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IAF bombshell: Difficult to tackle China-Pak threat

Our troops can go straight into Indian territory whenever we like, and the Indian soldiers can't do anything to stop them:


The fact that you say its Indian territory makes you a rogue nation and a hegemonic and if its not Indian, then merely going back makes you coward.

Chose whichever suits you.

IAF should also consider that in the event of a Sino Pak - India conflict, SL and BD may not remain LOB. They would not like to miss the opportunity of acquiring a share of the spolis from a disintegrating India.

Professional has spoken.

Srilanka will invade and get Tamil Nadu and BD will get West Bengal. :lol:
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IAF beating its chest to get more money.

Remember that interview by Admiral Mehta and some members going haywire? :lol:

That and this article falls in same category. Both contain single message : We need funds.
I envisage even larger deployment of LCA.
LCA mk2 and later versions need to replace all....

> Mig 21 variants, set up as a lead in fighter trainer for all MKI and Rafale pilots,

>Augment rafale to offset all Mig27 duties for CAS roles

>Naval deployment needs to increase to atleast 6 sqdns, all for maritime defense roles.

>MKI needs to look for Irbis Aesa and move to K77M Aesa variant upgrade sharing radar and Bvraam commonality with PMF FGFA for all MKI units

> rafale I am not worried about, 200 units will come for sure

Will someone with sense also leverage the image that the two-front war has? Apparently it seems India's decision makers have take the tenth man rule the wrong way.. The tenth man is to take the least likely outcome.. not the other way around.

Shows how much faith they have in JF 17. J 10 delayed, no counter SU 30MKI, kuch to karenge yeh log.....

That's the rear squadrons.
Or perhaps they have a particular plan laid out years before to have a force?
Thankfully, not many people are idiots to think that India's purchase of the Rafale shows lack of faith in the MKI system... and realize that induction processes are based on categories and force mixes. But then... you are not many people... are you?
Will someone with sense also leverage the image that the two-front war has? Apparently it seems India's decision makers have take the tenth man rule the wrong way.. The tenth man is to take the least likely outcome.. not the other way around.
It has never been and never will be about a two front war!.... this is simply put: "Wolf"
Man you guys dream alot. Dreaming is good thing but why always war and not just a war but a two front war
I don't see anything wrong in that statement. No cross border threat is easy to tackle for any Country... let alone India!
Some people are too stupid to keep on intelligent discussion. It is best to make a "spectacle" out of them and ban them.
IAF versus PAF would come down to Su-30MKI versus JF-17, a contest between two 4+ generation fighters that would form the backbone of IAF and PAF being the most numerous.
IAF versus PAF would come down to Su-30MKI versus JF-17, a contest between two 4+ generation fighters that would form the backbone of IAF and PAF being the most numerous.

No comparison... unless JF 17 is present in huge numbers for numerical superiority... Which i dont see happening anytime soon
IAF versus PAF would come down to Su-30MKI versus JF-17, a contest between two 4+ generation fighters that would form the backbone of IAF and PAF being the most numerous.
A single Su-30 mki Without[ Phalcon AWE&CS} Can engage Jf-17 And F-16 Blk 52 Both Together in Combat :coffee::coffee:
A single Su-30 mki Without[ Phalcon AWE&CS} Can engage Jf-17 And F-16 Blk 52 Both Together in Combat :coffee::coffee:

I wouldn't be too sure about that. PAF F-86 Sabers bested IAF Hunters. It mostly comes down to training when the planes match each other pretty closely.
Thats bec Paf sarbes were Armed with sidewinders and iaf hunters were Just gun fighters

Nevertheless, back then IAF outnumbered PAF 5 to 1. 272 Su-30MKI versus 250 JF-17 won't be much of a numerical difference. :oops:
Nevertheless, back then IAF outnumbered PAF 5 to 1. 272 Su-30MKI versus 250 JF-17 won't be much of a numerical difference. :oops:
In the air-to-air combat of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965, the PAF Sabres claimed to have shot down 15 IAF aircraft, comprising nine Hunters, four Vampires and twoGnats.[citation needed] India, however, admitted a loss of 14 combat aircraft to the PAF's F-86s.[41] The F-86s of the PAF had the advantage of being armed with AIM-9B/GAR-8 Sidewinder missiles whereas none of its Indian adversaries had this capability. Despite this, the IAF claimed to have shot down four PAF Sabres in air-to-air combat.[40] This claim is disputed by the PAF who admit to having lost seven F-86 Sabres during the whole 23 days but only three of them during air-to-air battles.

North American F-86 Sabre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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