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IAF prepared to face two front war

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Do you even know what the quoted range of meteor is? Ill give you a hint, its less than 145km
Its actually up to 200 KM as per official German military report

Modern air-to-air guided missile Meteor flies controllably at up to four times the speed of sound and has a range of up to 200 kilometers
© armed forces

IAFs Meteor edge (that is first shot capability) has been further reinforced, as it turned that the maximum range of PL-15 is only 145 km.
Mark my reply here that PAF is going to retain first see, first shoot capability even with Meteor in IAF. Our boys are keeping the tradition of "We will surprise you" alive and i am saying this humbly.
Mark my reply here that PAF is going to retain first see, first shoot capability even with Meteor in IAF. Our boys are keeping the tradition of "We will surprise you" alive and i am saying this humbly.
Mark my words: "PAF has lost first look first shoot capability to IAF permanently even with PL-15. PAF will never regain it" and I am saying this humbly.
Its actually up to 200 KM as per official German military report

The official brochure gives it a 100km range :)
Mark my words: "PAF has lost first look first shoot capability to IAF permanently even with PL-15. PAF will never regain it" and I am saying this humbly.
You say that because you procured a single type of missile?
India is clearly looking for a fight with the way that its media is pushing the war narrative.

But it may get what it wishes for, and bite off more than it can chew.
Mark my words: "PAF has lost first look first shoot capability to IAF permanently even with PL-15. PAF will never regain it" and I am saying this humbly.
This is going to be a troll fest, but on the off chance you are actually trying to learn something, well -- here is an interesting fact -- Before the deal of the AMRAAMs in 2008, PAF actually had no declared BVR capability and was still able to deter the BVR capable, numerically and technologically vastly superior IAF.

As far as your claims regarding the first look and shoot capability, well -- it all depends -- all I know is that the jet with similar claims i.e. the Mini Awacs, Raptor from the east, the jet with kills on EF-2000, F-15's etc. was found dodging AMRAAMS on the day of 27th feb,2019.
IAFs Meteor edge (that is first shot capability) has been further reinforced, as it turned that the maximum range of PL-15 is only 145 km.

No mate PL 15 is rubbish can't go beyond 15 miles that's why its named PL 15 don't you think? Wah wah Meteor have got no comparison as soon as you take aim at the target with the Meteor things just falls off the sky. I suggest buy one for your love in your life and he/she will ignore you and hold on to Meteor first shot.
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