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IAF's 118 Jaguar Fighter Jets to get new Engines and Avionics

So you are saying we can't make spares, but we can make a Jaguar nearly from scratch without OEM support, but can't maintain the aircraft?

Yes, we are buying used aircraft to cannibalise it for spares, but that's because we are getting them for free. And the imported Jaguars will serve very well as a spares pool and drastically reduce our revenue spending on a very large fleet of aircraft. For example, we don't have to buy new engines for the old Jaguars that are not getting an engine upgrade, so we've saved a large amount of money there.

The usefulness of the imported Jaguars is too great for you to fathom, but the imports have nothing to do with our ability to maintain and produce the spares of the aircraft by ourselves.

All I see is a person turning green looking at what we can do even with our oldest aircraft.
Actually reading through your saffron glasses, everything will surely sound incredible to you least the fact that apart from France which has thrown in some Jaguars in the Rafale deal, you are not exactly being generous by having to purchase them from Oman and UK......and i wont even bring up how the Indians were ridiculing Pakistani purchase of Mirages from Australia and others, as for turning green, we all know how the GOI protested to Australia over the sale of those old aircraft and more recently, only 8 aircraft were causing your kind to sh** bricks....but hey on PDF we are all high and mighty.....then again where else would you go to make all the noise.
Actually reading through your saffron glasses, everything will surely sound incredible to you least the fact that apart from France which has thrown in some Jaguars in the Rafale deal, you are not exactly being generous by having to purchase them from Oman and UK......

Even the ones from Oman are free. And if someone has not bothered to tell you yet, the ones from UK cost only $4M.

10+ years worth of spares for $4M for aircraft that will give us AESA radar, advanced avionics and new engines with the same thrust as JF-17 or LCA, ask your GHQ if that's a good idea or not.

Oh, and we are not being generous, we are being cheap. There's a better word for that, though, "frugal". Even our frugal methods have your GHQ shaking in their boots.

and i wont even bring up how the Indians were ridiculing Pakistani purchase of Mirages from Australia and others,

Big difference. We aren't actually gonna fly the imported Jaguars even though they have 10+ years left in them.

as for turning green, we all know how the GOI protested to Australia over the sale of those old aircraft and more recently, only 8 aircraft were causing your kind to sh** bricks....but hey on PDF we are all high and mighty.....then again where else would you go to make all the noise.

Anybody would shit bricks if crazy people got their hands on a gun. But you guys want a plane that can drop nukes. Sorry, but let the Americans keep their planes, you can keep your crazy.

Dude add in 3 billion US dollars to upgrade these old airframes .

For the price, 30 Rafales can be brought.

The imports are gonna be taken apart and used as spares.
Even the ones from Oman are free. And if someone has not bothered to tell you yet, the ones from UK cost only $4M.

10+ years worth of spares for $4M for aircraft that will give us AESA radar, advanced avionics and new engines with the same thrust as JF-17 or LCA, ask your GHQ if that's a good idea or not.
Unlike the warlords in Delhi, Our GHQ seldom gives two monkeys to what India acquires, in any case it all sounds good on paper however spending billions to upgrade a some 50 year old design and an aircraft phased out by others and then having to rely on cannibalisation is an Indian logic.
Oh, and we are not being generous, we are being cheap. There's a better word for that, though, "frugal". Even our frugal methods have your GHQ shaking in their boots.
Really, all this for a system, over 50 of which you have crashed without once firing in anger. :lol:
Big difference. We aren't actually gonna fly the imported Jaguars even though they have 10+ years left in them.
Once again you have confirmed that in PAF's capable hands, even the old Mirages were rattling nerves in Delhi.
Anybody would shit bricks if crazy people got their hands on a gun. But you guys want a plane that can drop nukes. Sorry, but let the Americans keep their planes, you can keep your crazy.
So you are saying that those 8 aircraft would have been the only method of delivering nukes, i thought we already had 18 similar platforms and another 100 + with the capability.
The fact is your 36 Rafales didn't concern PAF the way mere 8 F-16 subdued the Indian psyche.
This in earnest is called, Quality Vs Quantity.
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Unlike the warlords in Delhi, Our GHQ seldom gives two monkeys to what India acquires,

PAF's entire procurement process is based on everything India does.

in any case it all sounds good on paper however spending billions to upgrade a some 50 year old design and an aircraft phased out by others and then having to rely on cannibalisation is an Indian logic.

Who cares how old it is, it does its job.

The US will also be using F-16s until 2050s when most of Europe and other F-16 operators will have phased it out. So we aren't doing anything that the US isn't doing.

It's you lot who should be worried about using all the ancient Mirage IIIs/Vs and F-7s.

Really, all this for a system, over 50 of which you have crashed without once firing in anger. :lol:

Yes. This aircraft is very scary and has become even more scary overall.

50 crashes over 40 years of service is fine.

So you are saying that those 8 aircraft would have been the only method of delivering nukes, i thought we already had 18 similar platforms and another 100 + with the capability.
The fact is your 36 Rafales didn't concern PAF the way mere 8 F-16 subdued the Indian psyche.
This in earnest is called, Quality Vs Quantity.

In both cases, the PAF loses. We got Rafales, and denied you F-16s. Good for us.
If the Jaguars have low operational cost, this is a good move by IAF. Would anyone be kind enough to provide me the estimated operational cost of a Jaguar as compared to that of Su-30mki?
Not possible with M2K. Not enough were produced, and those who have the jet want to continue operating it. It's only because of the Rafale deal that the French are willing to give us two of their M2K trainers.
1. After kargil war french were ready to sell ..
2. There is still chances of UAE ones.
Actually reading through your saffron glasses, everything will surely sound incredible to you least the fact that apart from France which has thrown in some Jaguars in the Rafale deal, you are not exactly being generous by having to purchase them from Oman and UK......and i wont even bring up how the Indians were ridiculing Pakistani purchase of Mirages from Australia and others, as for turning green, we all know how the GOI protested to Australia over the sale of those old aircraft and more recently, only 8 aircraft were causing your kind to sh** bricks....but hey on PDF we are all high and mighty.....then again where else would you go to make all the noise.
As an attack/ recon/ cas aircraft the upgraded jag, with its low running costs is a really compelling package. You can’t deny that bud.
1. After kargil war french were ready to sell ..

We exercised that. We bought 10 new jets as attrition replacement. But the plan was to produce 126 M-2000s through the MRCA program. So at the time there was no plan to buy a second hand jet.

With these Jaguars, we have asked the French to supply 2 second hand M2K as attrition replacement.

2. There is still chances of UAE ones.

UAE is an option. But first they have to order Rafales, and then get most of the jets delivered before they can sell the M-2000s. That's about 10 years away. So not an option for us.

Qatar was an option, but they have decided to keep their M2Ks.

Both UAE and Qatari jets were an option a decade ago, not anymore.
We exercised tha
Qatar was an option, but they have decided to keep their M2Ks.

Both UAE and Qatari jets were an option a decade ago, not anymore.

Good to see Indians will be using second hand planes formerly used and maintained by PAF crews on deputation :)
PAF's entire procurement process is based on everything India does.
Tell me about it, the PAF has phased out it's twin engine jets [F-6 & A-5] and relies on single engine fighters while IAF fears to fly single engine in a basic flypast on Republic Day more over it's not the PAF that has to paint it's own wrecks in IAF colours and display as trophy to keep the tail up.

Who cares how old it is, it does its job.

The US will also be using F-16s until 2050s when most of Europe and other F-16 operators will have phased it out. So we aren't doing anything that the US isn't doing.
Mentioning the F-16 and Jaguar in same line is like comparing Modi with Mandela or Maurti with Mercedes
And if you think US may be using F-16 until 2050 then what makes you think others would have phased it out by then, besides the F-16 is being built in Blocks hence even after 40 years, newer versions are still rolling off the production lines and are well capable enough to challenge anything out there.
It's you lot who should be worried about using all the ancient Mirage IIIs/Vs and F-7s.
Albeit you seem to pop up in every thread but your knowledge seems to be out of date or maybe it's just ignorance, the JF-17s have already replaced four squadrons of older types and unlike the IAF which is operating with depleted strength, the PAF has raised at least two new units....let us know when your Tejas replaces a unit in the IAF....and i suppose you consider your MiG-21/27 quite modern.

Yes. This aircraft is very scary and has become even more scary overall.
Yes when you do a publicity stunt in full glare of media and others and send four aircraft in adverse conditions to prove it's all weather capability.....but none return to their base....it does become scary. :lol:
50 crashes over 40 years of service is fine.

Good for you, just as well they are twin engine and never saw any action.
In both cases, the PAF loses. We got Rafales, and denied you F-16s. Good for us.
Actually dollar for dollar, PAF can field four JF-17s for every Rafale and soon the Block-3 will be entering the scene and with confirmed foreign orders for JF-17s and project Azm in the pipeline....wonder who loses out in the long run.:rofl:
ha ha ha...paf can't afford twin engine jet anymore, neither buying nor operating....:yahoo:

so start reading something about defense,would be better for you[:sleep:/QUOTE]

India must have a factory that produces morons... how hard is it to count?


ha ha ha...paf can't afford twin engine jet anymore, neither buying nor operating....:yahoo:
that's why they don't have any
read a book kid...twin jet engines are better maneuverable and better in dog fighting, that's why we have it and now we are going for single engine, because they are cheaper to operate

As i said PAF was operating twin engine when your kind were still sleeping under bridges, your air force doesn't have the confidence to operate single engine , hence you no more see even the MK2 participating on your republic day so go and watch some bollywood crap to lift your tail.

well hope paf keeps on getting the spares:pakistan:

With your MKIs and MiG-29K totting at less than 50% operational, yea it's PAF shortages of spares.
yeahh and you consider third generation jf-17 quite modern :D
Ask a certain MKI pilot, he may tell you more about it.

jf-17 is only bought because its cheap , not because its a capable aircraft
rafales are bing bought to use it as a nuclear platform not to be engaged in a dog fight buddy
and i think jf-17 still is not nuke capable...
so start reading something about defense,would be better for you:sleep:
We went for JF-17 because it meets PAF operational requirements else we had the option to go for the J-10 with very favourable circumstances and you think the Rafale will be kept back in a conventional war.
Kids with access to internet shouldn't be allowed on PDF.

Lol. Making up crap.

Lol.....for 17 years this was your Tejas making it's appearance on Republic Day.

None of these new jets are being purchased by the USAF, all they are doing is upgrading the old stuff they have. Oops, just like India with the Jaguars.
Yea like India, US will also be acquiring decommissioned fighters from abroad as a source of spare parts. :lol:

Guess what though, the Mig-21 Bison's radar is just as capable as the JF-17 Block 1's radar. And the Bison comes with a high off-bore sight missile cued by HMDS, unlike the JF-17. And the Bison also has a more advanced EW suite.
Really, all that stuff but still designated as flying coffin. :cry:

Jaguars have been used in combat all over the world. Even in Kargil.
The subject here is IAF Jaguars and their combat record hardly worth mentioning, even JF-17 has an air-to-air UAV kill.

Four JF-17s eh? One Meteor for each then.
Oh please no more cricket scores ....after all we are talking about IAF pilots at controls. :D
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i am taking about fighter jets moron...dont flaunt your single illushin refueling aircraft...

notice how you change your parameters when hard facts show up..... also we 4 not one!! do some homework before trying convince any one.

like i said india has a factory of moron who do poor quality research, talk BS, apply self serving logic and then when they get owned as always.. they try wiggle them selves out of trouble
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