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I oppose imran khan decision of giving citizenships to illegal aliens

You people need to broaden your horizons. This post contains the same racist sentiment that the far right in Europe use, just it's much politer.

1. These people already live in Pakistan. Nobody new is coming in.

2. These people have been here for 30+ years and are still treated like aliens. If anything that breeds resentment, as they don't have a stake in this country, or the right to put down roots. If you give people citizenship, it gives them equal rights and an equal incentive to be a part of the society.

3. The talk of terrorism being caused by foreigners is BS. Yes foreign people are amongst those causing terrorism, but we have people in parliament facilitating them (like JI and JUI). Also will you also be kicking out the mojahir from Karachi because MQM are involved in terrorism? Will you be kicking out Sindhi's because Uzair Baloch was doing terrorism in behalf of PPP? Most of the terrorists in Pakistan are deobandi. Will you be closing down the deobandi madaris where these people are brainwashed? This is nonsense and bigotry. This is no different to Khadim Rizvi mentality, just a different form of it.

It is in our national interest to know exactly who is in our country and to give them a stake in the country. I also think all the discriminated Bihari Muslims in Bangladesh who live in camps should be given citizenship too.
No it does not give them an incentive. It may give some. What about those who do not?

Focus on mass repatriations...
Me. And i did not vote for IK
I did vote for him and will vote for him again Insha Allah.

Hi everyone:)
As we watched on news recently our newly elected PM announced to give citizenship's to all afghan and bengali refugees living inside pakistan for more than 30 years or to their children if they were born inside pakistan.He justified his silly decision by saying it,s a cruelty against a humanity if we do not treat them like pakistani citizens and all over the world residents who live for a long time get citizen ships so we imitate them.In simple words we are going to make illegal aliens the legal citizens of Pakistan.
Well Mr PM first of all let me clarify that not all countries give citizenship to refugees and permanent residents.Arab states are best examples in this regard.Decisions should always be based on national interests.Secondly do you think it,s a cruelty against humanity to give citizenship to those afghans who oppose the creation of Pakistan,do not thank us for what we did for them,are namak harams and spread all the terrorism and crime inside Pakistan. Even if we give citizenship to those afghans who are born inside Pakistan that wont change a reality they are still afghans who grew up under the influence of their parents who without doubt hate Pakistan with passion.From my personal experience i can tell you i met some afghan students in college and they all considered Afghanistan their real home despite being living in Pakistan since they were toddlers.
Now i am coming to bengalis. We all know what happened in 1971 and the creation and independence of Bangladesh is based on a war with a present day Pakistan. Bengali's are very strong nationalists and much like afghans they use Pakistan to earn their bread but deep in heart they are bengalis. Specially the youth do not like Pakistan and how in this earth they will like Pakistan when they fought with Pakistan to create their homeland and this history is all over in their school books.
I doubt those who claim afghan land till attock and those who fight the host country to get independence will become the law abiding patriotic citizens of pakistan.Mr PM do you think it,s in our national interests to give all jobs for unemployed pakistanis to illegal aliens ?Tell me why india despite supporting Bangladesh against pakistan on every platform did not give a single citizenship to any bengali living inside india and treat them like a economic burden?
Despite being a PTI voter i do not support this decision .Any one here who support this decision of IK?
They are namak harams no doubt
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Hi everyone:)
As we watched on news recently our newly elected PM announced to give citizenship's to all afghan and bengali refugees living inside pakistan for more than 30 years or to their children if they were born inside pakistan.He justified his silly decision by saying it,s a cruelty against a humanity if we do not treat them like pakistani citizens and all over the world residents who live for a long time get citizen ships so we imitate them.In simple words we are going to make illegal aliens the legal citizens of Pakistan.
Well Mr PM first of all let me clarify that not all countries give citizenship to refugees and permanent residents.Arab states are best examples in this regard.Decisions should always be based on national interests.Secondly do you think it,s a cruelty against humanity to give citizenship to those afghans who oppose the creation of Pakistan,do not thank us for what we did for them,are namak harams and spread all the terrorism and crime inside Pakistan. Even if we give citizenship to those afghans who are born inside Pakistan that wont change a reality they are still afghans who grew up under the influence of their parents who without doubt hate Pakistan with passion.From my personal experience i can tell you i met some afghan students in college and they all considered Afghanistan their real home despite being living in Pakistan since they were toddlers.
Now i am coming to bengalis. We all know what happened in 1971 and the creation and independence of Bangladesh is based on a war with a present day Pakistan. Bengali's are very strong nationalists and much like afghans they use Pakistan to earn their bread but deep in heart they are bengalis. Specially the youth do not like Pakistan and how in this earth they will like Pakistan when they fought with Pakistan to create their homeland and this history is all over in their school books.
I doubt those who claim afghan land till attock and those who fight the host country to get independence will become the law abiding patriotic citizens of pakistan.Mr PM do you think it,s in our national interests to give all jobs for unemployed pakistanis to illegal aliens ?Tell me why india despite supporting Bangladesh against pakistan on every platform did not give a single citizenship to any bengali living inside india and treat them like a economic burden?
Despite being a PTI voter i do not support this decision .Any one here who support this decision of IK?
China also doesn't give citizenship to illegals (for all the China worshipping Pakistanis out there).

Neither do Japan, Korea,

Or even Saudi, Kuwait (for the Arab/Ummah worshippers).

Only idiots romanticists and humanitarian sentimentalists in Pakistan support taking in millions of poor people from other Muslim countries meanwhile we can't even take care of our own Pakistani people.

Could you imagine how delighted Ashraf Ghani and Sheikh Hasina must be to be able to dump millions of their poor citizens into Pakistan while reducing their own poverty. They must be laughing at the immense stupidity of some Pakistanis.

@Nilgiri @Psychic @django @Reichsmarschall
The scums are giving pakistan a bad name on international level.

Do no act like you know everything and you cannot be wrong.
I also lived in multicultural society and i exposed myself to several different cultures.An illegal alien is treated the same way everywhere regardless of how muliticultural a society is.Multicultural societies like UK,USA etc give citizenships to good loyal immigrants and at them same time kick out those who are like afghans living inside pakistan.Those who act like leeches ,harmful to society and contribute nothing.Pakistanis those who are doctors,lawyers and accountants etc are welcomed in USA and those who come illegally and commit crimes simply get deported. Afghanistan is not sending their best to pakistan,we live here so we know what type of people we are dealing with.A british born like you should not be commenting on this issue because you know nothing about this issue.Everywhere country has its failures and pakistan is no exception but that does not mean we should highlight our failure when it comes to deal with illegal aliens causing harm to our society.And if you got a british passport and rarely visit pakistan then i think you should not be commenting here as you have no stake inside pakistan.We are the ones suffering and we have a better knowledge of the problems we are facing.

Actually PTI will lost most of its voters if this decision will be implemented.

So you are saying corruption is going to happen anyway ,the afghan scums will be getting citizenships anyway so surrender and legally give them citizenships.No need to control the corruption and kick out the afghans.Bravo just fucking bravo

Oh great so you think those who are going to support scums like manzoor pashteen should be made citizens of pakistan?
Give citizenships to pakistan haters so later they will pose as pakistani pashtuns who want independence from pakistan.What a great intellect you and @313ghazi got :lol:

Yes thats bloody non sense.They think those who are committing one crime after another for the past 30 years will become good citizens of the state.
here we have put a stop to citizenship by birth. no more of that loop hole. not sure if that is still the case there? you can only get it if your parents or one of them is citizen.
He is not dreaming entirely, he is visualising. Your enemy will always look to take advantage of anything you do. Even if you buy bread he will hope you choke on it.

If a few million Afghans become Pakistani, it doesn't change a thing, but if you don't recognise them as humans, or Pakistanis, and instead focus on them by their former nationality, then you will light the flames of ethnic violence in your country yourself.

Look at muhajir from India. How much violence has Karachi faced because every day people believed the hype of "the muhajir are here to take everything from you!". We faced this discrimination nationwide, even in AJK. It's because our population is foolish and narrow minded.

If we were to conquer Afghanistan, you people would claim the land as Pakistani but want the people to all self immolate. When we had East Pakistan, the land was Pakistani and the people were dirty little Bengalis. Look where that mentality led us.
It is THEY who do not accept Pakistan. Do not forget this!
This is an affront to Pakistanis. To accept a people whose own country does not accept Pakistan.
Pakistan is also poor. She has her own poor to deal with.

Adding a few million to this is just foolish. Utterly foolish.

Making them citizens will not ease "ethnic" flames. Mark my words...

  1. They are in Pakistan for years.
  2. They are going nowhere because they have nowhere to go.
Better legalize them, so you can identify them.
Otherwise, they will continue to live in Pakistan anyway.
Collect some logic!
and be a human, not heartless horror for the humans.
TO be human one needs to protect his own first.

To be human one needs to deal with a people who regard you as human...
Pakistanis are inferior subhumans who deserved to be ruled by the Noble Afghan....
From my personal experience i can tell you i met some afghan students in college and they all considered Afghanistan their real home despite being living in Pakistan since they were toddlers.

Now i am coming to bengalis. We all know what happened in 1971 and the creation and independence of Bangladesh is based on a war with a present day Pakistan.

Bengali's are very strong nationalists and much like afghans they use Pakistan to earn their bread but deep in heart they are bengalis. Specially the youth do not like Pakistan
Some naive and gullible Pakistanis think that if you simply handout a piece of paper with "Pakistani Citizen" stamped on it this will magically turn Afghans and Bangalis into Allama Iqbal's shairy reciting patriotic Pakistanis and all those years of hateful indoctrination against Pakistan and the myths of "evil" Punjabi army raping and killing 3 million Bangladeshis and stealing Afghan land will simply be forgotten by these Afghan and Bangali illegals who are simply here to economically leach on Pakistan.
Could you imagine how delighted Ashraf Ghani and Sheikh Hasina must be to be able to dump millions of their poor citizens into Pakistan while reducing their own poverty. They must be laughing at the immense stupidity of some Pakistanis.
That ugly Gremlin Hasina must have fell out of chair with laughter, no question about it, these folks know what we think of them, no way in hell they have any love for this land, this decison is abominable.Kudos
It is THEY who do not accept Pakistan. Do not forget this!
This is an affront to Pakistanis. To accept a people whose own country does not accept Pakistan.
Pakistan is also poor. She has her own poor to deal with.

Adding a few million to this is just foolish. Utterly foolish.

Making them citizens will not ease "ethnic" flames. Mark my words...

TO be human one needs to protect his own first.

To be human one needs to deal with a people who regard you as human...
Pakistanis are inferior subhumans who deserved to be ruled by the Noble Afghan....

You do realise, these people are already here, have been for decades and aren't being provided for out of a special fund, they're working and earning. The thing is today they're working as labourers or staff in shops etc, with ID their kids could get a proper education, perhaps then work better jobs, or own their businesses legally.

We did this whole deporting en-mass thing in AJK, it's not suddenly eutopia. We deported people who were born and raised locally, spoke mirpuri more fluently than pushto and had never even seen their "homeland".

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