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IAF's 118 Jaguar Fighter Jets to get new Engines and Avionics

in your older in other thread post you stated India have 150 Jaguars, in your other older post in other thread you stated that you have only 18 Jaguars with a life of 15 years, so which figures is correct 18 or 37 @randomradio

And as for our all old F-16 are also upgraded to block-40/42 level via turkey (avionics wise) @randomradio

I never said we have 150 jets. And I didn't say anything about 18 jets either.

We have 118 Jaguars, out of which 37 are new. Another 40+ will be upgraded from the older stocks since they have a lot of life left, 2 decades, and will be phased out after 2035. The remaining will be phased out from 2027 onwards.

Those 37 new jets can be operated up to 2050.
I never said we have 150 jets. And I didn't say anything about 18 jets either.

We have 118 Jaguars, out of which 37 are new. Another 40+ will be upgraded from the older stocks since they have a lot of life left, 2 decades, and will be phased out after 2035. The remaining will be phased out from 2027 onwards.

Those 37 new jets can be operated up to 2050.
Thanks a lot
so bacially the LCA cant cut it?...

interesting to 1970s vintage planes which can upgraded are more useful than brand new 4th generation LCAs...

We ended Mig-21 production in 1985, but we can fly those no problem.
We ended Jaguar production sometime in 2004 and there are problems with flying the Jaguar.

This forum has always been interesting. I rarely meet such gents in real life.
Indeed the forum is interesting since you spend most of your day jumping between threads hence the absent minded comments.
The source i posted is closer to your home and even here before boxing above weight, reading the OP may have given you a reality check....

''The Indian Air Force has launched a new drive to revamp its 118 Jaguar ground attack fighters with new engines, airframes and spares from overseas grounded fighters.
A senior service official said the IAF is speeding up sourcing old Jaguar fighters from overseas that would be dismantled later to use airframes, engines and other spares parts.

Now what was that you were giving the MiG-21 example. !!!
well specially on this forum i have answered this question many times...and i don't blame you for it because you don't understand the dynamics of defense aand india
india is a big country ...with varied geographical as well as purpose requirement of different equipments.
people ask if we have indigenous dhanush and atags , then why are we buying m777
or if we have our own dhruv and lch , why are we buying kamov or apache
or if we have our tata transportation trucks then why we buy tatra trucks as well
similarly why tejas
because every equipment has its different requirement , could be defense or strategic , but it has
and believe me , we are indian banias , we take use of every penny, not just spending money uselessly
tejas is meant to replace migs not just to display, so you can not equate them to jaguars or su 30mki or rafale ,
if you have tejas , then why upgrading jaguars....its such a senseless question and anyone who know even little bit about aircrafts would have understood
and it is our first indigenous experimented and developed aircraft, built from scratch , we are not just assembling it like jf-17-no doubt its much more experienced than tejas
1) tejas would take some time to get operationally experimented on , getting improved as well as getting the numbers, and we need to maintain a certain strength because the production of tejas is not equivalent to the depleting fleet
2)tejas is specifically replacing mig 21 and 27, not any other aircraft and other thing is it is designed specifically for pak
3)jaguars are our nuclear platforms like rafales , thats why they are so important

its just not that tejas can't cut it , thats why jaguars....
thats senseless
may be i can ask why you upgrading f-16 , because jf17 cant cut it or what...
these are senseless questions

yes a big country that is clueless how to main a large fleet.. with a 40% average combat readiness... congrats... !!

seems like you have trouble having cohesive fleet...

PAF knows what is doing.... it standardising it;s fleet. JF-17s as main stray and F-16s as stop gap till fifth generation planes become available...simple?

IAF is confused as ever...

We ended Mig-21 production in 1985, but we can fly those no problem.
We ended Jaguar production sometime in 2004 and there are problems with flying the Jaguar.

This forum has always been interesting. I rarely meet such gents in real life.

You won't, these have a special internet persona. There has to be some special mechanism of generating such incredible amount of hate.
Indeed the forum is interesting since you spend most of your day jumping between threads hence the absent minded comments.
The source i posted is closer to your home and even here before boxing above weight, reading the OP may have given you a reality check....

''The Indian Air Force has launched a new drive to revamp its 118 Jaguar ground attack fighters with new engines, airframes and spares from overseas grounded fighters.
A senior service official said the IAF is speeding up sourcing old Jaguar fighters from overseas that would be dismantled later to use airframes, engines and other spares parts.

Now what was that you were giving the MiG-21 example. !!!

So you are saying we can't make spares, but we can make a Jaguar nearly from scratch without OEM support, but can't maintain the aircraft?

Yes, we are buying used aircraft to cannibalise it for spares, but that's because we are getting them for free. And the imported Jaguars will serve very well as a spares pool and drastically reduce our revenue spending on a very large fleet of aircraft. For example, we don't have to buy new engines for the old Jaguars that are not getting an engine upgrade, so we've saved a large amount of money there.

The usefulness of the imported Jaguars is too great for you to fathom, but the imports have nothing to do with our ability to maintain and produce the spares of the aircraft by ourselves.

All I see is a person turning green looking at what we can do even with our oldest aircraft.
well buddy...dont worry if we are even 40% combat ready...its still enough for you....
its not true though...but still things are improving....
at least we buy things on hard cash...not on subsidies and by begging

i doubt it... the last we fought Indian military in 1999 it performed poorly.. embarrassing infantry performance and their airforce the less said the better... this time around no one in Pakistan is going to listen to an american general to back down

dispite your muslim hating government you could not even launch "surgical strike" on Pakistan.

relax we know we are better than you and you know it .. whether you admit or not.

You pay by hard cash and not by begging?. really?... good to know. But your airforce is still subpar..

So you are saying we can't make spares, but we can make a Jaguar nearly from scratch without OEM support, but can't maintain the aircraft?

All I see is a person turning green looking at what we can do even with our oldest aircraft.

err.. no

india is not a advance manufacturing country... you are well behind Brazil..
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Some one some where is in deep love with jags. If only we have shown so much on finding some decent aged Mk2005. We could have replaced the ancient MIGs with them . But alas.
Some one some where is in deep love with jags. If only we have shown so much on finding some decent aged Mk2005. We could have replaced the ancient MIGs with them . But alas.

Not possible with M2K. Not enough were produced, and those who have the jet want to continue operating it. It's only because of the Rafale deal that the French are willing to give us two of their M2K trainers.
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