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IAF lost 152 pilots, 534 aircraft, in crashes in past 30 years

fan fiction stories like that of MM Alam. PAF as an intiator of conflicts never achieved a single objective in 65 or 71. They were nowhere to be seen in Kargil.
Indian mig 21s were made by HAL which back in the day had the reputation of having very poor workmanship and were known to be building substandard products. Most of these mig crashes have been due to technical issues in the aircraft rather than pilot error. So it points out to incompeteny of the manufacturer rather than the IAF.
And why is that 70% of the crashes came from migs despite IAF only having 10-13 squadrons of mig21s at it's peak in late 90s and the other types had a far greater availability rate
Fan fiction like Trevor Keelor shooting down a F86. Or the IAF wiping out an entire PAF squadron, only for that squadron to be interviewed a day later. Or like the IAF claiming to have gained air superiority in any of the wars. Or like the IAF shooting down Mirage III of the PAF. Or like the IAF displaying their own downed mig21 as a PAF J6. Or like the IAF claiming to have shot down a F16 in combat.
Fan fiction like Trevor Keelor shooting down a F86. Or the IAF wiping out an entire PAF squadron, only for that squadron to be interviewed a day later. Or like the IAF claiming to have gained air superiority in any of the wars. Or like the IAF shooting down Mirage III of the PAF. Or like the IAF displaying their own downed mig21 as a PAF J6. Or like the IAF claiming to have shot down a F16 in combat.
These indain keyboard warriors have no shame at all.
fan fiction stories like that of MM Alam. PAF as an intiator of conflicts never achieved a single objective in 65 or 71. They were nowhere to be seen in Kargil.
Indian mig 21s were made by HAL which back in the day had the reputation of having very poor workmanship and were known to be building substandard products. Most of these mig crashes have been due to technical issues in the aircraft rather than pilot error. So it points out to incompeteny of the manufacturer rather than the IAF.
And why is that 70% of the crashes came from migs despite IAF only having 10-13 squadrons of mig21s at it's peak in late 90s and the other types had a far greater availability rate
So can you please tell me the following is a lie.

1. Muslims ruled Indian Hindus for 1000 years
2. The britsih ruled India for 200 odd years

4. Azad Kashmir and Northern areas were taken by force by Pakistan.

So before you go on about anything else to divert the subject deny the above with logic
Fan fiction like Trevor Keelor shooting down a F86.
Truth hurts ?
Or the IAF wiping out an entire PAF squadron, only for that squadron to be interviewed a day later.
Similar to how PAF claimed to shoot down an MKI just for that MKI to fly in a parade later
Or like the IAF claiming to have gained air superiority in any of the wars.
Was the IAF an initiator of any of the conflicts ? The initiator, i.e, the PAF failed to achieve any of it's objectives. And of course who can forget the failed Operation Chengiz Khan.
Or like the IAF shooting down Mirage III of the PAF. Or like the IAF displaying their own downed mig21 as a PAF J6.
And I'm still wondering how did they manage to obtain the tail of SU 30. Maybe they confused it with the tail of their F16

Or like the IAF claiming to have shot down a F16 in combat.
Then who was the doosra banda which ghafoor talked about ?
images - 2022-12-25T132222.883.jpeg
2. The britsih ruled India for 200 odd years
120 years to be precise. When we talk about Bengal and madras the number becomes 190 years.
So what ? We're glad that partition occured. How is Pakistan faring now after economically and politically after 75 years. We got rid of Ghazwa Hind fanatcis with the creation of Pakistan.
4. Azad Kashmir and Northern areas were taken by force by Pakistan.
Technically it was taken from maharaja Hari Singh. India joined the war after the invasion. In the end it kept more territory than the initiator.
So can you please tell me the following is a lie.

1. Muslims ruled Indian Hindus for 1000 years
1.Arabs don't consider you as real Muslims
2.Pakistan isn't the birthplace for Islam

So can you please tell me the following is a lie.
The britsih ruled India for 200 odd years
British India which includes today's Pakistan too
1.Arabs don't consider you as real Muslims
2.Pakistan isn't the birthplace for Islam

British India which includes today's Pakistan too
See I told you that you would not answer and divert...loooool. that shows you are weak person

Is that why arabs invite people like Zakir Naik as Muslim ambassadors to the world cup.
When you make bold statement engage your brain.

America isn't the birthplace for Christianity but there are many Christians there. Europe isn't the birth place for Hindus but so many Hindus there. Once again...stupid point.

Go back think engage your brain and then speak

120 years to be precise. When we talk about Bengal and madras the number becomes 190 years.

So what ? We're glad that partition occured. How is Pakistan faring now after economically and politically after 75 years. We got rid of Ghazwa Hind fanatcis with the creation of Pakistan.

Technically it was taken from maharaja Hari Singh. India joined the war after the invasion. In the end it kept more territory than the initiator.
So u were ruled and you forever lost ground..

No point saying so what....you lost..so please be quiet now. Stop the super duper power India crap
Truth hurts ?
Ah yes, because the F86 Trevor Keelor claimed shooting down totally did not make it back to base meaning the claim is false. You call the MKI shoot down and MM Alam false claims but say the Trevor Keelor shoot down is true. Copium is running hard.
Similar to how PAF claimed to shoot down an MKI just for that MKI to fly in a parade later
Ah yes, the MKI they pulled from a different squadron to fly at a parade to say they didn't shoot down a MKI. Because you know, we claimed an MKI during the Balakot strike (even though it was during Feb 27th and not Feb 26th when Balakot happened), and said strike package also consisted of just 3 M2K and 2 SU30MKI. Lol.

Was the IAF an initiator of any of the conflicts ? The initiator, i.e, the PAF failed to achieve any of it's objectives. And of course who can forget the failed Operation Chengiz Khan.
Neither PAF or IAF were the initiator of the conflicts.

Army was. Your army tried to take Rann of Kutch, you lost horribly. That led to op Gibraltar, which failed which led to India declaring war and pushing past the IB, which again failed horribly. In 1971 India was found to be supporting the MB terrorists, so the army (EP) shelled your bases on the border, where then the PAF hit your airfields destroying several aircraft and knocking out your runways. You launched your air op which failed considering how you were unable to gain any air superiority over the PAF, and on top of that lost more jets than us.
And I'm still wondering how did they manage to obtain the tail of SU 30. Maybe they confused it with the tail of their F16
View attachment 907630

Then who was the doosra banda which ghafoor talked about ?
View attachment 907629
MKI tail is a mockup for the audience.

The second pilot is Abhinandan, as later explained by Gen Asif Ghafoor. Miscommunication as explained, led to the false notion 2 pilots were captured. You know about miscommunication? It was miscommunication that led to your MIL MI17 to being shot down by your own SAM
Look at the rag you quote from...r u not ashamed? Even India givenment is so afraid that he know Hinduism better than your religious scholars they made trumped up charges against him because so many Hindus were becoming Muslim.
Go and take a sip of tea to soothe your nerve down :dance3:
Guy you lost the argument. Now get lost.
I countered every bit of his claims with proven facts. It was pretty much visible that I've hit his nerve very well. That's why he was continously spamming non sense here.
Now get the hell out from here
Ah yes, because the F86 Trevor Keelor claimed shooting down totally did not make it back to base meaning the claim is false. You call the MKI shoot down and MM Alam false claims but say the Trevor Keelor shoot down is true. Copium is running hard.
So you're confirimg it yourself that the sabre didn't make it back to base
Ah yes, the MKI they pulled from a different squadron to fly at a parade to say they didn't shoot down a MKI.
I can say the same thing about your f16, did you get a spare F16 from Jordan or turkey to hide your loss ?
Because you know, we claimed an MKI during the Balakot strike (even though it was during Feb 27th and not Feb 26th when Balakot happened), and said strike package also consisted of just 3 M2K and 2 SU30MKI. Lol.
The strike package had 12 M2Ks

Neither PAF or IAF were the initiator of the conflicts.

Army was. Your army tried to take Rann of Kutch, you lost horribly.
It's amazing how a small border incident in Gujarat which didn't even involve the indian army on a scale was the so called trigger for the 65 war. Get your facts right first
handful of CRPF men faced the onslaught of an entire 51st Pakistani brigade . It's funny how you link it top op Gibraltar which was meant for so called "liberation of kashmir" most neutral observers agree the Op Gibraltar was the trigger of 65 war. Even your retired officers and neutral observers agree with that
That led to op Gibraltar, which failed which led to India declaring war and pushing past the IB, which again failed horribly.
Oh really , so there was no war before the counter attack ? India launched the counter offensive in Lahore to relieve pressure from the Pakistani offensive in akhnoor sector aka operational grand slam. The entire Pakistani 6th armored div was dashing forward to cut off J and K from india
But when we launched our counter attack your entire offensive was called off and your army leadership was thrown off balance. We successfully destroyed your plans for capturing Kashmir and jammu. Our Primary objective was to stop your offensive which we achieved. You started the war to take Kashmir and ended up defending Lahore
In 1971 India was found to be supporting the MB terrorists, so the army (EP) shelled your bases on the border, where then the PAF hit your airfields destroying several aircraft and knocking out your runways. You launched your air op which failed considering how you were unable to gain any air superiority over the PAF, and on top of that lost more jets than us.
Ok saar you won 71 saar. 93K Indian army Surendered saar

:omghaha: :cheers:

Entire op chengiz khan was based on the objective of knocking IAF out of the war. But IAF got all aircraft airborne within hours without losing much assets in the raid.
On the western front, contrary to the popular belief, there was near parity in combat aircraft strength with India deploying 235 aircraft against 215 of Pakistan.
Despite that the IAF flew a total of 11,549 sorties and lost 60 aircraft Mainly due to ground based AD because IAF flew a lot of CAS missions.
PAF flew just 3,027 sorties and lost 55 aircraft( 44 in west) PAF barely gave CAS
the attrition rate of the IAF and that of the PAF during offensive missions were 1.2 and 2.6 respectively

MKI tail is a mockup for the audience.

The second pilot is Abhinandan, as later explained by Gen Asif Ghafoor. Miscommunication as explained, led to the false notion 2 pilots were captured. You know about miscommunication? It was miscommunication that led to your MIL MI17 to being shot down by your own SAM
Read the tweet again, pilot was arrested
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