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IDEAS 2018/New Fighter Induction

There are three sessions devoted to new fighter induction at this year’s IDEAS based on official agenda. Any thoughts on what this might entail or what to expect? http://ideaspakistan.gov.pk/air_conference.php#
Knowing Pakistan as a whole ... I'd keep my expectations tame and assume it's stuff about the PAF explaining why it's difficult to induct new fighter aircraft and how the JF-17 is the solution (until Project Azm).
Knowing Pakistan as a whole ... I'd keep my expectations tame and assume it's stuff about the PAF explaining why it's difficult to induct new fighter aircraft and how the JF-17 is the solution (until Project Azm).
Good take! My suspicion is that the first sesssion will provide insights into JF-17 Blk 3 & the next two sessions will obviously center on the next generation aircraft aka project AZM. But the heading of the session is certainly quite interesting
Why is there a picture of a YAK130 and an Apache helicopter in the background?
Knowing Pakistan as a whole ... I'd keep my expectations tame and assume it's stuff about the PAF explaining why it's difficult to induct new fighter aircraft and how the JF-17 is the solution (until Project Azm).
Best attitude don't have any expectations from IDEAS if they give good news than you really can celebrate other wise at lest your hopes will not be shattered

Session 2 is 75 mins.
15 on training
15 on avionics
15 on they will tell what they require. Interesting to know that after S-400 induction by India.
30 on availability and challenges.
When is it?
Induction of New fighter jet in PAF, well I assume it will be self praising speech by some PAF guy ,in the end telling audience how difficult it was for PAF to induct new plane in limited resources, and Jf 17 is a perfect fit, and cheaper option, others should follow, ,
Induction of New fighter jet in PAF, well I assume it will be self praising speech by some PAF guy ,in the end telling audience how difficult it was for PAF to induct new plane in limited resources, and Jf 17 is a perfect fit, and cheaper option, others should follow, ,
In the 2 last 15 minute section there availability and challenges areas which means there are going to talk about 2 different inductions. One will be JF-17 block 3 what will be the other?
In the 2 last 15 minute section there availability and challenges areas which means there are going to talk about 2 different inductions. One will be JF-17 block 3 what will be the other?
If it's as, then paa g it may be j10c,
In the 2 last 15 minute section there availability and challenges areas which means there are going to talk about 2 different inductions. One will be JF-17 block 3 what will be the other?

It says next generation aircraft
Yes I think it is J-10c with a bigger range stand off pay load but that is just a thought.

There are at least 8 years for Pakistan for Pakistan in induction of fifth gen and there is a short mid gap.

I am just telling you what it says on the agenda
Yes I think it is J-10c with a bigger range stand off pay load but that is just a thought.

There are at least 8 years for Pakistan for Pakistan in induction of fifth gen and there is a short mid gap.

And what makes you think its J-10C ?
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