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I have serious doubts about Jawaharlal Nehru's IQ

I have serious doubts about your IQ. Who gives a #uck about Nehru’s IQ.

Any indian spending all their free time spamming in this forum are essentially extreme untermensch to say the least to begin with.

"Especially the repeat accounts started after 2020 type"....that are obviously spam accounts of whichever earlier pink kabuki cretin.

i.e Filthy swine....but actually its offensive to swine in the end being compared to them.
Blunderboy Jawaharlal Nehru was vapid & superficial - he had no deep understanding about Bharat. I have serious doubts about his IQ: the inimitable Sanjay Dixit says it as it is


its clear now, Nehru had mental retardation problems
He was a genuis compared to the duffers who ran Pakistan soon after inception and even before. He was able to successfully keep Calcutta and Kashmir with India, took over Hyderabad. goa and Junagarh. And most of all carried out land reforms soon after independence to break the power and influence of landed gentry. Kept up the non-alignment pretense to get benefits form both power spheres.
Nehru is the difference between modern current India & India being 7x version of Pakistan. His affinity for Fabian socialism was a curse for India. Why do people think leaders have to get right everything correct ?
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