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IAF bombshell: Difficult to tackle China-Pak threat

Wow, you lost the argument so quickly again. :lol:

At the end of the day, I don't see how you as an Indian can make fun of Chinese planes, when you can't even make a shitty light fighter after what, several decades?

Our troops can go straight into Indian territory whenever we like, and the Indian soldiers can't do anything to stop them:


Development of Tejas started only in 1990s.

Our troops can go straight into Indian territory whenever we like, and the Indian soldiers can't do anything to stop them

How many time I have to say this? We are trying to keep things in control. Right now we need peace so that we can concentrate on economy and sort out other things.

Look carefully. We are increasing network of railways in North east India, have build new rail tunnels in Kashmir. We are setting up new factories for semiconductors, building new highways, freeways and bridges.

At the same time we are steadily increasing our military might by inducting new warships and Strategic missiles. You say that our growth rate is 4%.


We are not war mongers. But be sure that if anyone thrusts war upon us, they will suffer huge monitory and materiel damage.
As if other countries stand still while IAF progresses. J-20 is coming very soon and it'll be a game changer. Only FGFA can counter J-20 in the foreseeable future. J-10B is already in full rate serial production. Rafale is still nowhere in sight, just like that Keystone XL north leg pipeline. J-20 first flight January 2011. FGFA is still years from first flight. By the time Tejas Mk 2 makes first flight, PAF would already have a number of JF-17 squadrons in place. Right now, it's IAF that's playing catch up while PLAAF and PAF rolls full steam ahead. If I were the IAF chief, I'd be anxious too. :o:

Already advised you, dont make urself a clown in a defence forum.
Whats so "BOMB SHELLIC" about that?

Any country would find it difficult to handle threats from two sides...and then again ..he said its difficult...not impossible.

The Indian Air Force has dropped a bomb with its alarming admission that it will be difficult for it to tackle a combined threat from China and Pakistan, raising questions about the country's ability to fight a two-front war.

The IAF has told a Parliamentary panel that Pakistan would certainly fish in troubled waters if China were to launch offensive operations against India. It, however, stressed that China may not pose "a collusive threat" if hostilities were to break out between India and Pakistan.

Setting off alarm bells, a senior IAF officer informed the Parliamentary standing committee on defence that a "collusive threat" from China and Pakistan would be difficult to tackle but the air force was prepared for it.

"We have made plans in case of contingency-III (two-front war)," he said, adding that India had upgraded its policy against China from dissuasion to deterrence.

The IAF currently operates 34 fighter squadrons, against a desirable 42. In a report tabled in Parliament on Tuesday, the panel asked the IAF to scale up its capabilities by speeding up the acquisition of 126 French Rafale fighters, a deal worth Rs. 120,000 crore.

The panel flagged concerns about poor border infrastructure on the Indian side, at a time when China has ramped road, rail and air connectivity across the line of actual control (LAC).

The panel warned that the pace of China's military modernisation and infrastructure development had affected the "strategic balance" between the two countries.

"Our defence forces must develop the capability to fight a multi-front war," the panel said. India is years behind the Chinese military with the neighbour currently outnumbering the country's combat power by a 3:1 ratio. India's hopes to bridge the gap in the next 15 years hinge on availability of funds.

Finance minister P Chidambaram on Monday announced that the defence budget for 2014-15 had been hiked from Rs. 203,672 crore to Rs. 224, 000 crore, a 10% increase over last fiscal's outlay.

However, the meagre increase in the capital expenditure could hit the modernisation plans of the armed forces. The capital outlay has been increased from Rs. 86,740 crore to Rs. 89,587 crore in the interim budget for 2014-15, a hike of barely 3.2%.

China's official, but underreported, defence budget for 2013-14 stands at Rs. 594,000 crore.

IAF bombshell: Difficult to tackle China-Pak threat - Hindustan Times
The Third Reich was arguably the most powerful and the most efficient war machine ever known to mankind. Yet it was crushed within a few years by a two front assault, in the west from Britain and America, in the east from the USSR. It is highly unlikely IAF can win a two front war, facing Pakistan and other Muslim countries in the west and facing China and other Muslim countries in the east.

Dear, oops you forget that the Third Reich did not have 100 mega tonnes of nuclear deterrence, ofcourse even china and you people do have it , so cool there is not going to be a Armageddon soon.
It would be a bombshell had IAF confidently stated that they were ready for a two-front war, actually.

Given the disparity in numbers and quality of equipment, even a village idiot wouldn't arrive at the conclusion that IAF will prevail in such a scenario.

Good tactics to highlight their immediate need though.:tup:
aeronaut summed it right as is also done by other folks here.. its just making the politicos pee in their pants that we always told u and u nvr listened to us - thats the statement from IAF.. so anythin happens, IAF would say we always forewarned this situation but government never seriously consider the implications... In simple words, whomsoever comes to power post elections, they are bound to clear all the pending deals (read rafales, apaches, chintooks , cooperation for FGFA, etc etc)..

Side Note: the discussion ges down the drain pretty quickly with useless mudslinging on all sides.. better grow up folks... the world is for ppl who think and act smart.. not for the ones who run wild and cry at everything.. just my 2 cents
There is no way India or any other country can come up on top in a two front war, it is probably never going to happen....
Its never 2 front at the same time but Dragon may not spare exhausted India. China has its claim on Indian territory and if it wants so, (which is evident that they do) that would be the time to strike. None of India's deployed military or artillery would be able to move then and the only response which may from India would be from the air force and this is where India has genuine reasons to worry.

But the current "concern" is not about current IAF power going down but rather for "hoped strength" not coming. Rafale's deal is uncertain and such "news" are an attempt to make it certain.
IAF should also consider that in the event of a Sino Pak - India conflict, SL and BD may not remain LOB. They would not like to miss the opportunity of acquiring a share of the spolis from a disintegrating India.
IAF should also consider that in the event of a Sino Pak - India conflict, SL and BD may not remain LOB. They would not like to miss the opportunity of acquiring a share of the spolis from a disintegrating India.
you missed Nepal :lol: :lol:
fanboy dreams lol :partay:
The Indian Air Force has dropped a bomb with its alarming admission that it will be difficult for it to tackle a combined threat from China and Pakistan, raising questions about the country's ability to fight a two-front war.

The IAF has told a Parliamentary panel that Pakistan would certainly fish in troubled waters if China were to launch offensive operations against India. It, however, stressed that China may not pose "a collusive threat" if hostilities were to break out between India and Pakistan.

Setting off alarm bells, a senior IAF officer informed the Parliamentary standing committee on defence that a "collusive threat" from China and Pakistan would be difficult to tackle but the air force was prepared for it.

"We have made plans in case of contingency-III (two-front war)," he said, adding that India had upgraded its policy against China from dissuasion to deterrence.

The IAF currently operates 34 fighter squadrons, against a desirable 42. In a report tabled in Parliament on Tuesday, the panel asked the IAF to scale up its capabilities by speeding up the acquisition of 126 French Rafale fighters, a deal worth Rs. 120,000 crore.

The panel flagged concerns about poor border infrastructure on the Indian side, at a time when China has ramped road, rail and air connectivity across the line of actual control (LAC).

The panel warned that the pace of China's military modernisation and infrastructure development had affected the "strategic balance" between the two countries.

"Our defence forces must develop the capability to fight a multi-front war," the panel said. India is years behind the Chinese military with the neighbour currently outnumbering the country's combat power by a 3:1 ratio. India's hopes to bridge the gap in the next 15 years hinge on availability of funds.

Finance minister P Chidambaram on Monday announced that the defence budget for 2014-15 had been hiked from Rs. 203,672 crore to Rs. 224, 000 crore, a 10% increase over last fiscal's outlay.

However, the meagre increase in the capital expenditure could hit the modernisation plans of the armed forces. The capital outlay has been increased from Rs. 86,740 crore to Rs. 89,587 crore in the interim budget for 2014-15, a hike of barely 3.2%.

China's official, but underreported, defence budget for 2013-14 stands at Rs. 594,000 crore.

IAF bombshell: Difficult to tackle China-Pak threat - Hindustan Times
Military establishment of India wants to keep sucking Indian tax payer money. They want more and more of the money and only solution for that is to make Indians believe that look next week we are going to war with both China and Pakistan so keep money flowing to us uninterrupted.
Have any of Indian elected representative asked Indian military establishment that what the hell are odds that we are going to war with China or Pakistan or both? Do they attacked us or we are preparing for misadventure?
Indian military establishment is infact not in control of democratic government and running its own agenda. Otherwise what are those peace agreements and CBMs worth which India has signed with Pakistan or China?

As a matter of fact the patrols are continuing as usual after being suspended for a while - The surveillance cameras have also been redeployed - The latest one on February 9 - :coffee:

Seven PLA troopers transgressed near patrol point 62 in Chumar sector around 9.40 am with Indian Army troopers immediately engaging them in a face-off after which the Chinese troopers withdrew to their original positions in the next 20 minutes.

Chinese troops trespass on eve of special talks - Hindustan Times
India to redeploy surveillance camera in Chumar sector on LAC - Economic Times
Indian Army plays down China's dare at LAC, says patrolling going on

Anyways nothing serious is going to happen with the PLA until April 2014 :coffee:
you missed Nepal :lol: :lol:
fanboy dreams lol :partay:
I missed many. Nepal, Bhutan,Sikkim,NE,Khalistan,J&K,Kerala-Laksadwip, the Red Corridor and eventually the Rajputs and the Marhattas.All subjected to torture by the Brahmin oligarchy rulers of Delhi.
I missed many. Nepal, Bhutan,Sikkim,NE,Khalistan,J&K,Kerala-Laksadwip, the Red Corridor and eventually the Rajputs and the Marhattas.All subjected to torture by the Brahmin oligarchy rulers of Delhi.
:laughcry: :laughcry:
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