It was Kale, you can even see the symbol of Kale in the middle of the MPTs. MKEK does the production and kale the design.
Just for the record, Kale and Kalekalip is the same company right?
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How effective would it be against land targets, say, against an armor?
It shouldn't have to stand against armor, it'll be rolling with tanks just like At&#305;lgan KMS. I find it weird that some people want SPAAG on Tulpar. It'd be a waste of resources. SPAAG doesn't need a heavy, low profile vehicle like Tulpar. I think FNSS did what needs to be done, Korkut is just the thing. large enough for ammo storage, strong enough to support the weight of the turret and armored enough to withstand against most artillery projectiles. Perfect.

There are better roles for Tulpar.
I think @LegionnairE said that the Gas-piston of the rifle is gonna be under license, but not the rest.
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Roketsan’dan &#304;HA’ya özel yeni silah:

Roketsan, insans&#305;z hava sistemlerinde (&#304;HA) kullan&#305;lmak üzere ‘mini ak&#305;ll&#305; mühimmat’ (MAM) isimli yeni bir silah geli&#351;tirdi. IDEF 2013’te ilk kez görücüye ç&#305;kan mini ak&#305;ll&#305; mühimmat, tüm boyutlardaki &#304;HA (&#304;nsans&#305;z Hava Arac&#305;) ve hafif taarruz uçaklar&#305;ndaki kullan&#305;m ile a&#287;&#305;rl&#305;&#287;&#305;n kritik oldu&#287;u hava-yer görevlerine yönelik olarak geli&#351;tirildi. MAM, lazer aray&#305;c&#305; ba&#351;l&#305;&#287;&#305;na sahip. Hafif yap&#305;lar, z&#305;rhs&#305;z kara araçlar&#305;, radar antenleri, silah mevzileri gibi yumu&#351;ak hedefler ve 50 metre çaptan büyük bir alanda da&#287;&#305;lm&#305;&#351; personel üzerinde etkili olabiliyor. Menzili ise 8 kilometre. MAM’&#305;n, insans&#305;z hava arac&#305; ANKA’ya entegre edilebilece&#287;i belirtiliyor. EMRE SONCAN ANKARA


Could it be this:

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