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IAF AN-32 Aircraft Missing

This is an IAF statement from their Twitter handle and it was made 4 hours ago.

No what do I think about this whole imcident. So here is my take.

An-32 took off from Assam with 13 people on board. It's flight path is in a ark shape to it's destination. It vanishes from contact 30 mins in flight and I mean 30 mins in flight. The plane gave no SOS radio call and neither it's SOS beacon located in tail section is giving any tracking signature. Now with out any SOS Indian air Force reported the plan missing before the landing time. So first question is how were they able to say plane is missing before the landing time or some what after the landing time because Indian ground traffic controllers received no emergency call from plain. Now why was the first jet sent to search was SU-30 it is a combat jet not a search plane. Then the whole flight path of an-32 is available with India air Force why was there need to track this plane during it's whole flight path from ground?

The a sudden disappearance with out any SOS radio communication means only few possibilities.
A. The plane got shot with a manpad and pilot could not response.
B. SU-30 shot down the plane while defecting.
C. Plane has successfully defected.

Other options are a cockpit fire which means not radio SOS but tail emergency SOS should have still worked so that is out of question.
Again any accident SOS should have come. So total silence means the crash is artificial or plane has defected.

Thank you.

Thanks. I ask you, because I don't have much knowledge and information in these matters.
20 g is the maximum designed strength of the ELT but if the impact happened at higher than 20 g then the ELT would be destroyed. ELT is designed to be activated by impact something similar to airbags in cars.

IF ELT can only be triggered in cases of 20 g or higher then 99 out of 100 accidents will never be found and constitute Wilful murder. Knowingly putting lives of survivors to die due to product liability for not being a search and rescue equipment.

According to the article you have posted IF IAF personnel knowly accepted a defective product then they should be charged for Treason.
Irrespective of the force of the impact, the article also states that the searching aircrafts have to be flying directly overhead the crash site to be able to receive signals which is proving difficult to locate because of the topography and weather.

As it has always been the case with crashes in Arunachal, it will probably be the ground team comprising of the local people and ITBP that will make the breakthrough.
That or something else happened that is too embarrassing to admit
What are the causes of missing from the radar screen without any warning?
1) Structural failure.
2) Explosive decompression.
i) Bomb on board.
ii) Missile strike.
3) Engine failure.
IF engine failed was the crew able to identify the correct engine or they cut the wrong engine (good engine). This lead to loss of electrical power.
4) Electrical failure.
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This is an IAF statement from their Twitter handle and it was made 4 hours ago.

No what do I think about this whole imcident. So here is my take.

An-32 took off from Assam with 13 people on board. It's flight path is in a ark shape to it's destination. It vanishes from contact 30 mins in flight and I mean 30 mins in flight. The plane gave no SOS radio call and neither it's SOS beacon located in tail section is giving any tracking signature. Now with out any SOS Indian air Force reported the plan missing before the landing time. So first question is how were they able to say plane is missing before the landing time or some what after the landing time because Indian ground traffic controllers received no emergency call from plain. Now why was the first jet sent to search was SU-30 it is a combat jet not a search plane. Then the whole flight path of an-32 is available with India air Force why was there need to track this plane during it's whole flight path from ground?

The a sudden disappearance with out any SOS radio communication means only few possibilities.
A. The plane got shot with a manpad and pilot could not response.
B. SU-30 shot down the plane while defecting.
C. Plane has successfully defected.

Other options are a cockpit fire which means not radio SOS but tail emergency SOS should have still worked so that is out of question.
Again any accident SOS should have come. So total silence means the crash is artificial or plane has defected.

Thank you.
Maybe they still treat su 30 as AWACS mini.
Irrespective of the force of the impact, the article also states that the searching aircrafts have to be flying directly overhead the crash site to be able to receive signals which is proving difficult to locate because of the topography and weather.

As it has always been the case with crashes in Arunachal, it will probably be the ground team comprising of the local people and ITBP that will make the breakthrough.
This is really strange because what it indicates is the aircraft was not flying on the track that is was required and had informed. Otherwise it would not have been more that 30 deg right or left of the prescribed route.
This plane will never b found

Caz it's not where they are looking... They know it.. Its just a hogwash

Sending su 30 on search and rescue tells u something
All plane crashes in Arunachal take multiple days to find.

June 2009 An32 crash 3 days.
May 2017 Su30 crash 2 days
Jul 2017 Dhruv crash 1.5 days
2013 civilian chopper crash 1 day.

After all Arunachal is centre of hump, where USA lost nearly 700 aircraft including 80 still missing between 1942-45.
How is 1 and 1.5 multiple days. And is the ground reality of ap and capability of IAF same as in 40's
This is really strange because what it indicates is the aircraft was not flying on the track that is was required and had informed. Otherwise it would not have been more that 30 deg right or left of the prescribed route.
I am not privy to the flight path of the missing An-32, but even if what you state is true a 30° deviation either side still poses an enormous challenge for those who are searching on ground. There are no connecting roads in the adjacent region, trekking up and down the Dafla hills and crossing the hilly streams and rapids in itself is a difficult job, eliminating each sector one by one takes time. If you look at the history of air crashes in the state, it usually takes more than 5 days to locate the wreckage.
This plane will never b found

Caz it's not where they are looking... They know it.. Its just a hogwash

Sending su 30 on search and rescue tells u something
What's your hunch on what's happened??
One of your fellow Tejas Spokseman in another thread claimed 3,2,1.5 and 1 days as time for finding the wreckage in Ap.
I am not privy to the flight path of the missing An-32, but even if what you state is true a 30° deviation either side still poses an enormous challenge for those who are searching on ground. There are no connecting roads in the adjacent region, trekking up and down the Dafla hills and crossing the hilly streams and rapids in itself is a difficult job, eliminating each sector one by one takes time. If you look at the history of air crashes in the state, it usually takes more than 5 days to locate the wreckage.
One of your fellow Tejas Spokseman in another thread claimed 3,2,1.5 and 1 days as time for finding the wreckage in Ap.
Depends on the area under consideration, please revisit my post #98 for a better understanding.
You can't quote one example and make it as "usually"
Nope, there are many. Last year, a Sukhoi crashed into the jungles of Arunachal, that was in a southern part of the state, unlike the suspected crash site this time far up north. Yet, it took them 4 days to find the wreckage.

The ones found earlier are when planes crash a short while after take off or those in the Tawang area as the infra there is much more as are the settlements.

The areas onwards towards Mechuka and Tuting farther in the north east are treacherous and tough to navigate. Hope i have made myself clear.
The resident tomato conspiracy theorist and half baked economist needs to understand how SOS beacons in An-32 work:
The An-32s are equipped with an emergency locator transmitter (ELT), which remains active for a few days after a crash. It gets activated when the impact of a crash is 20 times that of gravity — or 20g — and works based on line of sight, which means search aircraft have to pass overhead to be able to pick up its signal.

Furthermore, it was a concerted effort from the C-130s, helis, P-81 and the Sukhois. Additional Sukhois were pressed into action only when the other aircrafts/helis couldn't take off due to bad weather.


Start eating tomatos they help with brain growth. In my whole life I have never seen a radio technology which is only detectable if something passes over head. Usually the radio waves would disperse into different direction. Even a kids walki talki works without having line of sight. So you need brain growth to understand these things bro.
Su-30 way the first aircraft sent.

Okay so who is the Indian idiot who updated that Wikipedia page? 20g for activation seriously? Why would a sensor have 20 g for activation.
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