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I went to the mall, and a little girl called me a terrorist.

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There is nothing new in such types of discrimination for muslims face world over not even moderate muslims are spared.Famous in dian Journalist Saeed naqvi's both daughter's had there first hand experience in india.

The Indian Express: Columnists - Saeed Naqvi

You have to be a muslim to let all hidden biases and discrimination against you to come out.till the time you are non muslim you would not know about such discrimination exists. Thats what the lady of the blog did she disguised herself as muslim to see the real face of it.Even on Pdf if you are mulim you do face such biases and discrimination.

And how much are the muslim co-religionists responsible for this increasing resentment ? Give it a thought too.

Could it be because of women in burkha like this they are facing discrimination ? Possible. :agree:

Why should i not bring in india.....?At least in blogger case she had to disguise as muslim to know bias.That to it was just a small girl who called her terrorist.But educated mature india on pdf itself called my hubby as terrorist.why should india and indians be kept away.Indians do casually call up any muslim from pakistan or BD to not go and ;blow up in crowded place","push the button " etc like phrases.

Heck even i didnt knew about these sort of discrimination biases exists in india untill i was non-muslim but sure i have my own brush with it from indians.

Welcome to the real world :-). The world treats people as they treat it.
Why should i not bring in india.....?At least in blogger case she had to disguise as muslim to know bias.That to it was just a small girl who called her terrorist.But educated mature india on pdf itself called my hubby as terrorist.why should india and indians be kept away.Indians do casually call up any muslim from pakistan or BD to not go and ;blow up in crowded place","push the button " etc like phrases.

Heck even i didnt knew about these sort of discrimination biases exists in india untill i was non-muslim but sure i have my own brush with it from indians.

Or you could try being a Shia in Pakistan? :blah:

According to the US Department of State's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2007, Shia Muslims in Pakistan "faced discrimination and societal violence" (US 11 Mar. 2008, Sec. 5), as well as "significant discrimination in employment and access to education, including at government institutions" (ibid., Sec. 2.c; ibid. 19 Sept. 2008, Sec. 2).

One student was reportedly denied a room in the university's hostels because he was a Shia Muslim (INTERFACE 19 May 2008; US 19 Sept. 2008, Sec. 3). An Inter Press Service News Agency (IPS) article states that Shia students at PU "were prevented from attending congregational prayers" behind Sunni prayer leaders and that Shia students would pray separately after the Sunni students had completed their prayers (27 Sept. 2008). The IPS article further indicates that, in August 2008, "six Shia students were expelled from PU hostels for insisting on joining congregational prayers" (27 Sept. 2008).

UNHCR | Refworld | Pakistan: The treatment of Shias, specifically in Multan and Lahore; government response to violence against Shias (2006 - November 2008)

Again, as I said there is discrimination everywhere. Muslims discriminate against Muslims in Muslims countries!

Now for once, try to talk about topic at hand, and give you India bashing obsession a rest.
Ḥashshāshīn;3520679 said:
Mate, I know what it's like there. Majority of people are so bigoted.

haha :lol:

Then why Muslims want to migrate to US.
Sorry state of affair but if we want to remove the prejudice we have to work on spreading the reality of Muslims. We have to highlight and spread the good work done by Muslims. So we need to be proactive when it comes to changing mindset of people.

NO. The change must come from the Muslim community in weeding out the extremists in their own midst if people's perceptions are to change. There is no point in trying to cover up for the acts of the extremists by trying to project all is well among them. The first step in solving the problem is accepting there exists a problem. And there certainly is a extremism problem among Muslims -- not all but among a significant vocal minority enough to drown out the buzz of the so called silent majority.

Sorry state of affair but if we want to remove the prejudice we have to work on spreading the reality of Muslims. We have to highlight and spread the good work done by Muslims. So we need to be proactive when it comes to changing mindset of people.

NO. The change must also come from the Muslim community in weeding out the extremists in their own midst if people's perceptions are to change. There is no point in trying to cover up for the acts of the extremists by trying to project all is well among them. The first step in solving the problem is accepting there exists a problem. And there certainly is a extremism problem among Muslims -- not all but among a significant vocal minority enough to drown out the buzz of the so called silent majority.
And how much are the muslim co-religionists responsible for this increasing resentment ? Give it a thought too.

Could it be because of women in burkha like this they are facing discrimination ? Possible. :agree:

Welcome to the real world :-). The world treats people as they treat it.
Blame the discriminated one right............? Same ruse the Mamta banarjee used for blaming the girls for getting raped by not dressing properly.of course only indian......:rolleyes:
Blame the discriminated one right............? Same ruse the Mamta banarjee used for blaming the girls for getting raped by not dressing properly.of course only indian......:rolleyes:

Or this Muslim religious leader?

Australian Muslim leader compares uncovered women to exposed meat | World news | guardian.co.uk

A senior Muslim cleric in Australia has sparked a furore by comparing women who do not wear a headscarf to "uncovered meat", implying that they invited sexual assault.

Sheik Taj Aldin al-Hilali delivered his comments in a religious address on adultery to around 500 worshippers in Sydney last month, but they only came to the attention of the wider public when they were published in the Australian paper today.
Ḥashshāshīn;3520669 said:
It's America, what do you expect?

ignorance from haters.

This is not normal, at least where I live.
Why should i not bring in india.....?At least in blogger case she had to disguise as muslim to know bias.That to it was just a small girl who called her terrorist.But educated mature india on pdf itself called my hubby as terrorist.why should india and indians be kept away.Indians do casually call up any muslim from pakistan or BD to not go and ;blow up in crowded place","push the button " etc like phrases.

Heck even i didnt knew about these sort of discrimination biases exists in india untill i was non-muslim but sure i have my own brush with it from indians.
You need to realize why it happens to you but not to majority of other guys, Its because you bring religion especially Hinduism in discussion and attack on it, show happiness over death of Indian soldiers and people who get offended resort to these measures.

Its time you should look at what you write and how these insults evolve. You can't expect every Indian to take your baseless posts and discriminatory (yeah, you do so too) without any blow back.

Roybot stated the same. Instead of discussing the problem in entire world, you focused the discussion of JUST India and hence laid the base for troll thread.

So why not you keep yourself out of this discussion and just spectate what others have to say about this topic. Try it once, you may be surprised.
Why should i not bring in india.....?At least in blogger case she had to disguise as muslim to know bias.That to it was just a small girl who called her terrorist.But educated mature india on pdf itself called my hubby as terrorist.why should india and indians be kept away.Indians do casually call up any muslim from pakistan or BD to not go and ;blow up in crowded place","push the button " etc like phrases.

Heck even i didnt knew about these sort of discrimination biases exists in india untill i was non-muslim but sure i have my own brush with it from indians.

Well , perhaps your dear hubby said something that a terrorist would say , and thus , he was called one. The way you support Maoists, Naxalites and Kashmiri Separatists , I'd say you are almost a terrorist and I would really be the least surprised if you blow yourself up in a market.
Blame the discriminated one right............? Same ruse the Mamta banarjee used for blaming the girls for getting raped by not dressing properly.of course only indian......

Again trying to compare two different things ?

The discrimination she faces is not because of some personal vendetta or lust (which is the reason for rape), but because of the general negative opinion about Islam and the acts of those who claim to uphold the claim of Islam and act in its defense. Like the hijabi who was proudly photographing her son carrying a chilling placard saying "behead those who insult the prophet".

And did you mean this Mamata ?
NO. The change must come from the Muslim community in weeding out the extremists in their own midst if people's perceptions are to change. There is no point in trying to cover up for the acts of the extremists by trying to project all is well among them. The first step in solving the problem is accepting there exists a problem. And there certainly is a extremism problem among Muslims -- not all but among a significant vocal minority enough to drown out the buzz of the so called silent majority.
You have to start at every sphere of life. I mean if I see discrimination against a religion and I am a hindu,, I should stand beside it no matter whether he/she oppose or not. I for one, is responsible for equal treatment of a religion no matter whether few section of religion are extremists and bring bad name to a religion.

I am not saying Muslims shouldn't do it pro-actively and wait for us, the other religion people, but what I am saying is that they may not raise their voice against this discrimination because they are minority and they might have some fear of what majority will react in what fashion.

There has been case in riots where Indian families saved their Muslim neighbors and vice versa. Point is, expect them to weed out the extreme ideologists but at the same time, being a stakeholder of our society, oppose any discrimination against one religion. In school days and university days, anyone which made fun of Sikh friend of ours, we used to give them earful and sometimes socially boycott them.

So, yeah, they should do their best, within their community, but it is our duty to protect them when they do such measures. We need to provide them security and support to whatever extent they want to uproot these extremists. All have to do their part of the job. After all its OUR society, OUR nation. All like minded people has to work in cohesion.
Or you could try being a Shia in Pakistan? :blah:

UNHCR | Refworld | Pakistan: The treatment of Shias, specifically in Multan and Lahore; government response to violence against Shias (2006 - November 2008)

Again, as I said there is discrimination everywhere. Muslims discriminate against Muslims in Muslims countries!

Now for once, try to talk about topic at hand, and give you India bashing obsession a rest.

I am a shia in Pakistan tell me how much i am discriminated? :rofl:
as usual Ajtr is busy ruining another thread n flamebaiting Hindu-Muslim fight....:hang3:

the thread was for a good cause but no she has to bring her baby bedtime story crap....:hitwall:
stop being babies, act like man, man dont cry when odds are against them
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