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IAF prepared to face two front war

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I wouldn't dispute his statement if IAF didn't blow its own men out of the sky...
Mark my words: "PAF has lost first look first shoot capability to IAF permanently even with PL-15. PAF will never regain it" and I am saying this humbly.
Project Vision says hi. (Especially now that it has been upgraded with more assets be it the Naval assets or Space assets.)

We will always have first look capability and that gives us ability to know when we have to shoot and humbly we will make each shot count.
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This is going to be a troll fest, but on the off chance you are actually trying to learn something, well -- here is an interesting fact -- Before the deal of the AMRAAMs in 2008, PAF actually had no declared BVR capability and was still able to deter the BVR capable, numerically and technologically vastly superior IAF.

As far as your claims regarding the first look and shoot capability, well -- it all depends -- all I know is that the jet with similar claims i.e. the Mini Awacs, Raptor from the east, the jet with kills on EF-2000, F-15's etc. was found dodging AMRAAMS on the day of 27th feb,2019.

Your handle describes you as a Think Tank but you accuse other of a troll fest while you lay the bait!.

On this forum somehow dodging AMRAMS is low skill but you zoom out and see, it's apparent that the pilots who missed hitting were low skilled cause they couldn't get the kill. A rationale analysis would allude to what I am saying. The dodgers did their part that they were trained to do. The aggressors clearly tried multiple times and failed in their task.
Your handle describes you as a Think Tank but you accuse other of a troll fest while you lay the bait!.

On this forum somehow dodging AMRAMS is low skill but you zoom out and see, it's apparent that the pilots who missed hitting were low skilled cause they couldn't get the kill. A rationale analysis would allude to what I am saying. The dodgers did their part that they were trained to do. The aggressors clearly tried multiple times and failed in their task.
2 amraams were fired. Both hit their targets
Pakistan laments the constant war hysteria by high ranking officials in India.

As a gesture of normalcy, Pakistan asks India to vacate airfields in Tajikistan
IAFs Meteor edge (that is first shot capability) has been further reinforced, as it turned that the maximum range of PL-15 is only 145 km.

And what is the range of the meteor?
What else is he expected to say? Not prepared?

He can say whatever but the fact remains 7 times smaller Pakistan can easily hold India down.

Add China to the mix and you have total annihilation on the cards. It's just absurdity to think you are prepared against both.

Better zip that mouth. Because there is a third front too i.e. Indian SAMs shooting down their own flies from the skies when push comes to shove.
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Mark my words: "PAF has lost first look first shoot capability to IAF permanently even with PL-15. PAF will never regain it" and I am saying this humbly.

images (81).jpeg

Here, take this. :haha:
Its actually up to 200 KM as per official German military report

Do you read your link before you post??? where its says it has a range of 200 km, in fact this article don't say anything about Meteor range lol
Its actually up to 200 KM as per official German military report

Do you read your link before you post??? where its says it has a range of 200 km, in fact this article don't say anything about Meteor range lol
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