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IAF bombshell: Difficult to tackle China-Pak threat

PAF in it's current capabilities has more than enough assets to counter any IAF initiatives with it's current strength. I have always maintained, high numbers of LCA mk2's in next six to eight years is the only way to ensure utilize the maximum potential of Mki, M2K an m29's along with limitde nos of Rafales which will come into picture in that time frame...

Until higher numbers of planned IAF assets are operational OR there is introduction of substantial stealth platforms in IAF, i ont see that balance changing in favor of IAF...

The advantage again in numbers is strategic not tactical... Paf with lower numbers can prove numerically superior to an IAF strike package in tactical engagement. 150 JF17 and 272 MKI doesn't mean they wil go head to head all at once.... Thus numbers in tactical scenario for limite engagement doesn't mean anything unless both parties go all chips in....

Also bearing in mind higher numbers and better technology of IAF means marginal advantage in air combat not the entire conflict, where Nuclear umbrella and ballistic.cruise missile provide substantial risk mitigation for pakistan....
And where is the so called "novorator" ... apart from tht ... its not as easy and pressing a button and kaboom... unless you are a 16 year old fanboy with hormonal imbalances or something..
First your the one Who Start Trolling me First Place I Dont want too start Chest thumbing Fight with you @Oscar Advice me Not So
Nothing negative.. I just feel that PAF will move to the next platform faster than most expect. The technology changes are happening much faster now than they were in last few decades. I am not sure if JF 17 will survive beyond Block II before a bigger/better beast replaces it..

And I did say that its my belief and not a fact..

The PAF has invested in the JF-17 to be relevant till late. There is NO indication was to what the Block-III will look like.. or as mentioned in the recent interview.. what a block-IV and V might be. Sure, there may be a new platform...but that does not mean that numbers will not be filled in.

The PAF right now has about 140 Mirages .. 85 F-7s..50 JF-17s.. and some 64 F-16s..
Thats around 340 combat aircraft.. which has and will always be the force PAF looks for(unless Pakistan finds a massive reservoir of oil , gold.. and the will of Bill gates giving it all his wealth). .. 350 aircraft.

What the new platform(whenever it comes) will replace will be the 50 odd F-7PGs that remain..along with the ROSE-III Mirages.
First your the one Who Start Trolling me First Place I Dont want too start Chest thumbing Fight with you @Oscar Advice me Not So

Yup mighty su-30"MKI" will shoot down everything... with its stealth coating.. while AWACs will be hunted down by some "norvator" :lol:
mki can detect them much before with its 190 km against 5m2 targets mki will fire bvrs much before both F-16 and jf-17 In present Scenario Mki will out match Both jf-17 and f-16 in air combat @Oscar you know that

JF-17 Block 2 has KLJ-7(V)2 which can track 5 m^2 targets at 130 km. Block 1 are all upgraded to Block 2 standard. Totally nullifies Su-30MKI's first see first shoot ability. :oops: As for Su-30MKI's superior maneuverability, that can be nullified by helmet cued targeting and wide off boresight WVR missiles, which are certainly coming with Block 3 JFT.
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JF-17 Block 2 has KLJ-7(V)2 which can track 5 m^2 targets at 130 km. Block 1 are all upgraded to Block 2 standard. Totally nullifies Su-30MKI's first see first shoot ability. :oops: As for Su-30MKI's superior maneuverability, that can be nullified by helmet cued targeting and wide off boresight WVR missiles, which are certainly coming with Block 3 JFT.
yeah by that time we will have PAK-FA and rafale :agree:
The PAF has invested in the JF-17 to be relevant till late. There is NO indication was to what the Block-III will look like.. or as mentioned in the recent interview.. what a block-IV and V might be. Sure, there may be a new platform...but that does not mean that numbers will not be filled in.

The PAF right now has about 140 Mirages .. 85 F-7s..50 JF-17s.. and some 64 F-16s..
Thats around 340 combat aircraft.. which has and will always be the force PAF looks for(unless Pakistan finds a massive reservoir of oil , gold.. and the will of Bill gates giving it all his wealth). .. 350 aircraft.

What the new platform(whenever it comes) will replace will be the 50 odd F-7PGs that remain..along with the ROSE-III Mirages.

The investment in JF 17 does not get lost as you move to the next platform which is mostly a build on the previous one.. Like a jump from Android 2.x to 3.x to 4.x... (am equating minor releases to the different blocks and major releases as a platform jump).. But anyway, does not matter...My belief is based on the fact that given the financial situation of Pakistan and the realization (though not always admitted to in public) that war with India is a very very remote possibility and the real threat for next decade or 2 is the growing fundamentalism within, the investment in producing Fighter planes may not be at the top of the queue and getting the next 50 planes may take another 7-8 years, by when JF 17 would already be a 15 year old platform and given the speed of Chinese upgrades, its successor may well be on the anvil ...

Please do not take this in any negative way.. Just hypothesizing a scenario based on my views of evolving technologies and speed of innovation..
JF-17 Block 2 has KLJ-7(V)2 which can track 5 m^2 targets at 130 km. Block 1 are all upgraded to Block 2 standard. Totally nullifies Su-30MKI's first see first shoot ability.
If Its Was So Easy Too Overcome Tech Advantage Any Tom Dick An Harry can Do that Nevertheless By the time Block 2 get Out Mki Will Upgraded with Zhuk AE AESA or IBris E AESA
numbers do not win wars. technology and Caliber of the Fighter and the Pilot wins the wars,
We seen that before in Israel-Arab wars.

IAF has the best Tech in terms of MKI, Mig-29, Mirage and the upcoming Rafael, FG-FA. Tejas-I and II has the best of the technology. The Caliber and training of the IAF fighters is proven across the world. IAF has the maximum training with other countries and different fighter jets. Their work on tactics is phenomenal.

If the IAF starts having a kill ratio of 4 to 1 or greater against a combined force of Pak and China, I am sure the war would end pretty soon. And believe me achieving this is not impossible for IAF. Technological superior AFs with Great Pilots have achieved much greater Kill ratios in combat. Just numbers does not mean PAK-China combined Air Force would defeat IAF.

It is a fact that per plane, technology wise India leads China and Pak. Also in terms of training of fighter pilots the exposure that the IAF provides to its pilots is much more compared to Pak and China (just see the number of joint trainings IAF has with almost all the top air forces in the world). So IAF is ahead in technology and training of men from both China and Pak.
Yup mighty su-30"MKI" will shoot down everything... with its stealth coating.. while AWACs will be hunted down by some "norvator" :lol:
Ok Mr Einstein, F-15 Strike Eagle has 18 Sq m of RCS, how many F-15s does Iraq managed to shoot down with much better Air force and SAM than Pakistan has now?

before your plane's even paint an MKI the MKI has a very Powerfull radar + BVR's also(12 with more range than your tracking range)

what about Phalcon's which can track/scan all your air space flying over amritsar+latest french 3D radars + Greenpine & swordfish+isrealy AESA based aerostat radar'sother indian radra's

good luck with your pilot skill's as future battle's will be won & lost on the basis of BVR's & better Radar's& ECM's .
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First of all we'll never left alone to fight two front war... Secondly IAF started to worry for Rafale since the these politicians started to bounce up and down... That's the only thing make them give such a statement to not let the Rafale deal off.. Nothing more
How about blasting off the air strips with LACMs in a single go,there by grounding majority of the air assets and leave them vulnerable to successive missile and air strikes instead of trying to slog it out in the mid air??It may sound a bit unfair and cowardice,but better remain outside of harm's way than getting dead.
Ok Mr Einstein, F-15 Strike Eagle has 18 Sq m of RCS, how many F-15s does Iraq managed to shoot down with much better Air force and SAM than Pakistan has now?

You would be an idiot to compare Iraq vs USAF wrt PAF vs IAF... According to your own pals n even the Iraqis.. they had downgraded migs with crappy radar,no BVR,no AWACs or other force multipl... assets... and their pilots were untrained... not to forget the massive no of allied,US aircraft etc... and do twll us which "SAMs" did the Iraqis operate?

Would you like to compare PAF vs IAF kills in the past wars now? embarassing..

before your plane's even paint an MKI the MKI has a very Powerfull radar + BVR's also(12 with more range than your tracking range)
what about Phalcon's which can track/scan all your air space flying over amritsar+latest french 3D radars + Greenpine & swordfish+isrealy AESA based aerostat radar'sother indian radra's

good luck with your pilot skill's as future battle's will be won & lost on the basis of BVR's & better Radar's& ECM's .

Oh okay fanboyy... :lol:
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