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IAF AN-32 Aircraft Missing

Supa powa is hiding the crash on purpose. In a couple year's time we will be told that pilot of that aircraft spotted some pakistani terrorists on ground from 10,000 feet altitude and to get them, he dropped the plane on their heads. Then give him Maha Veer Chakkar and announce 72 public holidays in his honour
All plane crashes in Arunachal take multiple days to find.

June 2009 An32 crash 3 days.
May 2017 Su30 crash 2 days
Jul 2017 Dhruv crash 1.5 days
2013 civilian chopper crash 1 day.

After all Arunachal is centre of hump, where USA lost nearly 700 aircraft including 80 still missing between 1942-45.
@BHarwana sahib: What is now your thinking? A lot of time has passed now.
This is an IAF statement from their Twitter handle and it was made 4 hours ago.

No what do I think about this whole imcident. So here is my take.

An-32 took off from Assam with 13 people on board. It's flight path is in a ark shape to it's destination. It vanishes from contact 30 mins in flight and I mean 30 mins in flight. The plane gave no SOS radio call and neither it's SOS beacon located in tail section is giving any tracking signature. Now with out any SOS Indian air Force reported the plan missing before the landing time. So first question is how were they able to say plane is missing before the landing time or some what after the landing time because Indian ground traffic controllers received no emergency call from plain. Now why was the first jet sent to search was SU-30 it is a combat jet not a search plane. Then the whole flight path of an-32 is available with India air Force why was there need to track this plane during it's whole flight path from ground?

The a sudden disappearance with out any SOS radio communication means only few possibilities.
A. The plane got shot with a manpad and pilot could not response.
B. SU-30 shot down the plane while defecting.
C. Plane has successfully defected.

Other options are a cockpit fire which means not radio SOS but tail emergency SOS should have still worked so that is out of question.
Again any accident SOS should have come. So total silence means the crash is artificial or plane has defected.

Thank you.
It's the 21st century why are aircrafts going missing in the first place? Why havent some havent even been found yet? Like the Malaysian plane. This is madness. This is what happens when all technologies are used to kill each other and not for the good of the people.
It has been 3 days, 17 of their top brass of air force lost. And ones who counted three 300 bodies flying at thousands of feet above and Mach > 1.0 in the dark of the night...can't find a the body of AN32 in the daylight inside their own border.

Imran bhai "passed" not "past"
What are you talking or trolling about because he did not even write a comment, he just shared a tweet.
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