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IDEAS 2018/New Fighter Induction

I am just telling you what it says on the agenda
Sorry I thought you were giving opinion.

And what makes you think its J-10C ?
The factor of diminishing options. Name any thing else? This is the only logical availability for current time cycle.

Another thing which made me conclude this is the payload of air to ground it can carry. If we are considering S-400 into equation we would need platform that can launch multiple air to ground missile of stand off range. Secondly we need a platform which is high speed and can execute and exit the area before IAF can response. Any fighter that can carry long range air to ground missiles above 500 km and is above mach 2 can make a hole in no fly zone established by S-400. Just these things are making me consider J-10c nothing else.
Sorry I thought you were giving opinion.

The factor of diminishing options. Name any thing else? This is the only logical availability for current time cycle.

Another thing which made me conclude this is the payload of air to ground it can carry. If we are considering S-400 into equation we would need platform that can launch multiple air to ground missile of stand off range. Secondly we need a platform which is high speed and can execute and exit the area before IAF can response. Any fighter that can carry long range air to ground missiles above 500 km and is above mach 2 can make a hole in no fly zone established by S-400. Just these things are making me consider J-10c nothing else.

Well, you could be right or wrong but it is a very smart logic I would agree to some degree brother but PAF at times is full of surprises I sure hope to that its J-10C.
Well, you could be right or wrong but it is a very smart logic I would agree to some degree brother but PAF at times is full of surprises I sure hope to that its J-10C.
I was just giving logical statement on the new threat and our new doctrine is not nown after S-400 development. We are thinking currently but nothing is known we might get some hints from IDEAS 2018.
Sorry I thought you were giving opinion.

The factor of diminishing options. Name any thing else? This is the only logical availability for current time cycle.

Another thing which made me conclude this is the payload of air to ground it can carry. If we are considering S-400 into equation we would need platform that can launch multiple air to ground missile of stand off range. Secondly we need a platform which is high speed and can execute and exit the area before IAF can response. Any fighter that can carry long range air to ground missiles above 500 km and is above mach 2 can make a hole in no fly zone established by S-400. Just these things are making me consider J-10c nothing else.
top speed is useless in war,acceleration and agility that matter, most battles (air to air) are/were fought in subsonic to tran-sonic regime (0.85 to 1.5 Mach @BHarwana :p:;):enjoy:
top speed is useless in war,acceleration and agility that matter, most battles (air to air) are/were fought in subsonic to tran-sonic regime (0.85 to 1.5 Mach @BHarwana :p:;):enjoy:
Bro today I don't have the stamina to entertain you may some other time.
I mentioned top speed to run away after striking not for dog fight.
Han han Gareebo Mile gi ... Pantsir ke darshan tu ho jayen .
Sukhoi a gaya tu ap ke favorite restaurant mai party dun ga

why not ? its about time they declare their plans for Stop Gap Fighter .

That's not a valid answer my friend we don't know jack whats going to come out of the hat - J-10C or Su-35 or a starship we must wait and see.
That's not a valid answer my friend we don't know jack whats going to come out of the hat - J-10C or Su-35 or a starship we must wait and see.

Few weeks ago a Program was air'd on Dunya ( i think ) about PAF , and in that some of the pilots Said PAF is evaluating Su Series .
Bro today I don't have the stamina to entertain you may some other time.
I mentioned top speed to run away after striking not for dog fight.
you have basic don't have a basic knowledge about warfare, and give me one answer please how can you evade SAMs and AAM (BVR) launch at you with speed of MACH-4+ the only option to defend your jet is EW ECM, RWR etc etc not top speed @BHarwana :crazy::hitwall::crazy:

Bro today I don't have the stamina to entertain you may some other time.
I mentioned top speed to run away after striking not for dog fight.
You have too much false ego to understand other members sane and logical arguments, and insist your baseless crap always @BHarwana :blah::blah::blah:
you have basic knowledge about warfare, and give me one answer please how can you evade SAMs and AAM (BVR) launch at you with speed of MACH-4+ the only option to defend your jet is EW ECM, RWR etc etc not top speed @BHarwana :crazy::hitwall::crazy:

Okay I took a pain killer to help reply you. Ever heard a word standoff weapons?
Destroying S-400 is not an issue it can be destroyed. The issue is destroying it cost-effectively. Firing a salvo of ballistic missile will destroy it but it will cost more. So we need to find a way to cheaply destroy it. Jf-17 can do it with RAAD but it will require 17 jets to take out one battery. So what is the solution our current solution is Mirage that is the jet which has the strike capability and payload capacity to give a hit but they are old boys. We need a jet that can launch at least 4 missiles of 600 km and we need a new air to ground missile with smaller war head and 600 km range and it as to be supersonic. Under this we can take out one battery of S-400 cheaply and can also have a stop gap fighter.
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