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Nehru and Congress betrayed Netaji

Only leader who was close to Netaji was Pandit Nehru infact it was Azad Patel and Gandhi who were always opposed to Netaji.It was Patel who argued hard over Netaji's attempt to get re-elected as Congress president in 1939. Sarat Chandra Bose, Subhas Chandra's brother, wrote a strong letter to Patel for allegedly carrying on a 'malicious and vindictive propaganda against the Bose.
Even in the Tripuri session of INC 1939 it was only Nehru who didn't resign from Congress Working Committee when all including patel azad rajaji prasad formed a group and resigned.To prevent Congress split Netaji himself resigned .But lately RSS and its rightwing propaganda machinery is very active to demolish Panditji's image.I know all people here including me hates congress dynasty but always remember it was Indira Gandhi who started this dynasty not Nehru. Panditji is the greatest Prime Minister India ever had. To see the difference he made just look at our neighbor Pakistan which was more prosperous land at the time of partition but irony the more Muslims are being killed in the country which was created for "Muslims".

1. When reports were rife of an impending return of Netaji after Japanese surrender, Nehru had famously stated."If Subash returns I shall be the first to confront him with an unsheathed sword." Nothing could have been sweeter to his British mentors' ears.

2. There has always been strong suspicion in SA that Nehru and Stalin had an evil deal about Netaji. Stalin would keep Netaji incarcerated secretly,and in return obtain strategic advantages from India.
1. When reports were rife of an impending return of Netaji after Japanese surrender, Nehru had famously stated."If Subash returns I shall be the first to confront him with an unsheathed sword." Nothing could have been sweeter to his British mentors' ears.

2. There has always been strong suspicion in SA that Nehru and Stalin had an evil deal about Netaji. Stalin would keep Netaji incarcerated secretly,and in return obtain strategic advantages from India.

If netaji returned, he would have got overwhelming support and probably would have led the nation post independence.

Nehru was just power hungry- he hung on to the PM chair till his death.
@vicky sen : This is an amazingly informative and educative thread about post Independence Indian History. Keep posting threads like this one bro :) Cheers !!!

@vicky sen : This is an amazingly informative and educative thread about post Independence Indian History. Keep posting threads like this one bro :) Cheers !!!

P.S : To Everyone--- Would have used my thanks button folks , but its malfunctioning , please don't mind.
Did You read the article???

"I had then a long talk with Attlee about the real grounds for the voluntary withdrawal of the British from India. I put it straight to him like this:
The Quit India movement of Gandhiji practically died out long before 1947 and there was nothing in Indian situation at that time which made it necessary for the British to leave India in a hurry? Why did you then do so?
In reply Attlee cited several reasons,
the most important of which are the activities of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose which weakened the very foundations of the attachment of the Indian land and naval forces to the British Government.
I also asked Attlee about the extent to which their decision to quit India was influenced by Gandhiji’s activities.
On hearing this Attlee’s lips widened in a smile of disdain and he uttered slowly, putting strong emphasis on each single letter: ‘MI-NI-MAL’.”

Bhai, I would rather not read too much into a Politician from Bengal supposedly quoting Clement Attlee over a conversation that he alone was privy to. Moreover, in 1976, Clement Attlee was no more to confirm or deny if he ever made such a quote. There is this popular rumour that Indira Gandhi said something like we'd taken revenge for 1000 years of Muslim rule in 1971. But unless such statements are expressly endorsed by the speakers themselves or corroborated by multiple accounts of eyewitnesses, they cannot be and must not be propogated as authentic quotes.
If Nehru could sell Netaji for his own interests, then why he can't backstab China back in 1962? When I google Netaji, he cooperated with Japanese Nazi to expel British. He is a freedom fighter, but he stands in the wrong line.
If Neheu could sell Netaji for his own interests, then why he can't backstab China back in 1962? When I google Netaji, he cooperated with Japanese Nazi to expel British. He is a freedom fighter, but he stands in the wrong line.
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